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It was Friday, the morning of the prom, and everything was going as planned

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It was Friday, the morning of the prom, and everything was going as planned. The whole school was excited, and last-minute proposals splattered Peter's way to the cafeteria. He was about to meet his boyfriend. Of course, nobody was supposed to know about their relationship just yet, and the secrecy just made his belly tingle even more with butterflies. There was a bounce to his step, the confidence he had never displayed as Peter Parker before. Everything was wonderful. Until he was stopped by Michelle, not far off his destination.

"Ey," she called out, slouching against a wall. Peter came to a halt next to her, beaming at the girl expectingly. He was considering her a friend by now, but her face wasn't looking friendly at all. Her brown eyes held that distance to them again, telling him something was off about her. And she didn't need long to make clear what that was: "You're taking Liz to prom? What are you thinking?" she demanded to know, and Peter's smile faltered in confusion. "I thought she needed a date, and I needed someone to go...so why not go together." he
stammered. Michelle rose to her full height, intimidating the boy with her stiffness. "You were supposed to go with Liam! If he's hurting because of you, I'll put your head in a microwave!" she exclaimed, slowly but very clearly, letting her gaze wander over his frame like he was just a stick figure. And Peter believed every word of her threat. Thank god, he wasn't hurting anyone.

" Relax, he didn't want to go. ", he quickly assured, gesturing with his hands in an afford to look even more truthful than he was. "How come?" she tilted her head, less belligerent but not fully convinced either. Peter's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "We're going to meet up afterward. We're dating now." he awkwardly but proudly revealed his secret. There was a spark in her eyes and suddenly ly she went back to normal. "cool.", she nodded. "Are you on your way to meet him for lunch?" Peter nodded. "Cool. Let's go", she shrugged and began walking. Peter quickly caught up to her. "But please don't tell anyone. It's not out there yet, you know, us being gay and stuff.", he asked her in a whisper.

"Peter, to whom do I talk beside you idiots?" Michelle rolled her eyes.  "Cool. You're the first one who knows, actually.", Peter happily babbled. "I knew all along.", she responded as they entered the cafeteria. Liam was already waiting on their usual table, feet propped up on an extra chair lazily while sipping on diet coke. He was marvelous. "You're drooling," Michelle warned him, then went for her spot at the table that was opposite of the older teen, who grinned at her cheekily. " Why do you look flustered, Mj?" Liam asked, teasingly having sensed a difference in her behavior Peter had missed. "I'm not. Just tired of this prom bullshit." she shrugged once again, pulling out the homemade lunch of her messenger bag.  Liam hummed, not believing her. But he let it slide as he caught Peter's gaze. The boy had been watching him closely. "Yo Pete, do you have a suit yet?" the older asked out of the blue. "May rented one." Peter nodded, sitting down next to him. Liam rose an eyebrow.

"Does it fit?" he slid over the tray of food he had gotten for Peter, and his boyfriend contently grabbed a french fry. "Good enough. Better than I expected to be honest."  That was true. It had been a challenge to find something that fit his weirdly shaped physique. He wasn't exactly tall, but that wasn't unusual. But due to his spider transformation, he was buff. So the arms and legs of the suit he had chosen were a bit too long. Nothing a safety pin couldn't fix, though. Liam took another sip, holding the eye contact a bit longer, and Peter could proudly declare he was getting better at not squirming under that specific stare. Liam had noticed that, too, as the corner of his lips curled upwards in appreciation.

Or maybe it was because of the surprise Peter found later, as he returned home. A sleek, black box was waiting for him as he entered the apartment, a curious May already beside it. "You got a delivery.", she explained with a wiggle of her eyebrows. Peter immediately knew who had sent it. There was just one person that would get him something packaged that bouge. And that made his stomach bubble in excitement once again. Carefully, he lifted the lid. A musty smell of exquisite perfume greeted his nostrils, then black packaging paper was revealed with tiny golden logos on it.

  May, next to him, squealed in excitement.
"That's what I call an apology.", she said as Peter gave a weird look. "Mr. Stark sent it. His nice driver delivered it himself.", she explained. Peter pretended as he agreed. She didn't need to know that this was not the Stark she assumed it to be. So Peter unwrapped the gift further, his hands feeling something incredibly soft. As he pulled the item out, it was revealed to be a black blazer made out of velvet with the matching pants at the bottom of the box. It was way too expensive for him. But sometimes told him that Liam wouldn't take no to answer.

"Try it on!" May insisted. Peter quickly stripped off his sweater, putting it on over his physics t-shirt. It fitted like a glove. "You look very handsome." his aunt smiled at him.  "Funny, how it looks just made for you." And from all Peter knew, it was precisely that. Overwhelmed, he stopped in front of the nearest mirror. He really did look good. He could only imagine the complete look. Why was it no surprise to him that Liam knew his measurements better than him?  He eyed the suit closely, highly content how it flattered his frame, a slight smile appearing on his lips. He couldn't wait to show his boyfriend that he could look splendid too. May watched her nephew with a soft smile, and as their gaze met through the mirror, Peter was sure she was holding back a tear. "Tonight is going to be your night.", she declared. Peter couldn't agree more.

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