Part 28- Years passed

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Bella's Pov
I finally gave birth to my two beautiful princesses and the last thing I remembered was telling Alice to care and protect after my little ones in my absence because I could feel my energy slipping away so I didn't know how long I would be out or anything.

Later then all I felt was fire coursing through my whole body and it burned so much but I didn't have it in me to scream especially for my babies, Once I woke up I knew I was a vampire because...
A. I was in the transformation
B. I could see, hear, and smell things clearly
C. My throat was burning

"Bells!!!" A pixie squealed as she came up to me and hugged me tightly like very tight "hey Alice, umm what happened to me" I told Alice questioningly but I still hugged her back "well after you gave birth we talked a bit I promised to look after the princesses but your heart started giving up on you but I gave you cpr and compressions but nothing so I turned you, your daughters needed you and I just—I couldn't lose my best friend and sister again" Alice said getting sad and started sobbing on my shoulder.

"It's ok pixie" I told her and she took me out hunting and my eyes turned golden fairly quickly but that happened years ago you know.....

I was turned years ago right now I'm what 180 years old meanwhile the girls somehow are 14 years old and even have the body shape of a 14 year old but they're minds/brains have developed rapidly I mean they think and act of an older age.

So many things have passed throughout these years you know so let's properly get to know each other once again hi my name is Isabella Marie Swan you already know that but now I'm formerly Denali.

Yes Denali, the girls and I have stayed with the Denali's for years, we count each other as family, So our family the Denali changed well added Denali to our names, but as time flew by I told the family that it was time for the girls and I to leave and explore but we would stay in touch and visit as promised.

I just well me and the girls needed a new get away and a new start of course and right now these past few years I'd decided I wanted a job so now your looking at "Rocky Rocket" the amazing pop singer and my backup dancers/singers Andrea and Andrew, if your wondering yes they are also vampire's and we all live together in my house in the woods currently we are living here in Brazil and none of the girls/my family know that I am a singer I've kept it a secret throughout these years.

They ask what am I doing for a living so I just tell them I'm a teacher or something and they leave it at that, your wondering how am I keeping it a secret because of Alice well you see once I was turned into a vampire.......


"So... I didn't want to lose you again" Pixie said "Bella....Bella are you ok?" Alice said once again and waved her hand in front of my face "yea um thanks what were saying?" I questioned "that the girls deserved a mother and I just didn't want to lose you again your my sister after all" Alice said tearing up "that's odd" I said a couple seconds later. "What is???" She said questioningly "I don't know it's as if I already knew what you were going to say" I told her and she gasped in response and gave me an evil smirk at me.

Strange thing that happened next was Alice making a squinting face and the next thing I saw was her dressing me up, with heels and makeup all week so I groaned in annoyance "don't you even dare missy" I told her quickly "what do you mean I didn't said anything" she said pouting evilly "did too you planned on dressing me up for a whole week with makeup, dresses and those awful heels" I told her mad.

"Well that's a shocker cuz I never said anything and lets go hunting so you can meet the little princesses" Alice told me excitedly and grabbed me by the hand and dragged me outside of the house into the middle of nowhere. "Ok, somethings up so spill it" I told her as we stopped suddenly "ok ok fine, bells I think you can see the future" Alice said happily. "What but how?" I asked "I don't know maybe it's because I bit you but back there I planned on dressing you up and everything for a whole week and somehow you saw my plan, bells you saw the future" pixie said with a happy smile.

I was shocked obviously and we continued our hunt and I got to see my family once again and the same with my beautiful princesses.

End of flashback

Well as you saw well read, after Alice and I went back to the family we told them the news how I can now see the future for some reason everyone was shocked so Elizar checked his ability on me and for sure I could see the future but not only that I am a mental and physical shield meaning no one's powers can effect me but with practice I can expand my physical shield to protect others around me. Oh and I have the 5 elements and telekinesis which is quite cool if you tell me, my family was pretty shocked when Elizar told everyone about my powers and frankly I was also cause like damn that's so many if you tell me.

"Hey girls, it's time to leave I need to perform in the next half hour" I yelled from the living room "ok, I'm almost done" they both said "hurry cause Andrew and Andrea left like an hour ago and they texted an-" I was about to say until I got sucked into a vision and it was the girls and the guys and somehow they were at the concert but the girls weren't there so it was finally time.

"You know what girls I just got a vision and sorry but you won't be able to go, some friends of mine stopped by and it's finally time" I told the girls serious and they ran up to me "mommy, what's going to happen?" they both asked and hugged me tight "nothing, it's ok, it's just..... its time to tell the truth so today you might meet your grandpa and dad today also your aunties and uncles come by at the concert" I told them sincerely.

"Oh wow ok, but can't wait I miss my aunties and uncles" they both said excitedly "ok but before I leave I just want to tell you girls that I don't want you guys to treat your father differently, just because he left me it doesn't mean he didn't love me, he did, he just wanted to protect me from the world he lived in like how I told you girls years ago up until now" I told both nessie and Lizzy (renesme- Nessie Elizabeth- Lizzy) kissing them on the foreheads.

"We know mommy and we promise" both of my beautiful princesses said as they gave me a kiss "ok, so you girls will stay in your room until I tell you to come down because I will have to explain what happened and if you're hungry there's food in the fridge and if you're thirsty blood wise there's animal blood in the fridge also, and one last thing if you're in danger just talk to me through our mind link and I'll come as fast as I can" I told the girls and they nodded yes so I got into my car and drove off to my concert!

Thanks for reading it's been a while but just in case you forgot the girls names are Renesme Carlie Swan Denali Mason Cullen and Elizabeth Rosealice Swan Denali Mason Cullen but Renesme for short is Nessie and Elizabeth for short is Lizzy.

Yea I know the names are long but I guess I sort of like it in a way. But anyways I'll post the next chapter soon I promise :)

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