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The car ride was even worse than the initial meeting

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The car ride was even worse than the initial meeting. Nobody was talking. Liz was fixing her hair using her smartphone as a mirror, and Peter was eying her father suspiciously through the rear-view mirror while pretending to watch the view passing by.

"What are you gonna do, Pete?" Toomes suddenly asked. " What?" Peter responded in confusion as he had not expected his observation to be disrupted. "When you graduate, what do you think you'll do?" Toomes elaborated. " Oh, I don't know," Peter answered way too truthfully. He had always expected to be spider-man after he finished school. Undoubtedly, college would be an option, but helping others sounded so much better.

"Don't grill him, dad" Liz came to his help, her tone slightly annoyed. This was certainly not what she had expected from this evening, and Peter was sorry about that. " Just saying, you know. All you guys who go to that school, you pretty much have your life planned out, right?" Toomes pointed out rather smartly. "No, no. I'm just a sophomore." Peter shook his head awkwardly. " But Peter has an internship with Tony Stark. So, I think he doesn't have to worry." Liz once again tried to help, but this time made matters worse.

"Really?" Toomes awed, catching on to Peter's secret way too quickly. Liz nodded. " So cool." "Oh. And what do you do?" her father now wanted to know. He already had a suspicion; Peter could see that on his face." I don't intern for him anymore." Peter tried to get his ass out of that affair, but he had never been precisely smooth with things like that. "Really? What happened?" Liz asked, very curiously. It was well known that she had something for spider-man, a detail about her that had made him happy just a few months ago. The thought of a girl thinking about him at night had been..intoxicating.But now, it was just very impractical for him to maneuver around.

"Yeah, it got boring." he tried to leave the alter ego out of the discussion, but again Liz was really into spider-man. " Boring? But you got to hang out with spider-man!" she couldn't believe her ears. Peter wanted to sigh heavily. This was just unlucky.

Her father was eating up every information his daughter was serving him on a silver plate. He'll; she was doing Peter. He needed help. This was getting seriously dangerous. "Wow, what is he like?" Toomes tried to interrogate the boy further, and Peter just had to play along and hope for the best. What was his other option? Meeting out the car on the freeway? Dumb idea.

" Yeah, he's...nice.Nice man.Solid dude." He sniffed uncomfortably. Liz leaned over, showing him a snap of spider-man swinging around town. "look, so cute," Liz smiled. Wow, she was crushing harder than expected. Awkwardly, Peter agreed with her. Toomes watched him closely. " I've seen you around. I mean somewhere. We've...Have we ever..? Because even the voice..." Times were way too close for comfort at uncovering Peter's identity.

"He does Academic Decathlon with me," Liz, again, was quick to answer instead of Peter." And he was at my party" For a brief moment, it looked like Toomes was dismissing the idea inside his head, but of course, Peter messed it up again by underestimating Liz. "It was a great party." he nodded at her." You were there for like..two seconds.", she huffed in amusement. "I was there longer than two seconds." "No, you disappeared with Liam from your internship." Liz shook her head violently."No, I did not. We were outside..." "Yes, you did. You disappeared like you always do. Like you did in D.C. too"

That was it. She had successfully given her father every piece of information to count two and two together. Peter knew that." Uff, that's terrible what happened in D.C. though. Were you scared?" he fished for final confirmation. "I bet you were glad when your old pal spider-man showed up in the elevator, though, huh?"Peter quickly glanced at Liz. The girl was oblivious to what was happening right now. " Ehm, I actually didn't go up. I saw it all from the ground." Peter stubbornly tried to convince Toomes he was innocent, although no chance would work."Very lucky that he was there that day." Peter and Toomes stared at each other through the rear-view mirror like two cowboys in a western movie who were about to duel. "Good old spider-man," Toomes grinned and there laid evil in it.The tension was unbearable, and Peter was glad as they finally parked in front of the school.

"Here we are.", Toomes announced. " You head in there, gumdrop.I'm going to give Peter the 'dad' talk." Liz happily bounced out of the car. "Don't let him intimidate you," she told Peter, then closed the door.As soon as she was out of sight, Toomes took a gun out of the glove compartment. " Does she know?" he asked Peter darkly. "Know what?" Peter sure as hell would not admit to being spider-man.The gun wasn't scaring him.Toomes would never dare shoot him with Liz nearby. "So she doesn't.Good.Close to the best.I admire that.I've got a few secrets of my own.Of all that reason, I didn't want my daughter to date..." Toomes gestured wildly around, implying Peter's hero identity." Peter, nothing is more important than family. You saved my daughter's life, and I could never forget something like that.So I'm going to give you one chance.Are you ready?"

He looked at Peter firmly, and the boy held his gaze bravely. "You walk through those doors; you forget any of this happened, and don't you ever, ever interfere with my business again.'Cause if you do, I'll kill you and everybody you love. I'll kill you dead.That's what I do to protect my family, Pete.Do you understand?"

Peter stayed silent, looking down at his lap.He was scared.Not for himself, but for May and Ned.."Hey", Toomes admonished him. "I just saved your life.Now, what do you say?" "Thank you.", Peter replied meekly to what the man wanted to hear. " You're welcome.Now go in there and show my daughter a good time, okay?Just not too good." Peter stared him down.Oh, he was not going to keep that promise.Before exiting, he let his phone slide into the crack of the backseat. A perfect location device.He was going to come back for that asshole later.Noone was threatening his family.

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