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It was Friday afternoon and Liam was launching on Tony Starks ridiculous large couch, which was still left in the penthouse of the Stark tower, trying to refresh his rusty mandarin with the help of a Chinese young adult novel, which was quite disa...

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It was Friday afternoon and Liam was launching on Tony Starks ridiculous large couch, which was still left in the penthouse of the Stark tower, trying to refresh his rusty mandarin with the help of a Chinese young adult novel, which was quite disappointing to him, when the door opened. Happy came in, looking not so happy but frowning as something unpleasing had just happened. "Oasis boy!" he shouted, making the boy roll his eyes hard, without looking up from the beginning of the chapter he was currently reading. "What's up, grumpy?", he greeted half-heartedly, more a rhetorical question than wanting an actual answer. He already knew what was going to happen: Happy was going to make him do something stupid again just because he could."I have a mission for you." The boy frowned skeptically but not in the slightest surprised."What is it?", he asked finally glancing up. There was something different in Happy's voice and that had woken the teen's interest for now. "Spider-man came across a few bank robbers.", Happy began, handing Liam one of Starks glass displays on which a security camera feed was played showing the fight between the spider and the robbers in gruesome detail. "What the hell?!" the boy spat out as a blue blast trapped spider-man midair, jumping from the couch to his feet. " The bank and a deli nearby were destroyed by another weapon of that kind.", Happy briefed the young agent while showing pictures. He recognized the deli as the spider- kid got his sandwich from before he hid in the alleyway to change.Liam had been following the kid the entire day to find a good spot to reveal himself in a fitting dramatic matter. Might as well have a bit of fun with such a dumb task."So, you want me to find the weapons?" Liam finally stated, eyeing the chauffeur. "Not necessary. I want you to look out for Spider-man. He is known for doing stupid things. Keep him out of trouble." "So you want me to babysit a teen? That's no mission, that's ridiculous!" Liam protested. "Just watch out for him while we're tracking down the dealer.", Happy sighed. "Maybe you get a real mission after that."

So much to his distaste, Liam found himself attending a high-school party in a house crowded with horny teenagers, looking out for the familiar brunette teen. He wasn't pleased with all with how the discussion with Happy ended. He hated parties; in his eyes, they were only good to hook up with someone, but now wasn't the time for that. He has dressed up nicely to fit in with the students, a red shirt and his best-fitting skinny jeans,  but ended sticking out like a sore thumb anyway. That was exactly why he preferred to avoid other people of his age. They were just too curious. "Hello, who are you?" a girl asked, her brown eyes glistening with interest and her lips wearing a friendly smile as she briefly scanned the teen's body with her eyes." Liam.", he introduced himself, wearing the usual alluring smirk that had opened him so many doors before. "Welcome to my party Liam, I'm Liz.", she answered, blinking with her large doe eyes." Who brought you here?" she asked, tilting her head sweetly, presenting herself in the, in her mind, most flattering angle. She was already falling for his little tricks.  "Peter Parker.", Liam stated without thinking much. It was the truth though, without Peter, he would've been in China right now, meeting up with his sister. And the truth was always the best lie. "Oh, Peter? How you know him?", Liz asked even more interested than before, obviously fond of the mentioned boy. "Stark internship.", he answered vaguely. Also, an awfully true lie. Her mouth shaped an impressed o, the pink lipgloss sparkling even more than before. She seemed like a genuinely kind person and Liam could appreciate that. "You know, I was looking for Peter. Have you seen him so far? "he asked, flashing one of his real, small smiles. "No, I haven't seen him. He wanted to bring spider-man along. Do you know spider-man?" He flashed her a brighter smile, which completely dazzled her, making her indifferent to the answer. "Briefly. Only met him once.", was his response covered up. 

He wasn't paying her full attention anymore as of right this moment, he spotted a familiar face in the crowd looking directly at him with hazel eyes wide in shock. "Found Peter!" he reported with another beam, flipping the girl around on her heels softly, so she could see for herself. "Hey, guys. Cool hat, Ned." Liz greeted Peter and his dorky friend looking between the two, actually happy o see them at her party. Peter just continued to stare at Liam, who grinned at the younger boy. "Hello Peter.", he said, his voice as smooth as velvet. Liz was blinking up at him,  further admiring his gorgeous face. "What are you doing here?" Peters's voice was even higher than usual. Ned beside him was eyeing the agent skeptically. "You invited me." Liam shrugged lazily. From the kitchen the sound of shattering glass echoed through the room, making Liz perk up in a panic. "Oh..my parents will kill me if anything's broken. I gotta..." She gave Liam an apologetic smile and left hurriedly in the noise's direction. 

"I never invited you," Peter confronted the dark-haired teen as soon as Liz was out of sight. "Nah, an exploding deli is a pretty obvious invitation," Liam stated, his voice calm and careful to be not overheard by anybody around them. Peter sighed, ashamed of how things with the bank robbers turned out, his cheeks turning pink. "The Bosses thought it would be good if I kept an eye on you after that incident.", Liam continued. Ned, besides Peter, was done with being ignored ." And who exactly are you?" he interrupted the two heroes. Liam turned towards the boy, scanning him up and down, which intimidated the younger instantly. "You're the best friend, right?" Liam concluded, remembering the face from a file. Ned only nodded. A grin formed on the older's lips. "Don't worry. I don't bite. Usually." he winked cheekily and with that, the ice was broken: Ned was feeling way better at the sight of a friendly gesture towards him. "I'm the guy in the chair.", he confirmed proudly. Peter beside him rolled his eyes." I'm Liam.", the agent finally introduced himself to the two. Now Peter had a name to the annoyingly pretty face. "Liam?" "Just Liam." "And what are you doing here, Liam?" Peter asked the question which was bothering him the most. "Keeping an eye on you for the important guys." Liam didn't even try to cover his annoyance about this job. "That's really not necessary..", the spider-boy began but discontinued as he spotted the look on Liam's face. "Believe me; I have better things to do than to babysit a high-school boy. Just keep the spider thing easy so I'm not needed, ok?" Peter nodded under Liam's serious stare, gulping and unable to look away. "Cool, we're on the same page about that.", the agent smirked, satisfied with the spider-boy's reaction. He let his gaze roam Peter up and down freely once more, just because he was cute; then, he looked at Ned again. "I'm into the idea of a guy in the chair.", he winked, making Ned smile brightly. "See you later. I'm going for a smoke.", he then stated, leaving the two nerds while rummaging in his pockets to find his favorite lighter. He was more pleased with the outcomes of this party  so far than he thought he would be.


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