Part 31- I'm so sorry & Story time

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Bella's Pov
"Oh my god Gary!!! I'm so sorry" I instantly apologized and got off of him and helped him up "what the hell Bells, and wow Cullen's no help" Gary aka Garrett complained "um got caught up in the moment" Carlisle and Edward said meanwhile both Emmett and Jasper said "I wanted to see the fight plus I didn't know it was you."

"Well what are you doing here anyways and the family?" I questioned "we came to surprise you and since we found out about your concert we came and the rest must be getting things ready at the house" Garrett said "oh wow ok, wait how did you know about the concert and me" I questioned as I hugged him and he hugged me back like old times "Bells you lived with us, obviously we know how you sound like when you sing duhh" he said rolling his eyes.

"Well lucky you Garett, I had to find out in the concert" Alice said upset "girls it's ok you can come out now" I told my girls through our mind link "wait but there are two other scents? Who else is here?" Carlisle questioned until the girls came out and hugged me, but their faces were buried into my stomach hiding from everyone else.

"Girls it's ok it was your stupid uncle Garrett plus look auntie Alice, Rose, grandma Esme and even your uncles Jazzy and Em are here" I told them as I kneeled down to them and they kissed me on the cheek and turned around slowly until they saw the girls. "Grandma Esme, Auntie Alice and Rose" the girls squealed and went to hug the girls "hello my little pumpkins" both Alice and Esme said meanwhile Rose said hello my loves and they hugged each other.

"Well damn you girls grew up so fast" both Jasper and Emmett said as they picked up the girls and spun them around and they finally went to hug their uncle Garrett. Something unexpected happened though the girls went to hug Edward but they didn't say anything to him they just smiled at him and he hugged them back and then the girls went to Carlisle and hugged him "hello grandpa Carlisle" they both said smiling and Carlisle hugged them back but he had a questioning look on his face.

The girls finally went back to me and we were all facing each other until Carlisle noticed the necklaces "your necklace is it the-" Carlisle was about to say until Esme butted in "yes it is hun, I gave it to Bella a couple of decades back well when she was human, but she didn't want it because she felt it was wrong since it was your family heirloom but we didn't accept a no from her" Esme said with a smile.

"Let's go inside and I'll explain everything" I told them since it was getting late oh and did I mention the girls look so much like me and Edward I mean Renesme looks more like me and Elizabeth looks more like Edward, Lizzy is blondish with greenish eyes like Edward meanwhile Renesme she has my beautiful brown hair with blonde highlights and her eyes are a beautiful chocolate brown like mine when I was human.

"Girls I'm so sorry but it's getting late and it's time for bed so......." I said and ran to the fridge and poured the blood in two cups and handed them to the girls "good night everyone" the girls said as they ran up to their rooms and I followed behind "don't worry you'll see everybody tomorrow just go to sleep, I'm going to be here downstairs" I told them as I tucked them in "ok mommy" they both said as they kissed me on the cheek and I kissed them on their forehead "oh and mommy can you turn on our nightly music" the girls asked "sure" I said with a smile and turned there music and lowered it down a bit and went down with the family.

"I'm so sorry I had to go but I'm back now" I told everyone as I came downstairs and quickly washed the cups that were now empty and I joined everyone who was sitting in the sofas in the living room "Bella what happened to you, if I may ask?" Edward asked rubbing the back of his neck so I simply smiled a bit "well clearly I died" I said motioning to my body "but how and who turned you?" Carlisle asked worried.

"How? Well it's a long story and who" I said and looked at Alice with a knowing smile "ALICE!!!!" Both Edward and Carlisle yelled "shhh" I quickly shushed them "please keep it down please" I begged everyone "oh my, I'm so sorry I forgot" Carlisle quickly apologized "same here but Bella who are those little girls?" Edward asked "their mine and your daughters Eddie" I said while fidgeting with my fingers.

"what, but how?" This time both Carlisle and Edward asked confused "well as you know women vampire's are infertile well turns out male vampire's are not, you see the day when Edward took me to the woods he told me he didn't love me, that he used me as toy and such since he couldn't read my mind he was curious but a week or so later I started getting morning sickness so I counted my days from my last cycle and I haven't gotten it in a couple of days and I'm always on schedule." I said mainly towards Carlisle and Edward.

"But one day me and Edward extended our "rules" and did it so when you guys left a week later I was looking at myself in the mirror and I saw a slight bump on my stomach so I reached my stomach and surely something moved it shocked me to the least, I tried contacting you guys but nothing so I had no other choice so I wrote a letter to my mom and dad about me leaving and packed my essentials and along the way I found diamond incrusted flats all the way in my closet *cough* *cough* pixie" I added with a smile.

"After that I went and got on a flight but mid way through the flight I felt a kick so I for sure knew I was pregnant, the plane finally landed and I went to pay a visit to your cousins the Denali, I honestly didn't know where they lived but I got a taxi and he took me to the woods were big houses were and finally I got to the right one" I continued "when Bella came to our house we immediately knew it was her, you guys always talked good things about her and you even showed us a picture, we took her in as family and it was definite she was pregnant we could hear another heart beat." Garrett added into the story.

He came back, and I forgave himWhere stories live. Discover now