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"Hey, Karen

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"Hey, Karen. What's up?" Peter spoke up, lounging now fully clothed in his chair. "Hey, Peter. How was your Spanish quiz?" the suit happily chatted away. As usual, it was a mystery where she got her information from. " Listen, I was wondering if you could help me. I'm trying to figure out who the guys under the bridge were that night, but I can only kind of remember part of a license plate.." he awkwardly explained what he needed from her. Karen was more than helpful with that. "I can run facial recognition on the footage of that encounter." 

A string of data appeared in front of Peter's eyes. The suit had way more features than he ever imagined. "footage?" he asked very interestedly. " Yes, Peter. I record everything you see." To her, it was only natural, while it was a whole revelation to him. "Everything?" he bored further. "Everything.", Karen confirmed. " Like all the time?" Peter still couldn't believe that was even possible. "It's called the Baby Monitor Protocol."
Peter huffed in dismay. "Of course it is." Then, an idea popped up in his mind. "So..do you have...like footage of...last weekend?"  "Of Washington?"

"Well, yes." Peter cleared his throat.  " You mean the almost kiss?" Karen was sounding like she trying to mock him. "Yes." Peter nodded, a bit too excited. " I'm afraid I'm not allowed to show you." Karen disappointed him yet again. "Let me guess, security clearance?" Peter rolled his eyes. It seemed like all about Liam was sensitive information.

" That's right. But I can show you the footage of that Friday."  "Uh, yeah. Just roll it back." Peter sighed. So no analysis of that moment in the elevator shaft. Crap. But maybe he could at least find out those names.  "With pleasure." And with that, Karen started the footage. But it was not the one Peter wanted to see. This one showed him practicing in front of the mirror. "Hey, everyone. Yeah, kick-ass party. Hey, what's up, Liz? Peter's told me a lot about you." In Realtime, Peter cringed hard. Maybe it was for the best he couldn't rewatch every bit of footage ever recorded.

"No, no, no.No, no, no. This is just me messing around. Go later in the day, later in the day", he quickly demanded, waving with his hand as if he could wipe the footage away. Karen fast-forwarded the video but again replayed it when Peter was in front of his mirror. This time he was holding a wooden hammer while impersonating Thor. That was even worse than the first one. " That's definitely....no. That's definitely not what we want to watch. Just..."  "Your impressions are very funny," Karen tried to convince him what made it even worse. Peter sighed. " Fast-forward to the arms deal, please."

And finally, she was playing the footage he actually wanted to see. The three men from the arms deal Peter was looking for. "Ok...the two on the right, who are they?" he asked Karen. " Searching law enforcement database.." she chaired. Of course, she had access to that. It seemed like he was the only one without access to anything. "No records found for two of the individuals" was her result. " Nothing?" Peter asked wide-eyed. "One individual identified. Aaron Davis, age 33. He has a criminal record and an address here in Queens."
The suit showed the record complete with a picture, and Peter was confident that was one of the men he had seen. "Let's pay him a visit.", Peter concluded. " Would you like me to call Mr.Liam first?"  Peter blinked. "You can do that?". " You ask me to remind you to never go on a mission without calling Mr.Liam first.", the suit recalled a conversation they had had at Damage Control. She was right. Last time he really had regretted not calling for help. "Ok, call Liam.", he said, the pitch of his voice higher as usual as nervousness struck. "Calling Liam," Karen chirped once again. It beeped a few times before Liam answered his phone. "Yes?" he asked. It sounded intimidating to the other boy.
" Hey, it's Peter." "I know. You're the only one with this number. At least you have been; I see you're calling over the suit." Over the phone, Liam sounded by far not as velvety smooth as in person. That didn't change the fact that Peter was thrilled to hear his voice. "I'm calling because I found one of the criminals.", he revealed his latest discovery.  "Listen, Pete. Don't you think you should rest a day before you throw yourself off the next cliff?" As usual, the other teen sounded strangely amused. "Well, I thought I could interrogate him..." "Interrogate?You?" Liam chuckled. "Yes, me.", Peter snapped back, a little bit hurt. Liam caught that. " Sorry, darling, but you're just the sweetest person I know. I can't imagine someone being intimidated by you." Peter huffed, but that made the other boy only chuckle again. "That's exactly what I mean. You're so cute." With a face red as a tomato, Peter tried to find something he could say back to that. But it was Liam who spoke up again first. "Text me the address; I'll be there."

Peter's heart beat faster. That was almost a date. Or at least something like that. "See you there.", he mumbled his response, and Liam hung up. " Should I text the address?" Karen pulled him out of his pink clouded thoughts. "Yes, please."
"Done. Do you want me to activate the Enhanced Interrogation Protocol?" Peter nodded again. "Uh yeah."
Peter stripped off the normal clothes, leaving him only in his spider suit. Prepared like that, he jumped onto his windowseat. "Ok, Karen. Show me the fastest way to Mister Aaron Davis. We have an interrogation to do." He was going to prove to Liam that he could be very much intimidating if he wanted to be.And he was going to prove to Tony Stark that he could catch those criminals without further accidents. He jumped outside with determination.

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