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A few miles away, Peter was waking up from an involuntary slumber

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A few miles away, Peter was waking up from an involuntary slumber. After a brief encounter with the Vulture and a heated fight, the villain had managed to knock the boy out, leaving him behind in a closed shipping container on the truck Spider-man had been following. Its unexpected stop had sent a shake through the vehicle, causing Peter to flutter his eyes open. His head was pounding painfully from the impact of the Ultron Weapon he had been hit with, and every inch of his body was aching. "You appear to have a mild concussion.", the suit remarked as a response to his disorientated groans of pain. It took him a moment to gather enough strength to get to his feet as everything was spinning and the urge to puke was hard to fight. He blinked at the bright light shining into his eyes, holding his head with the hope it would stabilize his sight.

"Where am I right now?" he quietly asked his suit. He had just discovered the build-in voice assistant at the start of this mission. "I'm not sure. The container walls are hindering my sensors.", the female voice chirped, sounding utterly unfazed by the situation. Peter, on the other hand, was beginning to panic. "Wait a minute. They must have hijacked the truck and taken me to their evil lair. Okay, suit, lady. We're going to have to fight our way out of this one."

With that, Peter prepared himself to use his super strength to burst through the truck's thick metal doors simply. He was optimistic this could work. He jogged on the spot to hype himself up while counting loudly to three, then jumped right into the closing, bursting it directly open. A slight, proud grin flashed over his lips until he made out where he had been brought to. Containers over containers surrounded him in all different colors, stuffed into what looked like a giant hall made of concrete. "What is this place?", he asked looking around frantically. "You're in the most secure facility on the Eastern Seaboard. The Damage Control Deep Storage Vault.", the suit answered immediately. "No. Seriously?" Peter spat out in shock, both hands on his head in disbelief. His eyes landed on the wall before him. In big, bold letters, there were 'DODC-V05' written on it, confirming the suit's assumption. "You got to be kidding me!" Peter whined loudly. He was stuck, and nothing was going to change that any time soon.

Back at the hotel, Liam had had enough of the group activity. He wandered the corridors on his way to his room to change into his regular clothes again. It was better to be prepared if Peter was going to call for help. He could feel that someone was following him; that was his job, after all. But given the person was terrible at it, he knew there was no threat coming from them. As he reached his room and entered, he was sure who it was. The teen changed back into his usual black jeans and shirt as quickly as possible, finishing right in time for Flash to enter. "Hey.", he greeted absently as he closed the door behind him. Liam just nodded back. He was curious as to why the boy had been following him here. Abruptly, Flash turned to him. "You're gay, hmm?" he asked bluntly, getting straight to the point. Of course, he had been listening in on the conversation with Liz. Knowing Flash's character, Liam crossed his arms over his chest defensively.
"Got a problem with that?", Maybe he was stupid enough to say it to his face. But Flash kept silent, just blankly staring at the other teen's face. Liam rose an eyebrow skeptically. This was new. Flash was never quiet. But right as he was about to ask what was going on, Flash rushed forward, pressing his lips to Liam's. The Teen was in complete shock. What was happening? And just as he thought it couldn't get any weirder, the other boy whispered into his ear: "Fuck me, daddy." then he attacked his neck with sloppy kisses. Liam, freeing himself from the rigidity, pushed him away with a little too much force. "Not going to happen!" he announced firmly, using one arm to keep the other out of his personal space. This was wrong. He didn't want Flash. But it was not right to kink shame anyone. Communication was vital even when it was tough to keep serious when the other one was still trying to woo him over. Flash really had no sense for when it was enough. He was still thinking Liam was playing hard to get, having that cocky grin on his lips that made Liam wonder if it had ever worked on anyone.

"Did I give you any signal that I am interested in you?" the older teen brought himself to ask in a much softer voice., trying to be sympathetic. He had never been good at that. "I thought we both enjoyed you pinning me against that locker.", Flash said, confused but still eyeing the other with that lustful look in his dark eyes. "I wasn't flirting with you." Liam was serious. He really had never flirted with the boy and never had the intention to confuse him. It had been, again, all about Peter. That seemed to be a reoccurring pattern. To be honest, he didn't know if he liked that yet. Love turned out to be way more complicated than people admitted. He had never been so invested in another human being. Not in that way, at least. Just thinking about how Peter was on his own right now was driving him crazy.

And not making the situation any better, Flash was Flash. While Liam was reminiscing about a certain spider-boy for the hundredths of times this evening, he hadn't understood what the boy was trying to tell him and started a new try, again coming way too close for Liam's liking. And yet again, his patience had never been that good, and the boy really had a way to bring him close to snapping.
"I'm not into you. You're not my type. I'm never going to touch you. Leave me alone.", Liam voiced, extra slow and straightforward to make sure every single syllable was sinking into Flash's brain. Flash blinked but didn't back up.
This wasn't going to work. If he didn't want to understand, Liam had to withdraw himself from the situation before he really snapped. No one would like that. So he left the room in a hurry, leaving Flash standing there. A few rooms down the hall, he knocked against the door. Ned opened. He looked at the older teen, immediately noticing that something was off.
"Can I stay here until Peter's back?" Liam asked tiredly.

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