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Liam squinted his eyes; body lowered in a run-ready position. „You think that's a good idea?"  Peter asked beside him, clearly in doubt of his boyfriend's plans.

„Someone has to test them." Liam shrugged.
„But we could go somewhere...that's not the Empire State Building." Peter pointed out, his gloved hand gripping the other boy's shoulder protectively.
„Where would be the fun in that?" Liam smirked at him, quickly pecking his cheek.
„And I trust in you to catch me if I fall."  And with that, he runs. Down the observatory, jumping in the air before he hit the fans, his shoes shooting him in the air.

„Yesss!" he called out in glee as his work of boredom held up to his expectations and carried him somewhat stable midair. Peter looked up, still worried about the hover boots 2.0 his boyfriend had worked on while recovering from his injuries. He trusted Liam, but that few wires were holding up to much value 87 floors from the streets of New York.
Too much for his liking. And he especially did not like how careless his boyfriend was, putting himself in such danger with only him as his safety precautions.

„They're working. Can you please come down now?"
„Relax. The best part is yet to come." Liam said and provokingly started wiggling on the spot to get some movement in the shoes.  A tentative step, another one. That part worked too. With a proud beam on his face, Liam strutted around, both arms outstretched for balance, looking like he had just invented walking above water. And maybe he felt a bit like Peter's personal Jesus in the way he had brought him so many revelations.

„Ha! Take that, Tony!" Liam cheered loudly, and Peter just had to smile at how much happiness the boy was radiating.
„Putting repulsor jetpacks just on the boots is stupid, he said. Why to bother when you can have a full Iron suit, he said. This is so much better! I can move, Peter! Look how smoothly I move in this!"

Peter's heart dropped as Liam just somersaulted in the air, losing a few meters of height while doing so. His boyfriend hovered back up, then backflipped. „Please dońt do that!" Peter desperately called out to him, only resulting in a few cartwheels further into the open.

„Liam!" Peter called out once more, then hopped on top of the fence that normally keeps visitors from jumping.
„Can you please get back here?"

„Is that a lack of trust in my or your abilities?" Liam teased him.
„I just dońt want you to get hurt again! You're barely healed from last time." 

„That is awfully sweet, darling. But Ím fine." and as to prove it, Liam lifted his dark shirt high up to reveal the new patch of synthetic skin that was covering the area of his surgery nicely, perfectly matching the other, older patch underneath. Peter ogled his boyfriend's torso, feeling slight pain at the sight of all the scars barely noticeable on pale, olive skin. He couldńt stand the thought of Liam hurting, even more so since he had seen him wracked up. But Liam, just like he did with all his scars, burns, and apparent traces of brutal injuries, Liam just brushed it off and changed the topic.

„ This is the closest I've ever been to my suit, you know? And it feels amazing!" the boy noted as he came closer to his boyfriend, letting Peter take his hand and interlace their fingers which did wonder to his worrying.

„They look good on you," Peter stated supportingly.
„Yeah?" Liam smirked, hovering even closer and leveling his face with Peter's.
„Do they look better on me than you do?" And as the boy had predicted, a bright blush spread over his boyfriend's cheek at that innuendo, and he was completely and utterly lost for words as his heart raced against his chest, and a tingle covered his guts in comfortable warmth. Liam cupped his cheek, looking what felt right into Peter's soul with his piercing gaze. „Don't ever change, Peter."
With that, he leaned in for a kiss.

But before their lips touched, there was a huffing sound, and the boot-mounted repulsors went out, yanking Liam down and Peter with him. Peter's spider-sense quickly caught them with a web between the Empire State and the building beside it, leaving them to dangle breathlessly.

„I see a recurring theme here." Liam joked, pressed to Peter's side. „We really need to stop with that." Peter breathed out. With a grin, Liam hopped around his boyfriend's hips for better support, catching Peter off-guard as he kissed him.
„I think it is time to go home," he told him as he pulled apart again, and Peter nodded enthusiastically.

Some time and a few hundred yards of web later, Peter elegantly leaped through his window, pulling Liam right with him. He ripped his mask down, flustered while looking at his boyfriend on the windowpane, who grinned widely but was too far away. To change that, peter shot a last web to his chest and pulled him close, their lips immediately connecting in a heated kiss.

They jumped apart at the familiar voice, Peter turning on his heels to face May, who was gawking at them through the open door. „I can explain!" Peter instinctively rambled, a hand raised to calm her.

„You got a boyfriend, and you are Spider-man?!"

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