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"Wait, what do you mean, FBI?", Peter asked irritated

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"Wait, what do you mean, FBI?", Peter asked irritated. " The FBI is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.", Karen explained happily."I know what the FBI means, but what are they doing here?" Karen couldn't answer a wing busted out of the truck, making everyone's attentions turn to it. The boss thug was back and wearing his full vulture suit. The agents shot at him while Peter and Liam stared in hate and revelation. Just for a moment, then Peter tried to evacuate the area. "Get out of the way! Get out the way!" he called out, waving with his arms.

The vulture wasn't waiting for him to succeed. He fired his high-tech weapon, dragging a car and throwing it at the FBI agents. "Look out, look out, lookout. Move!move!move!" Peter continues his affords while shooting a web at Liam, swinging him away from the danger zone, just in time as Vulture hits him with his weapon, causing him to fall into the water. But the other teen wasn't going to hang from the roof, waiting for Peter to appear again. He had a knife and quickly cut himself out of his cocoon, immediately sprinting to the side of the ferry to look for Peter.
Meanwhile, the vulture continued to fire energy blasts around like a berserker.

"Get to the top deck; we're getting out of here!" he called to his crew. But Peter was back shooting a web at Vulture's leg, using all his strength to pull at it. The villain hid behind his massive metal wings that protected him from the bullets flying through the air shot by a very pissed Liam to distract from Peter, every single one bouncing off where his head would have been. The vulture was as equally pissed and shot back, but Liam dodged easily, reloading his gun. One of the purple blasts hit a seating area, dangerously close to the civilians. To prevent the vulture from doing further damage, Peter attached a car to the web on his legs, weighing him down. He was immediately shot at but dodged the hit as quickly as the young agent, leaping to the upper deck while shooting more webs. Having from vulture's suit, Peter swung over the water. Vulture leaped into the air, firing at Peter, then cut the web with the blades of his wings.

But Peter shot another web at the barrel of Vulture's high-tech weapon, clogging it." Activate Tase Web!" the boy advised Karen, and electricity traveled up the strand of web, yanking the gun away. It bounced around the deck wildly, but Peter managed to catch it with more of his spiderweb. "You're messing with things you don't understand.", Vulture growled. The unthinkable happened as the vulture's weapon's laser beam broke up into multiple, delicate rays that cut through the upper seating area, narrowly missing the frightened passengers. Vulture himself rose up in the air, dodging the blasts as they shot into the sky. One of his team sprinted towards an upper deck and jumped onto his boss's back, leaving their mates behind in the mess they had caused.

Peter didn't had the time to do anything to stop them as the rays continued to slice through the length of the ferry. Soon after, they vanished as if they had never existed. For a moment, there was silence, then jets of water entering the cargo bay started to split up the ferry. " Oh my God, What do we do?" Peter asked, landing next to Liam. It was the first time the other boy had no answer for him. "Karen, uh, give me an X-ray of the boat and target all the strongest points" Peter turned to Karen. The suit immediately did as demanded, and highlights of the structure appeared on his display. He shot Liam one last look, who nodded, then Peter leaped into the air. In a desperate try, he started to plaster the highlighted points with different kinds of his web, tumbling back and forth on the upper part of the ferry, connecting the ship. He dodged flames and water, trying several strands of the web together for even more support.This had to work. Reaching the bow, he crouched on the edge of the roof, eyeing the two leaning half as of the ferry that were crisscrossed with his spiderweb. "Great job, Peter. You are 98 percent successful.", Karen cheered, analyzing what he had done. Peter tilted his head.

" Ninety-eight?" "Yeah, spider-man!", someone cheered but Peter just noticed the web strands beginning to snap." "No, no, no, no!" Again, water flooded the cargo hold, pushing the cars forward. People clung to posts as the stream rushed past them. The gap widened as the web strands continued to snap one by one. Even more desperate, Peter leaped into the air, grabbing a thread and shooting another. Arms outstretched, he was now hanging between the two sides, holding them together with his superstrength. His muscles ached, pain ran through every part of his body. From the deck, Liam watched as Peter ached. It wasn't perfect. He knew the boy would eventually snap himself of nothing would help him.
Speaking of help, suddenly, the two sides started to move towards each other, releasing Peter from his torture. "What the hell?" Peter and Liam asked simultaneously. The spider-man landed gently next to the other teen, both of them looking around puzzled.

This was when Iron Man rose into view. " Of course.", Liam mumbled, but this time he was actually glad to see the suit. "Hi, Spider-Man. Band practice, was it?" Hovering outside, he held up one half of the boat. Drones arrived and attached themselves to the other half; thrusters propelled the two halves of the ferry forward and joined them back together. Iron Man looked at the two boys through the window, clearly disappointed, then flew off. The boys immediately run after him, eventually catching up in the cargo hold where Iron Man was welding the ship back together. "Uh, Me Stark? Hey, Mr.Stark.Could I do anything? What do you want me to do?", Peter asked filled with guilt? " I think you've done enough.", the Iron Man told him off. Then he turned towards his son:" Get him out of here. We'll talk about this."

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