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A ringing in his ears greeted Peter as he came back to consciousness

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A ringing in his ears greeted Peter as he came back to consciousness. Every part of his body was screaming in pain; there was fire everywhere around him. This was a disaster. He could hardly peel himself off the sand, the aggressive ringing fighting his balance and almost defeating it. But he had to get up; he had to find Liam, had to know if he had survived the crash. With the most significant struggle, he managed to get to his feet, form wavering with every week step as firsthand to get through him as if he had cotton in his ears. He peeked around, taking in the flames and rubble littering the beach.

He squinted his eyes as he noticed a figure lying by the plane's body that did not seem to move. Panic rose in him, his heart drumming against his rips. That couldn't be. He turned to move over but right as he made his first step, a swishing sound let him look over his shoulder directly as the vulture crashed into him with mighty force, taking him to the ground again. And there it came back, his hearing, letting him in on the horrifying screeches and howling of sizzling flames and molting metal. He gasped, jumping to his feet much more accessible than before, his gaze firmly watching the villain dealing with his damaged wings before turning to him.

"Hey Pedro," Peter did not know if he felt fear, but his body shivered as the monster neared. He just knew that the stats were high, that he was in the eyes of a murderer, and he needed to stop him. Vulture leaped at him, but his reflexes protected him from any impact as his form ducked away. But the villain struck a second time, now grabbing the boy by the chest, metal claws digging into his flesh. Peter screamed in pain and frustration as he was hit in the face repeatedly
before being lifted into the air and thrown around like a bird caught by a cat. He was sure he was about to die; there was no way he could survive this. He was screwed.

His body hit the sand; the air was pressed out of his lungs. But if he had to die, he would die looking at his murderer, defeated but haunting the man's mind forever with live lapse from his eyes. So he bundled his last strength to turn himself around; laying on his back, he stared mercilessly at the vulture. And the villain raised a wing to stab. As the metal spike came down at him, Peter couldn't help but close his eyes, his heroic resolutions forgotten. He was just a bo,y after all, a child that had barely lived. He wished Stark would come to save him, that everything was just a test and no harm would come to him or Liam.

A tear rolled down his face just thinking about his boyfriend alone, perhaps consumed by the flames already. This was not how his story was supposed to end. He wasn't stabbed but lifted by the color of his suit again, yet his body remained lifeless as if he had just died. Peter Parker, Spider-man, had given up. Toomes moved him around, his limps wiggling like a puppet, then he spotted a glowing box right behind them. "Bingo," the villain exclaimed, letting the boy drop like a waste on the streets and tugging off his mask. Toomes had found what he wanted and approached it without taking any safety precautions. Peter watched as the man tried to lift his prey with his robotic limbs, which sparked dangerously.
"Your wingsuit! Your wingsuits are going to explode!" Peter called out desperately, but Toomes did not hear him and continued his affords while his suit began to glow bright blue as its energy core was about to go off. Peter could not let him die like that; he could never forgive himself. So he lifted his throbbing arm and shot a web at the box, pulling it towards him with all his might. " Time to go home, Pete" vulture told him to let it go, feeling like he had succeeded over the hero, but Peter remained stubborn. "I'm trying to save you!" And the inevitable happens, the wingsuit explodes midair, the shock wave smashing Toomes to the ground and pressing Peter in the sand.

"No!" Peter screamed as he jumped up and ran to the crash site, hoping there was still a life he could save. Toomes was buried under his broken wings, the metal sizzling hot to the touch, but Peter moved them aside regardless, recovering the unconscious man from his deadly prison and carrying him to safety. He found a spot where he could leave him for now, then marched right into the danger zone again, finally to find his boyfriend, praying he wasn't dead yet.

And as he reached the place from where he had spotted Liam earlier, he could see a figure panting heavily but having dragged himself from the fire.

" Liam!" Peter called out in relief as he ran over to the laying boy, who grinned at him brightly as Peter fell to his knees at his side. But the moment of delight was cut short as Peter could make out clearly that the other boy wasn't as unharmed like himself. His breathing was shallow, and his hand clutched his chest, but those green eyes twinkled as usual. "You're hurt.", Peter whispered, taking Liam's free hand softly in his. "It's not that bad. I had worse.", Liam responded with a light chuckle.

"You're in pain?" Peter wanted to know, his eyes roaming his boyfriend's body  searching for any bleeding or twisted limps.
"Nah, don't worry about me. I had worse." Liam shrugged, lifting his hand from his chest and using it to stroke his boyfriend's cheek lovingly. " Everything will be all right. You did it.", he emphasized, and Peter leaned in to press his forehead against his.

"You did it," Liam repeated quietly, then lifted himself lightly so that he could connect their lips in a passionate kiss filled with relief and happiness. Peter felt warm and tingly as if he had just conquered the world as his beautiful and very alive boyfriend continued to kiss him as if his life depended on it. He only let go as the voice became audible in the distance as the Stark Team approached to inspect the damage. Liam gently pushed him away, looking into his boyfriend's eyes firmly, "Go. Happy is here. Get yourself out of here."
"I don't want to leave you behind," Peter shook his head violently, pressing Liam's hand.
"You don't. You're continuing for me. Go home, cuddle May. I'll be with you in no time", Liam purred, stroking his cheek again. Peter was torn, his gaze wandering between Liam's face and the distant figures on the beach. " Go," Liam repeated.

And he watched as Peter decided to obey him, peeking Liam's lips a final time than leaped of right in time before Happy made it through the smoke. He immediately recognized the boy on the ground and sprinted to his side. "I really hope you brought an ambulance. There's a rip piercing my lung and I'm pretty sure it will collapse any second now", the boy chuckled as if it was the most natural thing in the world, causing Happy to panic and the man turned around, screaming for the paramedic.

Liam blacked  out with a grin on his lips and the picture of Peter's smile in his head while his boyfriend,watched the scene in horror from a afar as the paramedics hurried to get the boy to a hospital. Spider-man had defeated the vulture but now he was fearing for his sidekick's life once again.

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