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The elevator shook as the tour guide opened the security hatch above, looking out

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The elevator shook as the tour guide opened the security hatch above, looking out. "Ok, we get you out one by one.", she announced. Cindy, a blonde of their group, was first to go. Liam watched, concerned as he could feel the vibration increase. The security system wasn't built for a situation like this. It was only a matter of time before something would happen. He could only hope Peter would make it in time. Being a damsel in distress wasn't really his style, but Peter was the only one that could save them.
One student at the time could be pulled up through the elevator shaft. " Ok, who's next?" Liz grabbed Mr.Harrington's shoulder, preparing herself to climb up, but was quickly shoved aside by Flash. "Me, it's my turn!" he announced, crawling the trophy he didn't participate in winning. " Flash, seriously? What are you doing?" Ned called him out. But Flash didn't care and was already climbing through the hatch. The car shook dangerously. The brakes were about to fail. Flash just made it to safety when they gave in, and the elevator began to free fall, the ceiling having ripped off in progress.

Liz and Ned screamed as Liam pushed all of them to the floor for a higher chance of survival. Then another jolt went through the car, jostling them around wildly. As they looked up, they could see webs holding the elevator in place. Peter had arrived. Liam smiled as he could make out the boy bracing his feet against the doors to the shaft. But that brief moment of relief was cut short as the doors broke loose and the elevator and Peter plummeted down the shaft again. There was a beam where it was caught on, and Peter fell through the ceiling, landing on his back right next to Liam. The eyes met as the impact broke a wheel, and the car started to drop again.

In desperation, Peter shot a web through the hole in the ceiling, finally stopping the elevator's descent. Hanging upside down, Peter grabbed onto the strand of web widely, not wanting to lose his friends again. "Ahem. Hey, how are you doing? Don't worry about it. I got you.", he tried to calm them, looking into their shocked faces as he tried to make his voice sound different." I'm so glad to see you!" Liam beamed at him. That was the truth. His heart was pounding in his chest, knowing how those brown eyes twinkled proudly under that mask. "I got you.", Peter repeated, holding his gaze.

Slowly, he pulled the elevator up the shaft, his muscles tensing under the weight. He was just marvelous to Liam, who couldn't take his eyes off of him. And he wasn't alone with that. They all awed at the pure strength the hero displayed by bringing them closed and closer to their rescuers. As they reached an upper floor, Mr.Harrington hurried them to climb out. Cindy held her hand out for them to take. " Me. Harington, go. Ned, come on!" Ned looked at Peter. "Alright, that's your stop.", he assured his best friend it was ok for him to go. Then Ned looked at Liz, taking her arm. " Come on, Liz."

While the three of them left the elevator, the metal underneath Peter's feet started to bend. Panik rose in the boy's chest. "Go, go, go. Everybody out! Move it, people. Move it, move it!" He wasn't sure if he could hold it any longer. Liz's feet just met the floor when the ceiling snapped, and Liam was falling again. But Peter wasn't going to let him die. He caught him a few floors down with a web to the hand, making the teen dangle by nothing but his wrist that made an unhealthy sound."You're ok. You're ok." Peter tried to calm Liam as well as himself. Their hearts were racing as Peter pulled the other boy up and grabbed his hand with determination."You're ok."

Everything was alright.They were both safe. "You've been right on time. I was starting to miss you", Liam coed, his blue eyes glistening ad Peter happily. The other boy blushed. Almost lovingly, Peter put Liam down on the next floor, holding onto his hand a few seconds longer than needed. " You're really alright?" Peter asked . He couldn't deny how good it felt to have his Peter back, and the adrenalin running through his veins only deepened that feeling in his heart.
Liam stepped closer to the edge, gesturing for Spiderman to come closer, forgetting the web he was hanging on had been weakened by the weight of the elevator.
"Be careful; you might fall," Peter whispered, mesmerized by the other boy's bright eyes and their color-changing beam. " I already fell for you, darling," Liam answered, outstretching a hand to cup Peter's face, who continued to be stunned by the older boy's presence. It was like the air was sizzling around them, making his stomach all bubbling with expectations.

Liam's slender fingers found the rim of the mask, beginning to pull it downward, painfully slow to reveal Peter's plump lips. At that moment, as fingertips brushed against warm skin, Peter was confident he had fallen too. There was no denying any longer. And although he was hanging upside down from a demolished building, Peter was only paying attention to Liam leaning in, wishing for their lips to finally connect . They were so close, the younger boy could feel the warmth radiating from the other, giving him goosebumps all over his body, and the closer they got, the weaker felt his knees. Until he wasn't able to cling unto the web anymore, and it snapped, making Peter fall from Liam's touch, deep down the shaft. Liam could have sworn he'd heard Peter cursing while falling, making him chuckle before he stepped back.

He would have waited for the spiderman to swing back up, but a firefighter called him to get out of the building and immediately taken him under ambulances care. So when Peter reached the floor again, panting and more than ready to get his kiss, the agent was gone. " Crap, so close.", the boy mumbled, getting out the elevator shaft to start changing back into his regular clothes.

As he was out of the building, being just Peter again, he was confronted with chaos. Parents cradled their children while policemen asked questions about the events, and ambulances waiting scattered the place, making it hard to orientate. His eyes roamed the scene for Liam, wanting nothing more than to see the boy again, determined to get his reward for saving the agent in distress. "Peter!" Ned called out, approaching from a nearby ambulance." Did you see Liam?" Peter cut him short. "Yeah, he's alright. Last seen him over there.", Ned exclaimed, pointing away from the main crowd. Peter left him alone, jogging to the spot, finally getting a glimpse at dark curls. But suddenly, he stopped. Liam wasn't alone. He was picked up by none other than Tony Stark himself and was currently getting into one of those sleek black cars. Abruptly, Peter's confidence was gone with the wind, leaving him to watch the car pulling out of its parking space and drive away, kicking dust in frustration. So close and yet so far. He was pulled out of his anger by Michelle, who turned up beside him, a glare in her dark eyes. " Where have you been?" she asked suspiciously. "Got lost in the city. I needed to get navigated out per phone.", he answered while burying his hands in the depths of his jeans pockets.

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