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Tony looked at Liam

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Tony looked at Liam. Liam sighed. He could think of better places to be. Peter's bed, for example. This was just awkward. Somehow, Stark had deemed this situation serious enough to deal with it himself. Or at least partly himself as a happy was still the one driving while the two of them sat in the backseat. When Tony looked at him that way, Liam could never read his intentions. This stare could just mean so many different emotions; it was best to wait and see before making a move.

"Are you ok?" Tony spoke up for the first time since he had pulled the boy into the car.

" I'm fine. Just bruised my wrist." Liam shrugged. "Show me.", the Iron man leaned forward, holding out his hand. With another sign, Liam held his wrist out. Tony expertly inspected it, rotating it in different directions to see if it was broken. It was not, so much Liam had found out himself. He was irritated by sudden affection, though. " Maybe I should rethink the web or add a special rescue shooter that wraps around the whole body in time to prevent injuries.", Tony spoke to himself. He was always discussing projects and changes with himself. He was his biggest fan as well as the harshest critic. When he was content, his brother was the next on the list. And somewhere way down was Liam. That went for all priority lists Tony had in his mind. At least Liam liked to think that.

Tony seemed to have chosen one of the options as he let out a content huff and let go of Liam's arm. He adjusted himself in his seat, then spoke up again. "Pepper will be pleased to see you have survived without a scratch. She has been following the news during the incident." "I didn't mean to make her worry." Liam crossed his arms over his chest, holding onto himself in an attempt to make the nagging guilt in his guts disappear. He never wanted Pepper to worry about him. But he had known about the risk and had willingly taken it. " Of what I heard, it was Peter responsible for all this." Toby gestured with his hands wildly. "Peter saved us.", Liam shot back, a sudden rash of anger replacing the guilt. The two of them knew well enough that it wasn't Peter's fault. Not entirely. And Liam would not tolerate Tony blaming the boy for everything.

"But he was also the one causing the explosion. I don't think Ned Leeds carries around a Chitauri energy core daily just because he feels like it", Tony responded calmly.
"Those things turn up in the strangest of places. You got one as a doorstopper.", Liam pointed out. It was true; Tony had an extraordinary way to cope with his traumata. He repurposed things that held a particular horror as something ordinary. So they never had to buy bookends or door stoppers ever again. Tony huffed: " Yeah, but that one isn't active anymore." "The one Ned had wasn't active either. The x-ray made it explode. How should he have known that?" the teen argued further, trying his best to stay somewhat polite. " You should have known better. You know how much damage those things can cause. ."  Pain flickered in Tony's eyes. He hadn't coped with that incident yet. He still felt responsible for what had happened to Liam during the battle of Sokovia, where Ultron's menagerie had used old Chintauri technology to destroy the city.
But once again, the boy had been able to cause that trouble all by himself.
All the blood, the ripping of skin, and the air pressed out of his lungs by the impact, Liam shivered at the memory the man had brought up. If it weren't for Natasha and Dr.Cho, he wouldn't be here today. The 3D-printed skin on his chest was proof of that. From time to time, it still tingled, although there was not a scar to be seen.
"I did. And I knew we had to stop the ones misusing their power. Sakovia can't happen ever again!" 

To Liam's surprise, Tony nodded. "On that, we agree. I'll send Happy to start investigations on that Bird Guy. But you and you're little friends...you stop whatever you were doing. Just..be kids. Talk Peter into being a friendly neighborhood Spiderman. He's just a boy, and we need to protect him."
"So you leave him be? No scolding or absurd punishments?" Liam somehow couldn't believe Tony would let that incident slide like that. He wasn't the type for that. "I'm in a good mood. But if something like that ever happens again.. I'll take the suit back." Tony shrugged. Liam still eyed him with a healthy amount of skepticism. "But you have to tell Pepper. She's furious.", Tony added with a devilish smirk. And there was the catch Liam had been waiting for. There was nothing scarier than a worried Pepper Potts. " you're sadistic.", the boy huffed. "Just full of malicious joy.", Tony answered, still grinning. Liam rolled his eyes at that. Calming Pepper was going to be a challenge. But it was worth it because Peter was safe and sound with his aunt again, and no one got hurt. A stinging sensation went through his wrist. He should probably get some ice for that.

Back in New York at his apartment, Peter had just assured his well-being to aunt May for the 15th time since she had gotten him from Washington. Of course, he hadn't told her how his mind was still racing due to all that had happened. The day had been even more exciting than the battle in Germany. His very own thriller had happened, completed with action, last-minute rescues, and an almost kiss. He just couldn't believe that could have been his very first kiss ever. It had been so cinematic until the web had snapped—a bummer.
He couldn't wait to see Liam again.
Maybe he was going to visit him tonight?

His gaze wandered to his window longingly. Then it struck him: he hadn't showered yet! Nobody would want to kiss someone covered in sweat and dust. So there was no time to spare. Quickly, he grabbed a clean stack of clothes before he locked himself into the bathroom to shower in light speed. Just in case the other boy was already climbing the building to see him.

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