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Peter was lying on a hammock made out of his webs, arms crossed behind his head, staring off into the distance, deep in his thoughts

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Peter was lying on a hammock made out of his webs, arms crossed behind his head, staring off into the distance, deep in his thoughts. He had arranged himself with having to wait until a helpful idea struck him. So he was buying himself with overthinking his current situation.
"Hey, suit lady, I kind of feel bad for calling you" suit lady, you know? I think I should probably give you a name...what is a good name for you? How do others call you?" "I don't have a name, Peter. But  I would like you to give me one. ", the suit answered her unusual smooth tone. For a moment, Peter thought about it." What about Liz? Wait, no, that's weird. Why I'm even thinking about her?"  he shook his head. He liked Liz, but not in a way that he would name a constant companion after her. " Are you in love with Liz, Peter? "

Of course, Tony had made her notice something like that in his voice. Maybe he had told her about Liz too. But if so, her information was obsolete. "No, no, no, I'm not.", he quickly denied before the suit could give him any advice on how to talk to girls. He wouldn't need that anyway. Not at the moment. Thinking of.....Hey suit lady, is there a female version of Liam?"  "I don't think so.", the suit replied. "Would you like to search the database for 'Liam'?"  Peter sat up. "You got a database?" he awed, eyes wide underneath the mask imagine the possibilities.  "Yes. I  have access to the Stark database." Peter didn't even know something like a Stark database existed. But thinking about it, of course, it did. Tony liked to be in control. Information was vital, after all.
Maybe she could help him with his other problem.

"Do you have anything about Tony Stark's adoptive son?" he carefully asked the suit. "searching for Liam Weber....."  A search symbol popped up on his display. Then big red letters appeared. "Access denied.", the suit read it out aloud. Peter was disappointed. "Why can't I access?" "You need level 10 security clearance.", the suit chirped. He had never heard about a security clearance. But it made sense.

  "What clearance do I have?" he asks curiously. "Your clearance is basic entry-level."  Peter sighed. "Of course it is."  "I'm sorry, Peter. But some information is highly sensitive."  Peter nodded. "Thank you anyways." "You're welcome, Peter." The boy let his legs dangle for a moment. "Hey, what about Karen?"

The sun had already risen over DC, and the Decathlon Team assembled in the hotel entrance. Most of them looked tired, having spent the night with their pool party, but there was no one looking as tired as Liam. To him, everything was a mess right now. Flash kept glancing at him, and he wanted to dodge that conversation about that weird situation last night. He hadn't slept as he had been worrying about Peter and his mission, and Liz was furious that Peter Parker had caught a cold overnight and had to stay behind. At least, that was what Ned and Liam had told her to explain the other boy's absence. If it were for Liam, he would be missing too right now, already wreaking havoc to find Peter and save him from whatever misery he had managed to navigate himself into. As Liz was explained today's schedule to everyone, he couldn't think about anything but the brown-eyed boy. He should have gone with him; then he would be here right now, right by his side where he was safe. And he would fight the urge to take Peter's hand instead of fighting the desire to break something. Now he had to take part in the game without paying attention.

"You're alright?" Michelle asked, who was as usual lurking close by, wearing her team blazer for a change. Initially, Liam was supposed to be a first alternate and not in the primary team, so he didn't have his own blazer. The one he was wearing was Peter's, a bit short on the arms and too big at the torso, the main interest of MJ since she had spotted him leaving Peter's room in the morning. She surely thought the two of had made out or more. God, how he wished that was true. That would make things so much easier. " I'm just nervous.", he tried to calm her, but she only nodded in a way that told him she knew there was more than he was willing to tell. Ned, on his other side, shuffled nervously on the spot. He was as equally concerned about his best friend's well-being and currently hiding the energy core in the depth of his backpack. In case Peter would make it to them, they couldn't leave it behind. "If he's not back at noon, I'll get him.", Liam whispered in his direction, and Ned nodded in approval.

Miles away, Peter was now roaming the facility he was trapped in.  "Let's see what this is all about," he chose to distract himself further by opening the duffle bag Vulture had tried to steal. The first item he pulled out was a completely useless, wheel-shaped metal piece he immediately threw away. "Nope.", he plopped the p, digging further through the other parts. "That's awesome!" he exclaimed as he pulled out a full Ultron head. He had to ask Liam about that battle eventually. They looked so cool. But he must have done something because the head discarded to the floor with a clanging sound, leaving only a purple glowing object in the palm of his hand. And a very familiar thing at that.
"Ah, hey, it's like the glowy thing," he noticed where he had seen something like that before. "That glowy thing is an explosive Chitauri energy core." Karen provided the information he would have needed way earlier. "Woah!" he exclaimed in shock. "You mean, we have been carrying around a bomb!?"  "It would require radiation to transform it into an explosive state." 

"That's not much better!" Peter called out in panic, already fiddling with his phone to warn his friends. He tried to call Ned but couldn't get any reception. He tried Liam's number, but there was still nothing. "No, no no, no, no!" he muttered to himself. That wasn't good. He had to get out of here.
He swang over to the doors for a last desperate try to bang against it in hopes of somebody hearing him.  "Hey! Please! Please, somebody, let me out! Hey! Karen, you have to help me override that time lock."  That was his last option. He had to save his friends.

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