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"Melody, I told you specifically not to go to that festival, and you went anyway? You are grounded young lady!" my mother said, as we walked inside the corridor that led to our plane.
I rolled my eyes, honestly not really caring about being grounded.

"Honestly, mom, I don't even know why you care. You didn't even notice I wasn't in our room all night, I wasn't late and didn't disturb anyone. Plus, I had a really good time!"

"That is not the point, I asked you not to do something, you did it anyway,"
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, getting on the plane.

She doesn't even know anything. No one in my family knows that I'm signed to Spinnin' Records and that I'm releasing my first track in approximately a week. Yep! A week! Rick called me right when I was about to leave the hotel, he asked for my permission to send Spinnin' Records one of my tracks to release it. Don't ask me why I haven't told anyone, because the answer is that they probably don't care and would pretend to, but would fail to make me believe that they truly do. I'd have to tell them eventually, just not right now.

"A-Are you Melody Benson?" I heard a girl say, pulling me away from my thoughts.
I turned around, suddenly blocking the tiny alley in between the seats and I looked down at a girl, approximately my age, maybe a few years older, who was looking up at me and completely froze.

I stared at her with a blank expression for a while, before pointing to myself in an unsure way as if asking 'me?'. She simply nodded and I looked at my sister, who was now looking extremely impatient, with a confused expression.

"Mel, move, everyone's waiting," my sister whispered, impatiently.

I ignored her and put my hand in front of her face, motioning her to wait for a few more minutes and turned my attention to the girl.

"Yeah, how do you know that?" I asked, creeped out.

"Uh, I was at the festival last night, I love your music by the way," she replied, pushing her glasses up on the bridge of her nose.

My expression softened and I lost my words. I didn't know what to say, I almost wanted to hug her for being so sweet to me. I had my first fan! 

"Thank you, really. You don't know how much that means to me," I replied, smiling with a true, genuine smile, "It was nice meeting you! Everyone's waiting so I better go, but thanks again!"

She simply smiled and I went down the hallway, still not believing I just got recognized by a stranger.

I sat down next to my sister and her boyfriend in the plane. I was next to the small window, my sister was in the middle and Ryan was next to the tiny hallway. My sister was taking so much space it was unbelievable. 

I opened my phone to look at the time and smiled at my background. It was a picture of Martin and I. I know I met him only a week ago, and usually people like that annoy me so much, but I don't know, it just seemed like I've known him for much longer than seven days. 

Maybe it's because of all the time you've spent stalking him on any social media possible before actually meeting him.

It's bizarre.

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"It's not that, it's just that I always say people shouldn't like other people the way I like him when they only met a week ago!" I exasperatedly exclaimed, digging my hand into a bag of chips, staring hopelessly at my best friend.

"You've been in love with him ever since you saw him on the internet, so in your defence, it's kind of like you've known him for longer than a week!" Emily replied, making her brown curls bounce with every movements she made, even the slightest ones.

"I know," I mumbled, digging my face into a pillow.

Two days have passed since I got back from Florida, and right now I was with my best friend, in my room and I was having a mental breakdown over Martin freaking Garrix. He hasn't texted, called, tweeted me or anything like that. I don't think he has tried at all to reach me in any way possible and I felt like crying. I knew it! 

"I promise you we'll see each other again" 

"I like you, you know?"

"You're special,"

"LIAR! I HATE HIM!" I yelled, startling Emily.

"Calm down, geez," she ordered, looking at me with a judgmental expression.

I whined, running my fingers through my messy hair. I was overreacting, a lot, but I was right about what I said back then! He won't ever text me or call me or tweet me or anything like that, and he probably doesn't even remember my name and he probably has already moved on to another girl and he's going to break her heart as well and so on.
Wow, I'm over him.

"Melody!" my mother yelled from downstairs, making me roll my eyes, "Come downstairs please!"

"Coming!" I yelled, standing up from my bed and heading downstairs, followed by Emily.

Once I reached the final step, I turned the corner to get to my kitchen where my mother's voice was coming from, and it didn't take much time before I noticed a huge bouquet of roses standing right in the middle of my kitchen counter.

"Aw, would you look at that!" I pointed to the red roses, walking closer to where they were, "Martin must have sent them to me, what a cutie!" I sarcastically remarked, making my best friend roll her eyes at me.

"How did you know?" my mother replied, putting flour in a big bowl, preparing desert.

"Wait, what?" I asked, dropping my sarcastic expression and turning it into a serious and confused one, "How did he know my address? Oh my-

"Mel, Martin Garrix sent you flowers and the only thing you can think of right now is how he got your address? Really?" Emily replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well yeah? Of course?" 

"I'm the one who told him lil' sis'," 

I turned around as my sister made an appearance in the kitchen, smirking.

"What are you doing here? And you did? When?" I asked, confused.

"First, I'm here to help dad with some things he asked me to help him with a while back, and now I have some free time to do it," she replied, leaning on the kitchen counter, "And second of all, you were the first one to get into that bus that drove us to the airport, Martin wanted to say goodbye one last time, but I told him you couldn't and he looked sad so I proposed him to come and visit, because how cool would that be, I mean, a famous person at your house, and I guess he couldn't or thought I was kidding so he sent roses instead,"

Emily elbowed me and winked at me, as I blushed quickly grabbing the little note that was attached to the flowers.

"I think he really likes you Mel, surprisingly," my sister said, making me roll my eyes.

I began reading the little note and smiled at how cute he was.

"I promised we would see each other again, and we will, soon. Sooner than you think, but until then, have these. See you soon Melody,   -M"

"I thought you hated him?" Em mocked, looking over my shoulder to read what Martin had written.

"I never said that," I responded, making it obvious that I was lying, "Gosh, Em," 

"No seriously I could never hate him, I mean, who could?" I spoke, smelling the roses, smiling to myself.

Usually I would've found this extremely corny and cheesy, but right now, I couldn't get over how cute he was, and I wanted to announce to everyone I possibly could that Martin Garrix itself had sent me roses and that he had not forgotten me.

This is unbelievable.


I know right now there isn't really anything that can relate to the title, or the description, but she has to get famous before, you know? Don't worry, it's coming ;)

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