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Although Liam hadn't visited Peter that night, he was in a good mood as he roamed the hallways of midtown high

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Although Liam hadn't visited Peter that night, he was in a good mood as he roamed the hallways of midtown high. Everyone was cheering for spider-man, even the student's news, and Peter felt he could do everything. He was a rock star who had just saved his Decathlon Team from misery, including his future boyfriend. And as soon as he saw Liam around, he was going to drag him somewhere more private to get that kiss. With a confident bounce in his steps, he entered another hall, where Ned was already waiting.

"Dude, dude, dude, dude. What is it like being famous when nobody knows it's you?" he excitedly asked, joining his best friend on his walk. " Crazy, dude.", Peter answered truthfully, his best friend's excitement hyping him even more up. "It's crazy! Should we tell everyone?" Ned continued as they stopped in front of the gymnasium, Peter peering through the glass door to catch a glimpse of Liam, who had PE with his classmates. The teen was lazily dangling from the climbing robe while his peers didn't even manage to climb it a few inches. " No.", Peter answered his friend absently, as his crush and that caught his attention cocky smirk on his lips. "Should I tell anyone?" Ned didn't notice that Peter was only listening to him on a minimum level. But he had heard him. "No, dude, that's not a good idea.", he quickly responded to his friend, tearing his gaze from Liam.
Ned's excitement was not bummed in the slightest. " Okay, come on, we'll be late for class.", he said, already turning to go. But Peter remained frozen in his spot. "I'm not going to class." Ned was shocked to a point where his mouth gaped open for a second: "But you're already in so much trouble for ditching the Decathlon." Peter knew that. And he didn't care. He still had a mission. Two, to be exact. And they both would be perfect to combine. "Dude, listen, I figured it out, right? The wingsuit guy is stealing from Damage Control. And what he takes from Damage Control is how he builds the weapons. So all I got to do is catch him. ", Peter explained passionately. " All we got to do.", he added with a smile and nodded towards the gymnasium. Of course, Ned interpreted that as Peter talking about the two of them. "But we have a Spanish quiz.", he pointed out, flabbergasted. Peter grabbed him by the shoulders. " Ned, I'm probably never gonna come back here.  Mr.Stark is moving the Avengers upstate, so when I bring this guy in.." "Dude, you wanna be a high school dropout?" Ned interrupted him even more confused. Peter started to walk backward in the direction of the entrance. "I am far beyond high school right now." But much to his and luck, Principal Morita was standing right behind the corner and had heard his last statement loud and clear. "Parker, my office."

He was sent to detention, the most boring place in the universe. He never got himself into detention before, but he had heard about the videos they were shown. Today it was the one with Captain America. Peter couldn't take him seriously. Stealing his shield back in Germany had been way too easy. He sighed and bit his lip in frustration as the star-spangled man started his lecture about making things right. What an ordeal. The only other student with him was Michelle, who was quietly drawing at the desk behind his. "You know, I think you should make a move.", she suddenly spoke up. Irritated, Peter turned around. Did she know about his situation? She looked up at him, that usual indifferent look in her dark eyes. " You should make a move on Liam. I think he has a crush on spider-man ."

Now Peter was even more irritated. "What?" "He had that lovey-dovey tone in his voice when he told me about DC last night.", she continued unfazed. "You spoke to Liam last night?" There was it again, that jealousy settled deep inside his stomach that had been exclusive to Liz before. Liam had spoken to Michelle instead of coming to him, although he had waited all night. " Of course. I'm his best friend. He called me to tell me he was alright." MJ shrugged, her gaze boring right into him in a way that left no doubt to her knowing what he was feeling right now. " You should make a move. Or Spider-man will get the boy.", she concluded. But little did she know that both Peter and Spider-man wanted the boy to like them because they were the same person. But the Peter Parker part didn't know how to react to her statement.
"I..." he stuttered. "... am complete in love with Liam, and I will consider your input. Thank you very much." MJ finished his sentence for him. With that, she was done with the conversation and redirected her attention back to her doodling. Peter just sat there flabbergasted. Then his mind settled on a plan. Forcefully, he stood up, and without a single word, he left the room, ignoring Coach Wilson calling out for him to get back. He was going to get that criminal, and he was going to get the boy. Passing through the empty hallway, he lifted a specific row of lockers from the ground, revealing a hidden space beneath his hero stash of web fluid. He grabbed a bottle and threw it in the air enthusiastically before catching it again. That would be  enough ammo for his next adventure. He only needed to get home without being caught by May for ditching school.
Carefully he peeked in the front door. "May?" he asked into the apartment. No answer. His aunt wasn't home. Content, Peter made his way in. Like that, preparations would be much easier. He grabbed his suit and mask as well as a set of everyday clothes. Then it was time to go to work.

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