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Peter didn't know how to act as Liam awaited him, leaning lazily against the frame of his fancy car, a cigarette between his fingers, looking painfully handsome in his dark blue sweater

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Peter didn't know how to act as Liam awaited him, leaning lazily against the frame of his fancy car, a cigarette between his fingers, looking painfully handsome in his dark blue sweater. His lips curled up into a welcoming smile as he watched Peter approach, and the teenager's heart was beating like crazy at the sight of that.Oh lord, how was he going to survive the trip if a single grin aend his body to overdrive?
For the moment it helped that Ned was already in the back, already dressed in his yellow team blazer, excitedly waving at his best friend through the open window. It calmed his nerves not having to ride alone with Liam, who snipped the rest of his cigarette onto the sidewalk. "Well, good morning, sunshine.", he greeted as he held open the passenger door for Peter to climb in, just like he had done so many times before, but now it did completely different things to the boy. Peter awkwardly shuffled into his seat, thankful for Ned immediately starting a conversation as he secretly watched Liam circle the car with the usual swagger in his steps. With him entered an alluring smell of smoke and men's perfume that had still filled Peter's room last night long after Liam was gone. He tried his hardest to not blush. "Let's go.", the older teen announced as soon as he had taken his seat and pressed the button for the engine to start.

They could see the yellow blazers of their teammates from a far as soon as Liam pulled up unto the parking lot, the bright color matching the Bus they were crowding in front of perfectly. Liz was checking their names off of a list on a fancy clipboard; her sleeves rolled up to her elbow, looking as if she was overjoyed  organizing her fellows. As soon as she spotted the three boys approaching, a beaming smile spread on her face, enlightening her pretty features with kindness.

"Glad you're here.", she greeted them, immediately throwing her slender arms around Liam to pull him into a tight hug like she always did. "You're glowing.", Liam smoothly complimented her, making Peter grip the strap of his backpack harder. Now that he knew what he was feeling, it was way harder to deal with watching the two older teens interact as a couple.

"Oh hey, Peter." Mr. Harrington now jumped out of the bus to greet the newly arrived, looking as awkward as usual while doing so. "Good to be here, sir.", Peter quickly said back, tearing his attention away from Liam for a split second. As soon as his gaze landed on the boy again, Liam was looking behind him with the same beam he had given to Liz. "Excuse me, can we go already? 'Cause I was hoping to get into light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner so.." the source of his attention spoke up that was Michelle sans the decathlon uniform. She was staring at the teacher blankly like she always did when she expected something from him. "Which one?", Liam asked interested to what Michelle shrugged with her shoulders. "Any would do, I think. Wanna join?" "I'm tempted." Liam winked at her, and she nodded slightly before boarding the bus. What a strange pair the two of them were. "Well, let's go.", Liz chirped and followed close behind. "You are really thinking about joining her?" Peter asked  as he stepped next to Liam. The other boy chuckled, then leaned in to whisper into the younger's ear, sending goosebumps all over his body as his hot breath met the Peter's skin: "Pretty high chance I messed with those guys before." Peter gulped and nodded, watching as Liam claimed the seat Michelle had saved for him.

As the bus made its way through the highway, Liz insisted on further training. For this purpose, she even brought little bells to ring to answer her questions. Questions and answers shot through the room like bullets on a battlefield, with all teens glued to Liz's lips as she praised them for their knowledge or scolded them for not being focused enough. She was completely in the zone.

"Name three metals discovered in the last three centuries!" she called out, and Peter's hand hit the bell with impressive speed. "Peter!" "Uh, strontium, barium, vibranium." Peter gave his answer, and Liz gave him a thumbs up for it: "Excellent, Peter." Before Peter could feel pride wash over him, the phone in his pocket started to vibrate. With a quick look on the callers-id, he identified it as Happy. "Can I take this real quick?" he interrupted Liz, reading aloud the next question, and with a roll of her eyes, she nodded. So Peter answered the call, moving to the back of the bus for more privacy. "Got a blip on my screen here. you left new york?" So Happy was tracking him, he concluded as he slouched onto one of the benches. " Uh, yeah.No, it's a school trip. It's nothing.", he quickly tried to be as inconspicuous as possible. And he wasn't lying after all. " Look, Happy, I gotta say, you tracking me without my permission is a complete violation of my privacy." "I was just checking on you after your little funny business last time. Is Liam around?"

And just at this moment, two hands lifted Peter's legs off of the bench, draping them over a lap as Liam sat down beside him, holding his hand out for Peter to hand the phone over. Peter was completely baffled by the reaction and didn't know how to react to the sudden body contact. "Give him to me.", Liam emphasizes, and the other boy did as demanded, watching the older teen wide-eyed. "Happy, we're on a decathlon trip. I bring you a souvenir if you want.", Liam drawled into the phone, positioning the freehand unconsciously on the younger boy's leg, whose heart was about to explode. With hooded eyes, he watched as Liam dealt with the man, a slight annoyance plastered on his handsome features, without hearing a single word.

Peter was too busy thinking about that hand on his knee and the way it made his stomach flood with the fluttering of thousands of butterflies. None of his crushes had ever touched him like this, and he could only imagine how it had to feel when it was actually skin on skin. At some point, Liam ended the call, and somehow the phone found its way back in Peter's hand, but all that was going by in a blur to the hormone flooded boy. But soon after, Liam put down his legs again and raised to his feet,denying him any more body contact, he snapped back into reality. "We have to get rid of the tracker. ", Liam pointed out, concerned about their mission, the first of his sentences Peter actually understood.
"I think Ned brought his laptop.", he thought out loud, earning an appreciating nod from the other boy. "Good." With that, Liam went back to his seat next to Michelle, who had been peaking at them over the rim of her book. Maybe she was into Liam after all. Peter didn't like the idea.

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