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Peter was content

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Peter was content. His pizza was delicious and the back of the car warm and cozy with the additional benefits of good entertainment and Liam. Then, of course, the car had a display on the roof that was broadcasting a live feed from the sky outside like they were sitting in the great hall of Hogwarts. With the backseat folded back into a lounging area, the experience was just magical.

Peter had decided he liked car picnics. However, he was still anxious as this was his very first date, and the other teen had not called it that yet. Liam was just contently watching the rain while sipping on his coke. Half of his pizza lay by his side untouched, and he hadn't said a single word since they had started to tuck in. Peter hadn't dared to himself. It was just so peaceful, and he didn't want to ruin it. But on the other hand, he wanted to talk and catch up.

So he cleared his throat nervously before saying: "This is nice." He purposely avoided looking at the other teen and watched the raindrops splatter on the roof instead.  He could feel Liam's eyes on him, giving him a once over from the side. And just knew that he was smirking. But there was no intelligent remark or cheesy nickname following. Instead, a hand sneaked behind his back, taking him and pulling him closer, so he was snuggled up into Liam's arms. He was warm and smelled like petrichor, a combination that was just to good to be true, making Peter smile like a lovesick puppy.

"We could do this every day.", Liam pointed out, his chest vibrating with his voice. Peter hummed in agreement. They could. It would be fantastic. "Peter?"  Another hum while big brown eyes looked up at the other teen expectingly. "I'm so sorry I didn't stay with you. You looked so lost."  Peter sighed, his breath hitting the other's skin, causing him to hold his breath for a second noticeably. "I'm fine. You're here now.", Peter mumbled. To him, that whole incident was nothing more than yesterday's news. He was over it, wanting to move on.

But it seemed to weigh heavy on Liam's heart as he continued:" I wanted to get to you, hold you tight and tell you everything will be alright. I feel like I betrayed you." Peter opened his mouth to argue back again, but Liam shuffled in his seat so he could look down at him.  "I like you, Peter. I have to get that out. But I never liked anyone before, and it seems like I'm not really good at it."  Peter looked into his eyes and smiled. "I like you too."

With a light chuckle, Liam rolled his eyes. "Of course, that's the only thing you heard." Peter's smile spread even wider as he leaned in to press his lips to Liam's. It was nothing more than a peak, as he didn't know how to initiate a proper kiss but was proud of himself regardless as he was the one who got himself his first kiss. Also, he was relatively sure that Liam wasn't to just leave it like that. And much to his joy, another kiss followed with the other boy taking the lead, soft and tenderly but on a whole different skill level than Peter could provide. He had to say, Liam knew what he was doing as his body felt like it was melting, pretty much like it did in Washington but more intense. His heart beat faster, and his stomach was fluttering. Liking someone was great. Kissing was awesome. Liam's hand held his cheek, his slender fingers stroking it lovingly. Peter couldn't help it. This was heaven. A purr-like sound left his throat, and Liam abruptly stopped the kiss, looking at him in shock. "What the hell was that?" he asked, perplexed.

"I... don't know." Peter shrugged, immediately self-conscious. Why the heck was he purring?  Liam blinked, his eyes holding a strange glimmer Peter had never seen before. "You have to be careful with that. I can't guarantee for anything when you do that.", he breathed out. "I'll never do it again.", Peter quickly responded to make matters less awkward. But Liam just tilted his head: "Darling, that's not what I meant." Now it was Peter's turn to blink in confusion. His mind needed a moment to wrack itself around what Liam was implying, making the other boy chuckle while placing another kiss on the tip of Peter's nose. That was precisely when Peter's mind had finished deciphering him, and a mild redness crept onto the younger boy's face while it made a mental note to remember this at the right moment. But that was not now. Which didn't mean he wasn't down for another kiss, though. So as Liam leaned in again, he was the one actually to connect their lips. He could do this forever.

His arms wrapped around the other's neck, his fingers finding their way into soft, dark curls. With a jolt, Liam flipped them around so that the two of them were lying on their sites and hw could pull Peter even closer to his chest. Making out in a car was way more comfortable than Peter had ever imagined. It was light and giggly, just two boys being happy, and as soon as they pulled apart, a smile was plastered onto their faces. Looking onto Liam's eyes like that, Peter was confident that this was the best thing that had come out of being a superhero so far. And with that, an idea popped into his mind.

"Ey, would you... do you want to go to prom with me?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper. Liam, who had been stroking his cheek again, grinned. "Prom? Isn't that a bit cheesy?" Peter shrugged. "I don't know. I've never been to one. But I'd like to go with you. We can find out together." He really hoped Liam would go with him.  A prom date was something to remember. At least that was what he had heard. The other boy sighed heavily, and Peter had a good idea where this was leading to. "I would love to. But I had to ask Tony, and then he would find out that I lied to him about only wanting you as a friend..", Liam explained, pulling his hand back. "Oh, oh... Okay.", Peter stammered, more disappointed than he allowed himself to show. "But I could sneak out and meet you afterward... we could dance in your room.", Liam quickly added, observing Peter's reaction. 
Peter smiled at the idea forming an image in his mind. He could see them all dolled up swaying to a soft tune. Nobody watching them, just a moment to cherish. That would be even better memory than prom. This was what happened in Hollywood." Do you have a tux?" he asked, curious about how good Liam would look in one. "Of course.", the older teen chuckled. "I'll put it on just for you."

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