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Peter was crestfallen when he returned to midtown two weeks later after what his classmates thought, having lived through a particularly stubborn flu

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Peter was crestfallen when he returned to midtown two weeks later after what his classmates thought, having lived through a particularly stubborn flu. He had not heard from Liam or Stark ever since, and daily, he grew more worried.

Ned, on the other hand, was delighted to have his best friend back and, more importantly, too reminiscent of him about his own little heroic act of helping Peter out. And the other boy was thankful for his friend distracting him, and his enthusiasm was exactly what he needed right now. The two of them strutted through the hallway, passing the last remaining banners for homecoming that were put down.

"Did you hear from Liam yet?" Ned suddenly asked.

"No" was Peter's short and hurtfully accurate answer.

"Maybe MJ knows more." Ned shrugged.

"I doubt it." Peter shook his head. "Na, they're close. And they talk a lot." Ned still begged to differ.

"Yeah, but she doesn't know about the whole agent thingy and also..." Peter stopped suddenly feeling the urge to confess another secret to his best friend and turned around to face Ned directly. "He's my boyfriend. We're dating."

Ned blinked as if realization had just hit him.

"It's not out yet. Hardly anyone knows."Peter rambled on, eyes wide in panic and waiting for a reaction. " Cool. Makes sense."was Ned's underwhelming answer.

" Does it? " Peter asked in relief, falling back in step with his friend once more." You got that tension. I didn't want to ask because I wasn't sure if you're actually into boys, and I thought that would be intrusive." Ned said, and Peter softly smiled at that. He had found him the best friends imaginable.

Together they entered the Decathlon team meeting, where Mr. Harrington was passing around the golden trophy they had won in Washington.

"Congratulations, decathlon national champions. I'm going to have to put this back in the trophy case soon, but just for motivation right now at this practice. I'm a little ahead of the game, but we will need a new team captain next year. So I am appointing Michelle." the teacher spoke up, and everyone applauded Michelle, who looked more than surprised for having received the honor.

" Thank you. My friends call me MJ." she quickly responded to the team, trying to put back on her indifferent mask.

" I thought you didn't have any friends " Ned took her statement a bit too literal, and Peter was sure Liam would scold him for that if he were here. He would be delighted for MJ.

"I didn't," Michelle answered sharply, her eyes meeting Peter's.

"But now she has some." the boy nodded at her with a soft smile right as his phone began to buzz in his pocket. Go to the bathroom. A message from happy that was in true tradition to the man, bizarre and certainly inappropriate.

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