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When Peter arrived at the parking building, his target was about to be in; Liam was already waiting there

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When Peter arrived at the parking building, his target was about to be in; Liam was already waiting there. Once again, Peter had to wonder how he managed not only to be faster than he was swinging but also had had the time to change into a brand new attire. He had worn a dark red sweater back at school; now, he was dressed in all black, completed with his favorite black zip-up hoodie as well as a black mask around his eyes. His bright eyes shone even more than ever before, and as he looked up at Peter, a smirk made his handsome look complete.

"Well, hello there.", the teen greeted the younger boy, and Peter's face grew even a darker shade of pink. Hormones were just a mess he needed to tame to get this job done. But Liam always found a way to make that plan go out the window.

"Hey, Pete. After this is done...what about laying low for a few days...just let these idiots be and get some ice cream or pizza instead?" Liam asked, casually burying his hands in the pockets of high tight black jeans. Peter gulped. This was definitely the older boy asking him out. " Yeah...Yes, that sounds good." "Cool.", Liam nodded, looking down at his watch. It looked like he had gotten himself some new gear as an interface plopped up similar to a Stark Glass. On it was a tiny red dot blinking. " He's here.", the boy concluded. Peter, whose mind had still been with their first official date and who had imagined himself slurping ice cream while holding Liam's hand happily, had once again to remind himself to stay professional."Let's go.", he straightened his posture and walked right into the park house. 

"Enhanced Interrogation Protocol activated." Karen reminded him as he approached the man currently opening the trunk of his beat-up car. Liam followed behind, lurking in the shadows until he was needed. First, it was Peter's time to shine.
Confidently, he webbed the man's hand to the trunk. A look of annoyance plastered itself on the man's face.

"Remember me?" Peter asked, but the suit modulated his voice to sound deep and metallic. He walks in front of the car, and Aaron seems to be taken aback. "Uh, hey..." he greeted awkwardly. " I need information. You're going to give it to me now.", Peter demanded, but he didn't sound right. Aaron wasn't intimidated at all. "All right, chill.", he said slowly. Peter wasn't that patient. " Come on!" he demanded again. Aaron, on the other hand, was still more irritated than willing to talk. "What happened to your voice?" he finally asked what he had been wondering about. "What do you mean what happened to my voice?", Peter asked confused. His confidence was about to crack.

" I heard you by the bridge. I know what a girl sounds like.", his target shrugged. Peter was indignant. "I'm not a girl! I'm a boy.", he briefly looked at Liam for help, who was struggling not to laugh out loud at the situation. That wasn't helpful. Peter needed to pull himself together. " I mean, I'm a...I'm a man.", he added with a supposed to be manly huff. The criminal wasn't buying it. "I don't care what you are, a boy, a girl..." "I'm not a girl! I'm a man. Come on, man. Look, who is selling these weapons? I need to know. Give me names or else ", Peter started, getting into his rambling tone as Aaron slammed his trunk shut, which startled Peter. He stepped back and looked around in surprise, eventually locking eyes with Liam. " You ain't never done this before, hub?"Aaron asked now with a sigh.

"Deactivate Interrogation mode.", Peter whispered to Karen. All Protocols he had tried so far had been complete fails. " Who's that?" his target then asked as Liam stepped closed to back up Peter and help him calm down. "The one with the gun.", Liam answered calmly, snapping the safety catch of his gun with deadly precision, holding eye contact with the criminal, his  gaze holding that madness that made Aaron cringe: " You can learn from him, Spider-man." "Come on, Spider-man. We don't have all day." the older boy whispered towards Peter, who nodded. " Look, man, these guys are selling weapons that are crazy dangerous. They can't just be out on the streets. Look, if one of them can just cut Delmar's bodega in half..." Peter started, but Aaron interrupted him:" You know Delmar's?". "Yeah, best sandwiches in Queens.", Peter responded. " Sub Haven's pretty good.", Aaron recalled. "It's too much bread.", Peter begged to differ. " I like bread.", the other argued. That was just ridiculous.

"Come on, man, please." Peter started to walk away, with Liam moving close behind. "Stupid investigation mode. Karen, don't ever do that again. ", he mumbled to himself. " It wasn't that bad.", Liam assured, but the younger boy didn't believe him. "The other night, you told that dude," if you shoot somebody, shoot me." It's pretty ballsy. I don't want those weapons in the neighborhood. I got a nephew who lives here." Peter had stopped walking as soon as Aaron spoke up and now turned around to face the man again. Somehow the two had connected over bread.

"Who are these guys? What can you tell me about the guy with the wings?" the boy wanted to know eagerly. " Other than he's a psychopath dressed as a demon, nothing. I don't know who or where he is." Peter let out a loud sigh of frustration. "But I do know where he is going to be," Aaron added. "Really?" Peter was excited. That was what he had been waiting for.  " Yeah, this crazy dude I used to work with, he's supposed to be doing a deal with him." "Yes!Yes. Thank.." Peter started to walk away, happily giggling to himself. But Liam caught him at his arm. "Hey.Hey.Hey. I didn't tell you where. You don't have a location.", Aaron called after him.

Peter shrugged Liam's hand off awkwardly, then turned around again. " Right, of course.Yeah, my bad. Silly.Just..." Embarrassed, Peter leaned on the car "Yeah. Where is it?" "State Island ferry, eleven." "Oh, that's soon!" Peter awed, shooting Liam an apologizing look the other boy could only interpret. So much about laying low. Their date had to wait. First, they had to get to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. Liam couldn't argue with that. So Peter held on tight to the older boy, swinging both of them to their destination.

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