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While Peter was clinging to the plane, trying to detach the vulture's wings from the surface, Liam got closer and closer to his target

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While Peter was clinging to the plane, trying to detach the vulture's wings from the surface, Liam got closer and closer to his target. Toomes had been reprogramming the route and looked down at the displays in glee. Everything was going according to his plans, and Liam really wanted to know them to come up with the best strategy. It looked like the autopilot was still working, but the question was, for how long was it supposed to. Maybe Toomes would give him a hint on where he wanted the jet to land and, more importantly, in which condition. Liam took it as his responsibility to get his boyfriend safely back to the ground, and protecting Peter was the main priority while fighting the vulture. So the boy jumped behind a box fir now as the villain suddenly turned around, a bright grin on his lips.

"Hot dog!" the Toomes called out in excitement as he looked around the different crates. Millions of equipment, iron man armor arch reactors, and various experimental power modules. Tony Stark had collected a lot of space stealing rubbish at the tower, but one man's trash was another man's treasure. To him, this must look like Christmas and he would want to land his presents safe and sound. With that realization, Liam was already creeping up behind him once more, knife ready to cut through a throat or at least pretend to cleanly.

But suddenly, a jolt went through the jet, and the alarm system went off. Peter. The boy must have done something on the outside. The brief moment of distraction caused Liam to lose the upper hand as Vulture had just noticed his presence behind him. Quickly, the man turned around, hitting the young agent right in the face. Liam huffed, the sting of pain refocusing his mind. Whatever Peter was doing, he was alright on his own. Vulture was his responsibility now. And he was no match to a trained assassin.

With quick, skilled kicks and punches, the boy made the villain waver, the armor the only thing that kept the man from falling. A well-positioned blow, a cruel move, and Toomes would go out like a light. But as Liam was jumping around the man's unprotected neck to choke him with his thighs, another jolt went through the jet, causing him to miss and fall to the floor rather harshly.

Liam growled in annoyance as he jumped back to his feet; his professional arrogance hated when he had to start a second attempt. He looked into Toomes's eyes sternly and could see a tiny bit of Liz in the man's features, which only fueled his hate for him. How could he do that to her? A scream outside as Peter clung to the camouflage cameras, distracting Liam long enough for Toomes to strike. He did not know the boy nor his connection to his daughter, but he had successfully noticed that this teenage boy was more of a threat than he had first expected. So he had geared up, shooting a blue beam right at the boy and hitting him in the chest. Liam collapsed, gasping for air, the forceful impact hurt like hell, and the boy needed a second to remind his body how to breathe. The alarm rang in his ears; his vision was blurred at the edges.

But he could still make out the silhouette of Toomes reconnecting with his pair of wings and jumping right out of his portal to hunt down Peter. Liam felt useless as he lay there; this wasn't how things were supposed to go. He had gotten weak with his constant worry for the other boy. His advisors would be disappointed, his sister and Nat proud. With the thought of those two mighty women, he slowly fought his way to his feet again, his vision sharpening, the alarm becoming a reality instead of background noise.

The plane was about to crash down. They would expect him to save it. The pain in his rips was almost unbearable as he stepped closer to the control. The autopilot had been turned off; whatever Peter and Vulture were doing outside was causing the system to collapse. He had to fly it manually. Quickly, he switched the buttons to gain control over the flight control, pulling at it hard to maintain height. On the overhead monitors, he could see Peter fighting the Vulture, the villain carelessly wreaking parts off the plane to throw after the spiderman. Liam scolded himself for not bringing earpieces for communication with his boyfriend, who clearly could need some help. He was too busy clinging to the jet and dodging the other man's attack to actually land a blow himself. Liam watched in horror as the boy webbed himself to Vulture, who attempted to fly off and got himself and the man tangled up in one of the turbines. Luckily for Peter, the villain's set of wings was made ouf of vibranium and steel and could withstand the blades of the fan and therefore save the boy's life. But the turbine was broken and useless, making another red alarm flash going off in the cockpit.

This wasn't good. Liam tried his best to stabilize the jet, but shortly after the first light, another one was blinking, followed by a loud, horrifying screech. The next turbine was down, and the plane had changed its flight path had been changes. A quick glance at the camera feed told Liam that Peter was responsible for that as he tried to avoid the city that had gotten dangerously close. The problem was, that Liam could not help as the flight control was stuck in a safety position that was supposed to kick in in case of emergency. But that meant the jet was going down. Fast. A loud crash echoed through the night as it cut down one of Coney Island's attractions; Liam was shaken and tossed through the cockpit until he finally lost grip on the control. Just as the plane crashed into the sand, Liam was thrown out of the wrack.

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