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The massive orange ferry pulled out of the dock

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The massive orange ferry pulled out of the dock. With a running leap, Peter and Liam landed on deck just in time. The thrill of adventure was already pulsing through their bodies, and Peter had to say that he had enjoyed swinging Liam around since their first encounter. It was nice having that kind of companionship. Since he had Liam around on his missions, he felt less lost in this superhero business that was still new to him. The two boys peaked through a window, their gazes taking in the passengers sitting inside. "You see anyone you know?", Liam whispered.

" Not like that. Karen, activate Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode."  "Sure thing.", Karen chirped, and the view on the display changed. Peter needed a moment to filter the background chatter; he found the right person chatting. "He's upfront. Main deck.", a  voice said, and a familiar one answered:" I hate this guy."

"It's the guy from the bridge!" Peter told Liam and Karen his observation. "Just keep me posted.", the first voice said. "There's no record of him in my criminal database. Incoming call from May Parker. Should I reroute to your heads-up display?" Karen responded. "I can't talk right now. I'll call her back." Peter dismissed her last proposition. Liam looked at him questioningly. "May.", Peter quickly explained. "I thought Tony was annoying again.", the other boy smiled in relief. Peter briefly shot him a smile, he turned his attention back to Toomes.

The spider drone belonging to the suit detached itself from Peter's chest. He had used it in Washington and was loving it since." Hey, Droni, keep an eye on that guy. We can't let anybody get away this time.", he advised the drone. Liam, behind him, chuckled lightly. Of course, Peter had given the thing a name. And Peter wasn't regretting it. "It fits.", he told the other boy what resulted in another chuckle." I'm going to get closer, cutie-pie." Liam grinned before making his way around a corner stealthily, leaving Peter and his hot ears behind.

Why had he done this to him in this situation? But Peter quickly caught himself again and started his own search for a good position. He climbed up the ferry roof to crawl right to the edge. From here, he could peer down at four suspicious men on the front deck. "Who's the guy on the left?" he asked Karen with not much hope of her actually finding him. So it was a pleasant surprise when she chirped shortly after:" Mac Gargan. Extensive criminal record, including homicide. Would you like me to activate Instant Kill?" "No, Karen, stop it with the Instant Kill already.", Peter whined, deeply annoyed. The next time he talked to Stark, he had to ask him to strip a few of those ridiculous protocols of the suit. Instant Kill included.

The guy from the bridge now approached the identified Gargan." White pickup truck," he told him, and Gangan nodded to another slim man passing by. Peter immediately caught on to the clue. "Dronie, scan the ship for a white pickup truck" The tiny drone busily scanned the cargo under the deck until it finally found the truck. It hovered over it, watching its content, broadcasting live to Peter's display. Another man got out of the car and led the slim man to the back.

"Oh, this is perfect! We got the weapons, buyers, and sellers all in one place.", Peter exclaimed happily. "Text Liam the location." "I don't think that will be necessary.", the suit answered and put a dark figure in focus that already lurked nearby. Of course, the other teen had found the criminals without any fancy gadgets. Maybe he could show him some tricks someday. "Incoming call from Tony Stark.", the suit interrupted his thoughts. Peter's face fell blank. He didn't plan to talk to Tony that soon. "No, no, no. No, no, don't answer!" he tried to stop Karen from taking the call. But of course, Toby Starks calls had their own rules.

"Mr. Parker. Got a sec?" Tony's voice greeted him. "Uh, I'm actually at school..", the boy once again tried to avoid the conversation. "No, you're not.", Karen snitched in her usual cheerful manner. Tony overheard it. " Nice work in DC. I think I have to thank you for saving my brat."  "Ok." Peter wasn't sure where this little talk was leading to. Tony never called just for fun. "My dad didn't give me a lot of support... And I'm just trying to break the cycle of shame. I'm trying with you boys...I really am."  That was just awkward. "Uh, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now.", Peter tried again. But Tony wasn't easy to shake off. "Don't cut me off when I'm complimenting you. Anyways, great things are about to -" He was interrupted by the ferry horn blaring. "What is that?" Tony asked immediately.

"Uh, I'm at band practice," Peter quickly lied. But he had never been good at that. "That's odd. Happy told me you quit band practice six weeks ago. What's up?" Tony didn't believe him. But he didn't have to as Peter hung up on him, already focusing on his next move.He jumped right into the action. "Hey, guys. The illegal-weapon-deal-ferry was at 10:30. You missed it.", He joked as he landed directly in the middle of the criminals. He was quick to disarm two of the guys with his spiderweb. As he was about to kick at Gargan, Liam came into view, wrapping his legs around the man's neck and slamming him to the ground in a quick, trained motion. Peter had no time to be impressed as the man from the bridge pointed his shocker gauntlet at him. But he managed to get it stuck in a gate. "Spider guy's here! And he brought a friend!" one of the men told their boss over radio. And the first man from the passenger area got up from his seat while two new crew members got up behind Peter and Liam. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not that fast", Peter exclaimed, and the two of them threw both. "Are you guys ok? My bad. That was a little hard.", Peter called after his guy while Liam kicked after him. Then both of them eyed the man with the gauntlet who was still struggling to get himself free.

"The other guy was way better with that thing.", Peter said to Liam. "I bet he gets told that that often," Liam responded with a wink to the criminal. Peter chuckled while he reloaded his web-shooter. "I'm honestly, I'm, I'm shocked.", Peter continued to mock the man. Then he shot a web granate at the mab who had currently tried to sneak up to them, attaching him to a wall with it.  Their boss faces Peter, yards away from the boy. They locked eyes for a moment, acknowledging their enemy. But suddenly, agents came out of nowhere and aimed at the two teens. "Freeze! FBI!" "Don't move!" "Get on the ground!" "FBI!" they called out simultaneously. Peter shot a shocked look at Liam, but the other boy was grinning from ear to ear, seemingly having the time of his life. "That's where it gets interesting." he smiled at Peter, that mad look back in his eyes.

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