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Peter could barely keep his eyes open as he and Ned were sitting in the auditorium after decathlon practice

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Peter could barely keep his eyes open as he and Ned were sitting in the auditorium after decathlon practice. But that didn't keep him from noticing how Liam was talking to Liz Allen again. She was smiling up at him while sitting on her team-leader desk, her slender legs crossed in the most flattering angle and a hand running through her pitch-black hair. Liam grinned at her, his eyes sparkling with delight as he talked to her casually, hands buried in the pockets of his well-fitted dark jeans." He's good at making friends," Ned commented, stretching his legs while fumbling for a chocolate bar in the depth of his backpack. Peter nodded absently, eyes still on the couple as he sat between Ned and Michelle, who was currently reading in a worn-down copy of 'Of Human Bondage. "I should ask him if he could show me some tricks.", Ned continued and bit into his bar with a satisfying crunch. Michelle huffed, making both boys run to her. "Ridiculous," she pointed out, her gaze lifted from the book and roaming over Liz. " But surprisingly, I get was she sees in him." 

Ned crooked an eyebrow at her, and she quickly added: "Not that I'm into him. But I see the appeal." "he's good -looking.", Ned agreed, taking another bite unfazed by his best friend's strange side glance. "Yeah," Michelle rolled her eyes. " But first and foremost, he's actually nice and charming." She nodded at Liam. "He did not once invade her private space, not did he pester her in any way. He keeps his distance and listens.", she explained her observations. " And he looks good.", Ned repeated. On the other hand, Peter was now eyeing Liam instead of Liz, his gaze freely roaming over the older boy's slender frame. He had to admit that the way Liam held himself added to his unnatural beauty. He almost looked designed to please the eye how he stood there so calm with the sharp-cut jaw and infectious smile. He could easily outshine all the sports guys the girls usually aimed for, although being almost scrawny and of average high. Peter sighed wholeheartedly, then supported his chin with his palm. He was looking at the most attractive boy in midtown, and he completely understood what Michelle had talked about. And just like he sensed the pair of eyes on him, Liam caught his gaze and winked. Peter immediately felt the heat rise to his face as he flushed bright pink. Quickly, to save himself from further embarrassment, he spun around only to confront Michelle looking at him weirdly. But her attention only lasted for a second before he buried her nose into her book again. But something had been in her gaze, something rarely seen with Michelle Jones. A fond approval as if she knew something Peter didn't. "Why are you still here anyway?" Peter snapped at her. "Don't have anything better to do.", she shrugged. "You?" "Liam's driving us home.", Ned happily answered for his best friend. He was digging another tour in the fancy care regardless of the subway being way faster in a city like New York. Besides, he was hoping for the young agent to tell them some cool stories about his life as a Stark.
Peter heavily doubted that. "Ready to go?" the voice of Liam suddenly snapped him out of his thoughts, and he looked up to find the older boy grinning down at them. "Sure." again, Ned was the first to answer, and the two boys grabbed their things to join Liam, who had hoisted his backpack over one shoulder carelessly, his hands again in his pockets, this time in search of his keys. "Bye MJ," the boy smiled at the girl with the book, who just nodded in return, which was again an unfamiliar sign of Michelle Jones. Then the boys left. "Decathlon is more fun than I expected," Liam told them on their way through the empty hallways of midtown. "It's alright, I guess.", Peter mumbled, eyes on his sneakers as he was thinking again about the whole Liz Situation, still unsure if he liked it or not. "Peter almost quit.", Ned chatted away, earning another glare from his best friend in return. "I need all the time I can get for spiderman" Peter then quickly defended himself. But Liam didn't seem to care in the slightest as he just shrugged. "Your decision."
They reached the parking lot, the sleek black vehicle the only one left on it, and Liam unlocked it with a swift motion. Ned was quick to slide into the back, making himself comfortable on the middle seat. Peter sighed as he got in the passenger door to navigate Liam to where Ned lived.
Again the car was weirdly comfortable with its soft interior and the smooth voices out of the radio. Liam always kept the news station on. And Peter once again struggled to stay awake. Ned, on the other hand, had quickly surrendered and was now softly snoring in the back as the car made it through the traffic. "You should stay in the decathlon.", Liam suddenly said, eyes on the road and a frown on his face. " Should I?" Peter asked, raising an eyebrow. "Don't let this suit dictate your life.", the other boy responded, gazing at Peter lazily out of the corners of his eyes. " Besides, I would have to drop out as well. Just here for you, remember darling?" he then added with a smirk. Peter rolled his eyes, leaning his head against the cool window glass. "The block over there is Ned's," he then pointed out. Liam nodded and pulled over, parking rather illegally in front of the apartment building's main entrance. " Yo, Ned.", Peter called out, and a loud, hectic snore implied that his best friend had woken up. "Thanks for the ride." Ned quickly spoke up then hurried to get outside. As soon as he had entered the building, Liam pulled out at the street again. There were only a few blocks from Ned's to Peter's, so he soon parked again, this time on an actual parking spot.
Peter grabbed for his bag tiredly, then got out in a swift motion. As Liam wasn't following, he plopped his head back in: "You're coming?" The older boy smiled at him, then left the car himself, quickly closing up to Peter.
"My Aunt isn't home for a few hours. We could order some pizza.", Peter suggested as he unlocked his apartment door and pushed it open. " Sounds good.", Liam returned, his eyes taking in the comfortable space Peter and his aunt called home, having never seen anything like it before.

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