Part 21- Flashbacks from the past

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Bella's Pov
This past week has been amazing, I mean I'm hanging out with my family more everyday, we are playing jokes and pulling pranks on the family most of the family has gone overprotective towards me especially Rose for some reason but I don't mind really oh and months ago Emmett promised me we would pull a prank on Kate and well that's what we did, I couldn't come up with anything until I thought of calling her outside and once she opened the door water fell on her meanwhile me and Emmett we were hiding not that far and we began throwing her snowballs since it started snowing again.

It's been fun really me and Jasper have come closer really he doesn't look as pained like before he's more comfortable around me, we've talked about a lot who would've known we had some things in common, who would've known we would create this brother and sister bond because in random moments when I'm talking with someone he would come up to me and lay his arm around my shoulder, it's quite nice how I warmed up to him and the rest of the family.

~~time skip~~

A couple of weeks passed by since the guys came here to Alaska, so many things we have done the baby shower, party, campfires outside of the house, shopping or even do stupid games, we've had so much fun ever since but sadly it was time for them to leave.

Right now Alice and the rest (the Cullen's) are back at their house for two weeks now so they wouldn't drag my scent with them when they meet up with Carlisle and Edward back in Brazil I assume, we've FaceTimed, called and texted each other.

Today was the day they were leaving but I couldn't go drop them off so I called them and gave them my good byes and off they went.

Jasper's POV
Wow this month with Bella has been fun really, I've gone closer to Bella believe it or not I'm more comfortable with her for some reason, it's like I can control myself from Bella like thirst wise for some reason.

Oh you should've seen the funny fights and arguments Bella makes with everyone and I even recorded some and sent it to her and Alice, the baby shower was pretty fun especially some activities since me and Emmett we were challenging each other.

It was strange how Bella and Garrett have this bond like if they were lovers you know he's protective of her, he's sometimes by her side all the time and Kate doesn't feel jealous or anything and Bella reassures that she loves him like a brother which is true she was telling the truth and Garrett even said he's protective of her like if she's a little sister which was also a truth.

Oh and turns out me and Bella have some things in common and we also enjoy our presence with each other, I'm some what glad that this happened you know, we are getting closer by the day, we are having so much fun in each other's presence oh and Bella she's officially in our family I mean she's always been counted as family but now Bella and the girls are like "officially" in the family since Esme and Alice got the other Cullen crests made for the girls.

As I was saying if nothing of this never happened meaning us leaving and Bella getting pregnant we wouldn't be here together once again well most of us in a way, so far right now we are heading back to the house with Carlisle and Edward but since Alice told them a lie about me and Emmett buying Alice and Rose some jewelry so we had to go to the jeweler store and buy them whatever they wanted from there, we also bought something for Esme of course.

Edward's Pov
Ugh this month has been exhausting not physically obviously but since the girls, Jasper and Emmett left, Alice told me and Carlisle that I was going to become Carlisle's new intern at the hospital so that's what happened for this whole month I have been working by Carlisle's side ever since, we go to work together and come home together.

I mean I kind of clear my mind for a bit but I still get caught into my own mind thinking of Bella and how unfair I was when I left her but I left her so I could protect her from everything like from James, and what happened in her birthday, her being around us can be very dangerous for her safety no matter how small the mess up may be.

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