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"Liam...I'm stuck." Peter whispered, outstretching his hand towards his boyfriend, who took it in a heartbeat. Softly, Liam stroked over it. He was overwhelmed, his mind failing to find a way to get Peter out of this. He wasn't strong; he was fast and handy. If it were him under there, he would have squeezed himself out through a crack, regardless if that meant he had to break himself a bone or two.

But this was Peter, sweet, soft Peter. For a bulky teen like him, they would need to snap his collarbones. But Liam could never bring himself to hurt him like that. There had to be a different way. Peter must have seen the conflict in his eyes as he gulped heavily. "Go, save the plane. Come back for me later." "Fuck the plane, Peter! I'm not going anywhere without you.", Liam answered sternly. His mind was working, planning out different strategies, and predicting their outcome. Exactly one could work. But it would hurt and take everything out of Peter.

" You have to lift the debris yourself.", Liam told Peter his conclusion. "I can't," Peter whined. Liam robbed closer, putting his slender hand on his boyfriend's cheek. "You'll have to. You're spider-man, remember? You're an avenger. You can do everything with your powers. You don't need that damn suit or Tony nor me. You are the hero. You are strong. " Peter blinked at him.

"Do it.", Liam advised him once again. " You're spider-man.". Peter grunted as he tried to get himself into a better position. Everything was crumbling around him. He had to be fast. "I am spider-man," he echoed his boyfriend's words, and Liam stepped back, watching Peter slowly but surely get to his feet. He screamed in pain and agony, and the other boy was feeling with him. But he made it. His strength allowed him to shoulder all the weight long enough to get the big parts over him to move to the side.
Then it all crashed down beside him. He was free.

Coughing and panting, Peter made it out of the cloud of dust and into his boyfriend's arms, who happily squeezed him, showering the crown of his head with kisses. " I knew it. You're the strongest avenger.", he purred, a few little tears of joy escaping. They took that short, tender moment for themselves; the,n Peter remembered his mission again.

"We got to get the vulture!" he told Liam, detaching himself from the other boy. " Oh,I will shoot that motherfucker from the sky," Liam growled lowly. Messing with his boyfriend's safety and his family's remains meant revenge. Taking his hand, Peter dragged him out of the ruin and back onto the street. Their eyes were glued to a building in the distance, where a dark shadow similar to a massive bird was sitting on top off. The Vulture. "I'll get him," Peter grimly announced. " I can get you up there."

This was the moment Liam had been waiting for. He clapped the heels of his hefty boots together like he was Dorothy wanting to go home,e and a buzzing was audible as a liquidy metal covered the shoes in black, iron armor. Unlike Tony's full body suit, its primary purpose wasn't to protect but to fly. A miniature Arc reactor powered the micro engine in the sole of his boots that made Liam hover in the air. Peter's mouth was wide open in aw. "What is that?". " Well, It's nothing special, just a little project I was working on in secret. Unfortunately, I am no Ton,y so this thing might explode into our faces. But I can give you a lift. Just hang on tight.", Liam explained with a smile, gesturing for Peter to put his arms around hi. At the same time,e he configured a small display that had appeared on his arm out of a thin, metallic bracelet.

"Pray for us.", he chuckled, then pressed another button.
As if they had been shot from a canon, the two boys shot into the sky, aiming right at Toomes like a rocket. But as if the man had sensed them, he was jumping off, causing the boys to miss him closely. In sync, Peter shot his web at the right-wing while Liam threw his special cord around the other. Like Christmas ornaments, the two teens dangled from the bird as he darted towards the Stark Industries plane that had just flown off from the Avengers tower. Toomes's target. Liam's boots stabilized his flight while Peter was dragged right through the clouds like a ragged doll. It was freezing up here, and Liam was glad as they finally made contact with the plane. He quickly attached his cord to it while Peter was smashed against the surface like a bug to a windshield. Under their eyes, Toomes's wings folded themselves together, detaching themselves from Toomes, and the man attached the matte phase shifter to the plane, climbing right through its portal into the cargo.

The boys looked at each other, their minds forming the same plan. They both moved to follow the man, Liam's spy tech proving itself even more helpful as Peter's natural stickiness. The spider-man lost his grip and slid out of Liam's view. The teen panicked, fearing his boyfriend had fallen into his inevitable death, but a few seconds later, he could make out Peter's hands clinging to the plane, a thumb up telling him that he was alright. Liam let out a heavy sigh, then signaled to Peter that he would enter. Smoothly and without a single sound, he lifted his body through the portal, seating himself in a preying position that was so similar to a widow's fighting pose, then cautiously crept forward.

No sign of Vulture in the loading area; he must have reached the cockpit. Luckily, the plane was flying on an auto-pilot, so no human life was in danger. He needed to save it. Step by step, he worked his way towards the winged villain, his breath shallow, heartbeat steady. His entire body was tense and ready for the fight, moving like a big cat on the hunt. This was it. This was what he knew best. Slowly, his hand reached down towards the holster at his leg, leaving the Baretta and grabbing the hilt of his knife instead. Quick and precise. Liam wasn't Peter. If necessary, he wouldn't hesitate to kill.

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