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Peter Parker watched the girl of his dreams with glossy eyes while she hung up a Homecoming Banner over the clock on the cafeteria wall

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Peter Parker watched the girl of his dreams with glossy eyes while she hung up a Homecoming Banner over the clock on the cafeteria wall. He had been in love with Liz Allen ever since he first laid eyes on her. And the more he got to know her; the more his crush had intensified. Now couldn't imagine there could be a more beautiful human than her. She was standing so elegantly on that ladder, it looked like she was made to rule the world, and with his knowledge about her, she probably could. She was the type of girl who wouldn't hesitate to help somebody out but was as equally quick on calling out somebody on their bullshit. Her kingdom was the Decathlon team, the first girl of color to ever be chosen team captain, which was pretty much the reason why Peter joined as soon as he was asked to. She was just that perfect. But she never would look at Peter the same way. Peter sighed, his chin propped up on his palm. "Did Liz get a new top?" he asked his best friend Ned next to him, who was also watching the pretty girl with a similar expression on his face. "we've seen that before, but never with that skirt.", he answered assuredly, remembering every look Liz had worn over the last two years. "I like that skirt.", Peter stated, and Ned nodded in agreement, attention switching to the blond girl who was now approaching Liz to help with the banner. "We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy, though.", Peter decided but kept watching, the view just too irresistible to turn a ". "Too late .", a familiar voice stated from the table beside them. Michelle, a strange girl who was, strangely enough, always near them, was facing the two, looking as done with everything as usual. The two boys hadn't even noticed her approaching the tab"e. "You guys are losers.", she emphasized as straightforward as expected ". "But then why do you sit with us?" Ned fired back at her. "Becaus I don't have any friends.", she simply shrugged her shoulders as if it was apparent. And with that, she looked back down at her book.

On the other hand, Peter wasn't paying any attention to the two anymore; he was occupied with texting under the table. Just another message to Happy, remembering that he was available for any mission that might come up. Like he had done every day since Tony Stark dropped him off after the big fight back in Germany. So following the same pattern as every day, Peter continued to look onto his phone. He had mentioned in one of his texts this morning at what time he was going to be out of school, at 2:45 PM exactly, and as time passed, he grew more and more nervous. Maybe today was the day, and Happy would finally call back to give him something better to do than catching pickpockets or swinging around downtown in hopes of coming across an actual crime. He was bored of only being the friendly neighborhood spider, especially now that he knew he could play in a completely different league. Being an Avenger was the one thing, besides Liz falling for him, he wished for with all his heart. And the odds for that were much higher than for dating the girl. Another look at the clock told him it was almost time, and he was fidgeting nervously on his seat, fingers drumming on the desk and foot tapping on the floor until finally, the clock hit 2:45, and the school bell rang.
He immediately started running, and a few moments after the bell had finished, he had already reached the front steps of the building. He looked around like he always did, checking if any student was watching. But as usual, being invisible had its perks as nobody was paying attention to the boy, so he leaped smoothly over a fence taller than himself without even touching it, landing elegantly on the other side. Hecouldn't wait to dress up in his suit and to roam the city in search of some unlucky criminal. After a quick stop by his favorite deli to get his favorite after-school snack, he made it to a hidden alley. He took off his shoes in a quick motion, throwing them carelessly aside. Then he reached for his backpack, pulling out his suit and taping the bag to a dumpster with a string of net fluid. While awkwardly taking off his pants, he stumbled into a garbage can, making him lose his balance for a brief moment, but managed to regain his balance. As if nothing had happened, he continued to undress clumsily, taking off his shirt, leaving him in only his boxers. As he prepared himself to jump into his suit, someone behind him cleared their throat loudly. His hazel eyes widened at the sound, his heart fastening its beat in panic. No one was supposed to see him like that. There was no way to explain this situation to anyone without revealing his identity. He was screwed.

"Nice boxers.", then someone said, walking closer to the petrified boy who frantically tried to come up with at least a decent reason for the situation. This was a nightmare. He had feared this moment for so long. " Relax Peter, I'm here on official Stark matters." the voice chuckled lightly. "Tony Stark sent  you?" Peter asked curiously while turning to face the stranger. He came face to face with an oddly attractive boy older than him, with a tan complexion and the brightest eyes he had ever seen on a human. Dark shades were fully pushed back into charcoal black curls and a smirk tugged at the corners of full lips as the older teen drawled: "Sorry to disappoint you, but I was sent by Happy ." The older teen put a cigarette between his plump lips while scanning the other boy up and down as equally curious " So, that's the mysterious spider-man everyone swoons about .", he mumbled, lazily flickering a fancy steel lighter with electric fire. Peter immediately tried to make himself taller . "Yes, I am.", he stated proudly. "Cool.", the other one was busy inhaling the smoke of his cancer stick and not impressed by the boy's posture. His eyes just continued to travel down Peter's body more interested in the boy than in the subject of the whole conversation. He was just here to deliver a message. But he could appreciate a cute face when he saw one. A lazy smile formed around the cigarette before he pulled it out with two fingers like Peter had seen all the cool boys do. "Happy wants you to stop calling him. ", the older teen finally delivered. That caught Peter off-guard, making him tilt his head slightly, now looking like a confused puppy with his big hazel eyes staring at the other boy. "But..", he stumbled. "No buts. I'm not here to explain shit to you I don't even care about. I was just asked to talk to you, and so here I am." The older one sighed heavily, done with the situation. He just wanted to go home again." Just stop texting and calling like a lovesick maniac, we'll be fine," ok?" he demanded, only facing the spider boy halfway, his jaw so sharp it could cut glass with ease. Peter nodded, intimidated by the older boy's whole demeanor . "Cool.", the dark-haired huffed, already walking away . "And maybe you should put on your suit already, pretty boy. Must be freezing." He sent the last smirk towards Peter, then disappeared behind the corner. Peter was staring after him in shock. He was deeply hurt that Happy hadn't come to talk to him in person but instead sent a mysterious teenager he'd never seen before. He really thought their relationship was more advanced than that after all that happened.
After a few extra seconds of wondering what this teen had been about, he shrugged. He was going to keep texting Happy anyway. No ridiculously cool dude claiming to work for Happy was gonna change that.


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