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He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings as he entered the school

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He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings as he entered the school. His mind was racing around what Toomes had said. He could see his friends on the dancefloor, Michelle flipping him off while Ned waved in excitement.

This wasn't right. He couldn't dance while the vulture was out there. Like a robot, he walked towards Liz, who was standing out with her red dress. This was a dream come true, but Peter couldn't bring himself to be excited about it."What did he say to you?" the girl asked him, having read his shocked facial expression. "I need to go," he said quietly. " I'm sorry. You don't deserve this." With this, he turned around, running out of the room and following his urge to fight the vulture. He stripped his suit while rushing down the hallway towards his secret we fluid stash that also contained his very first, very self-made spider suit.

He should have known that Toomes didn't trust him. As soon as he was outside, an electro shook hit him, throwing him right off his feet. The man from the ferry with the two shockers gauntlets walked closer. "He gave you a choice. You chose wrong", he told the boy who was aching on the floor. That blow had hurt like hell. " What the hell?" Peter breathed out, surprised by the man's presence. "What's with the crappy costume?" the criminal tackled teasingly. Peter was in a terrible position as his web-shooters had flown through the hair and landed a few feet away. He had to get them.

While the other charged his next blow, he made a run for them. But the criminal just hit a school bus, sending it right onto Peter, who was struck by the back and thrown through the air, crashing against another busses windows. So much for fighting in a school parking lot. Peter got to his feet, just to get hit again, this time flying through the front window all the way to the back of the bus. With a groan, he landed on the floor. This was not going how he had planned it. Just as Peter noticed the amount of gum sticking to the underside of the seats, the bus was thrown over, turning all the way until it stopped lying into his roof. Peter was feeling dizzy as he stumbled out the back.

He fell to the ground, lying there on the concrete, hurting without a weapon to defend himself. This wasn't good. "Why did he send you here?" Peter wanted to know in the hopes of distracting the criminal long enough to getaway. " Guess we'll never know" was the disappointing answer, and Peter tried to crawl away faster, ready for another shock to hit his aching body. But it never did.

As he looked up, he saw his own webs clothing the gun, shot by none other than Ned himself. "Nice shot!" Peter called out, jumping to his feet. His best friend passed him we shooter proudly, and Peter webbed the crime against one boss finally, he got someone to tell his misery to. " Ned, the guy with the wings is Liz's dad." "What?" Ned exclaimed in shock. " I know. I have to tell Liam. Call him and Happy Hogan..well..give me your phone, call Happy. Take the landline. And ah, get a computer and track my phone for me." Ned quickly passed Peter his smartphone, and the spider-man was already leaping off. Infill swing, he managed to dial Liam's number. Thankfully, the boy was quick to answer the phone. "Ned? What's up, buddies?" "Birdman is Liz's father! I'm on my way to catch him!" Peter breathlessly explained to his boyfriend.

" Ok, I'm on my way. Location?" "My phone is in his car!" "Impressive. Give me a minute; I'm pinning it down." "I'm switching to group all!" Peter announced as he saw Ned was calling him. Between swings, he invited his friend into the call. "Ned, Liam is on his way. Did you get Happy?" "No, he isn't answering. But I got a computer and am looking right at your phone's tracking results." "Perfect.", Peter told him, his attention already on something else. He needed a ride. And he was looking right at Flash Thompson's convertible.

" Ey, Liam..can you teach me how to drive?" "Sure, but isn't it the wrong time for a question like that?" his boyfriend replied, puzzled. " I mean like right now. I'm stealing Flash's car." He could hear Liam chuckle while Peter slid into the driver's seat, ignoring Flash's protest. "Ok...step on the coupling, it's the pedal at the left, turn the key, slowly lift your feet!" Liam advised him, and Peter did as he was told. The engine roared and yelped forward. " Other foot on the throttle on the right, the brakes are in the middle. Try not to kill the engine; that costs time. Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times! The headlights switch is on the left. You can do it." Liam quickly ran down the basics as best as he could, and Peter nodded along as he could see him.

More than clumsily, Peter managed to make some speed and rush through the street. With squeaking wheels, he drifted around corners. "When this is over, I'm giving you lessons." he could hear Liam cringe at the other end of the line while Ned navigated him through the city. "I've never really driven before...", Peter tried to defend himself in front of his boyfriend then remembered this wasn'the time for that. But on a sidenote, driving lessons with Liam sounded way more fun than the once he had had with May in the parking lot.

" You're almost there.", Ned announced, almost crushing Peter's focus on the road. "I'll need a few more minutes," Liam commented on that.Peter could hear the roaring of his fancy car in the background."Please don't get yourself killed.", Liam almost begged. Peter gulped.He had never heard him that serious. How far?", he choose to change the subject, directly addressing Ned again." The car stopped in an old industry park in Brooklyn.", his friend answered. "That doesn't make sense! I thought he was going out of town!" Peter called out in frustration. " Well, he lied.10minutes tops, and I'm there.", Liam threw in.

"Oh, and I reached Happy. I don't think he likes you, by the way. It sounded like he was catching a flight. He said something about taking off in nine minutes." "What?" Peter was perplexed. Why was Happy leaving? "A bunch of boxes surrounded him." "Moving day! That bitch wants to hijack the motherload!" Liam called out in relization. " Peter's eyes got wide at the thought of all the things Happy was currently moving.

"He's gonna rob that plane! I have to stop him!"

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