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The very same Night, Peter sat on his bed starring at the hologram model of the city his web-shooter projected into the air

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The very same Night, Peter sat on his bed starring at the hologram model of the city his web-shooter projected into the air. The tracking marker hadn't moved for hours, leaving the teen utterly bored. He just couldn't focus on anything else right now, his mind was too set on all the possibilities of why the tracker and stagnated in its place. Frustrated he closed his eyes for a brief moment. Being a superhero really sucked sometimes. All the waiting and uncertainty mixed with all the expectations he had on the mission and himself. The urge to finally prove himself as a worthy hero was growing stronger with each day. And so did his inner restlessness. Ned was supposed to be here with him right now. He was the optimist of the two. He could lift the spirits. But he hadn't turned up yet.  

Right as he let out another heavy sigh, soft tapping against the glass of his window made him perk up. Alarmed he rose from his position. Someone had climbed the fire escape all the way up to the fifth floor and he had no idea who. Maybe they found him, followed him all the way through the city home. Aunt May could be in danger. Another tap, this time more aggressive.  Peter remained frozen in his spot. Maybe if he didn't move they would just go away, thinking he was still out.  But he should prepare himself anyways. He quietly outstretched his wrist with the web-shooter attached to it. Just in case he would be attacked or had to attack himself.The tapping stopped but was shortly after replaced with a single cracking sound barely audible to Peter. Then, slowly but surely, the window was slid open.

 "Thank you very much, Peter.I appreciate the help.", Liam muttered, annoyed while climbing into the room. He landed on his feet silently and immediately started to look around with curiosity. He'd never been in another teenager's room. And to be honest, he was pretty disappointed with what he was looking at. Everything was grey or blueish with simple furniture and decor.It looked straight out of a rom-com, his academic and comic books splattered around the room were the only sign of Peter actually living here. "This is the most generic teen room ever.", he stated bluntly. Then his eyes fell on Peter, who was already in his pj's and still speechless, taken by surprise by the teen's unexpected arrival. "Really took you for the sleeping in boxers type.", Liam grinned, trying to defuse the tension that was becoming unbearable to him, while zipping open his black hoodie and lazily tossing it onto the office chair by the cluttered desk. "I'm kind of disappointed, to be honest." Still grinning, he hopped onto the bunk bed and took the web shooter in his hands Peter had left behind.  

"Something interesting happened?" he asked, looking up from the blue flickering hologram at the other boy. "Not really.", Peter finally spoke up, eyeing the older boy skeptically. It was weird to see him here in his room especially given he never mentioned his address. On the other hand, getting his hands on a piece of information like that was probably way easier than he wanted it to be.   "That's why you here?"  "Either that or I wanted to see your pretty face again." Liam rolled his eyes with slight annoyance."Of cause I came to see if something happened." Peter could feel the heat rushing to his face as he blushed. Of course, that was why Liam was here. For a moment he really had thought he had made the way here just to tease him again. Trying to overplay his awkwardness, Peter huffed, then took a seat beside the agent. "There's still in Brooklyn.", he pointed out the obvious, earning a glare from the agent for it. "No shit, sherlock." 

"Maybe they found the tracker.", Peter used the opportunity to share his biggest concern. "Most unlikely." Liam shook his head resolutely. "There's no way they are smart enough to locate such advanced spy gear. I watched Ben develop it." "Ben?" Peter asked. "Benjamin Stark.", Liam said while raising an eyebrow at the younger boy's ignorance. "Did Stark never tell you both brothers worked on your suit?" Peter shook his head, blushing even more. He really didn't know that. He had never paid the other Stark brother any mind. "Oh kid, you have so much to learn.", the other sighed. "Don't call me kid; you're not much older than me!" Peter hissed, annoyed at Liam's unusual pissy attitude. He liked his joking way more. "This isn't about age, darling. It's about the experience.", the agent chuckled fondly at the younger's outburst as if he had sensed Peter's distaste. "But I like your feisty side.", he added, winking, which caused Peter's face to turn a darker shade of pink. It was starting to upset him how well Liam had learned to push his button in such a short time. So he snatched the web-shooter from Liam's grip, which just caused the teen to smirk at him even more smugly.

 "They moved to Staten Island.", Peter mentioned, trying to pull himself together again while stoically looking at the map. Maybe if he wasn't responding, Liam would stop with whatever he was doing to him. "I don't think you can move them with your mind.", Liam chuckled, obviously highly amused. "I don't want to miss a single thing.", Peter snapped back. But instead of responding, he caught the other teenager tense out of the corner of his eye. "Someone's coming.", he whispered, causing Peter to close the map and try to look as normal as possible. Then the door opened, revealing Ned, who looked puzzled between the two, then entered. "Sorry I'm late, my mom wanted my help with something. What's he doing here? I thought it would be just the two of us." "He invited himself." Peter rolled his eyes but was very glad his best friend had finally arrived. That meant less weirdness with Liam. Or at least that was what he thought. But Liam just grinned beside him as deviously as ever. "Did you really think you could have all the fun without me?" he sassed while leaning back provocatively.  "I'm expecting pillow fights and girl's chatter.", he added with a glimmering look towards Peter. The younger boy rolled his eyes at that again. Then he turned to his best friend, explaining the situation: "Nothing happened so far. They were driving from Brooklyn to Staten Island. Nothing major." "Cool.", Ned shrugged before he made himself comfortable on the floor to unpack his things.

 "I brought snacks and a few ideas for our partnership .", he said while pulling bag after bag of chips out of his backpack. "Want some?" he asked Liam, offering one of the bags. "Hell yeah!" the older answered and grabbed it, ripping it open with joy."Save to say, Ned's my favorite out of you two.", he exclaimed between bites. "I could be your guy in the chair too.", Ned offered with a wide smile. "Dude!" Peter hissed indignantly. Ned was supposed to be on his side only. "You never wanted me as yours.", his best friend reminded him, and Peter couldn't argue with that. "Sorry, bro, but I think people would be offended." Liam turned the offer down with an apologetic smile. "But you can tell me where you got those incredible chips.", he added while popping another chip in his mouth. "They're from the Asian market across the street.", Ned told him with a smile. He had always found joy in making new friends. But very similar to Peter, rarely anyone ever wanted to become his friend. That was why the two friends stuck together. 

"I haven't had something that good in months!", Liam exclaimed happily. "Just the right amount of spice, right?", Ned beamed. "It's like the perfect taste!", Liam agreed and while the two started a rather bubbly conversation about food,  Peter laid on his back, watching the tiny blue marker move on the map, his eyelids getting heavier and heavier until he finally dozed off to sleep.

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