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Peter still hadn't digested the scolding by Monday morning

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Peter still hadn't digested the scolding by Monday morning. He was feeling betrayed and wholly humiliated by Tony Stark. He had always looked up at the man and had been thrilled when he actually came to him for help. But he had only used him to have an advantage against Captain Amerca and threw him away as soon as avenger had been dealt with. He could be so much more than just another hero of the neighborhood. He knew he had the potential. But Stark was just not seeing it. And that hurt like hell. Dealing with those alien weapons could be the next big thing in the underworld of New York, and it bothered him that nobody was taking it seriously. After all the world had seen what those things could be used for, Tony had seen it, And so had his son, This strange teenager that had believed in him more than his father ever did despite only knowuíng Peter for a brief period. They had connected by the world underestimating their abilities. They had it.  They could have stopped the criminals if it wasn't for the strange vulture guy abducting Peter.

There had to be something spider-man could do about all that now. Someone had to do something. With all that on his plate, he wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings, which unfortunately led to him crossing the street directly in front of Flash Thompson's sports car, who was more than furious about it in a true Flash fashion. "Watch where you walk, penis Parker.", he called out angrily, flipping him the bird. Peter rolled his eyes, ready to ignore the nickname like he always did. Flash wouldn't stop anyway. With the party only having failed the boy's cruelty, it was best to endure his vulgarities. 

But someone completely disagreed with that as a  voice called: "Keep your issues to yourself, dude! Nobody wants to hear about your small dick." Flash was dumbfounded, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. Nobody ever talked back to him like that, especially not about Peter. He stared at the teenager, stepping into sight as if he was an alien.  A beam of amusement was glistening in Liam's eyes as he fell in track with Peter, who was now wishing to disappear on the spot from all the unwanted attention on him. " You don't need to do that.", Peter mumbled underneath his breath, only audible for the boy beside him to hear. "What?" the other asked, putting back on the Lennon shades he had worn pushed back before.  "Standing up for me. I'm fine." It was the first time Peter actually looked up at the other, who was sporting a hat and clothes he'd never expected someone like Liam would wear. Liam had obviously chosen not to blend in with the other teens, but to stand out instead with his light cardigan and the sassy bounce in his step accompanying it. He looked way too good to go to midtown. And he knew that very well.

"Darling..", Liam started, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips, "I know you're fine." Peter was aware of the other's eyes taking in his form from underneath the tinted shades, and he once again felt strange about it. "I just can't stand assholes in the morning." Liam closed, taking his eyes off of Peter and looking straight ahead. "Stop doing that." "Stop doing what?" the older chuckled. "flirting with me. I'm not into boys.", Peter hissed quietly, fumbling with the strap of his backpack. "Don't worry, "Liam winked at him over the rims of his shades. "Haven't planned on calling you names during school, honeycombs. I like to keep my private pleasures...well private." Peter grew red in the face. This was going to be a real challenge. Why had he invited the boy to join midtown in the first place? He would only attract unwanted attention. "You're really something else.", he muttered, which caused the other boy to chuckle lightly. "Believe me, this is going to be fun.", he assured. 

They climbed the stairs towards the main entrance, with every pair of eyes passing by firmly on the new student. Peter hated being the center of attention. Liam beside him didn't mind. He even winked on a few people, making them flustered instantly, causing Peter to roll his eyes once again. "How did you get Stark to let you come here?", he chose to ask as they wandered the corridors. " I played a joker.", Liam grinned mysteriously." But that means we have to keep our minor investigations low-key.", he added with a wink. "So you want to continue?" Peter asked quietly. "Of course. Our little trip was fun. And I don't like Tony dictating me what to do. Pisssing him off with a good result is pretty tempting." Peter blinked at the other teen, who seemed utterly fearless, talking about the mighty Iron Man. He had to admit; he was impressed by that. And a guy with a gun and the right gear could become very useful if they wanted to find the vulture. 

 They made it to Peter's locker, where he put his backpack in to carry around only what he needed for the next lesson. "Do you know where I have to check in, Peter?" Liam asked, eyes all over the corridor, taking in every movement and face expertly.  "You have to check-in?", Peter replied looking at the male with surprise. "Sure. The tin-man said so. He wants me to be as normal as possible." "So, you don't go by Stark at the registration office?" Liam turned towards him, eyes glistening with amusement. "What makes you think I'm even called Stark?" "Iron Man is your father, isn't he?" "Legal guardian.", Liam corrected him, becoming slightly more stiff than usual for a moment. He never killed talking about that. "And that was not voluntary." He added while glancing up and down the hallway once more. "Check-in?" he reminded Peter. "Down the hall to the right. Can't miss it.", the younger boy gestured in one direction. "Thank you very much, Pete.", Liam grinned while leaning forward and winking at him before leaving. Peter gulped at how Liam had spoken his name more seductively than any of his nicknames. How was he doing that?

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