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"Mel, come on, it's been 4 hours already," Martin sighed, taking his phone out of his pocket with a bored expression.

"Martin, please just a little more, we don't have these stores back home," I insisted, entering another store while carrying dozens of shopping bags.
Martin took me shopping before we would work in the studio tonight for some new tracks. We were in Miami at the moment, and I was losing my mind in the huge shopping malls. I, saddly, am a shopaholic, but I never really had the money for it and I was always broke. Sigh. Happily, I got my first pay check from Spinnin' last week and oh dear, I jumped around for about 15 minutes.
After our trip to the mall, we would go back to the studio to create some new tracks and after that, Martin would show me where would be Ultra Music Festival. It was in a few weeks, but we would be staying here until then. I haven't talked to my family in a while, and it's sad really, but no one has called or texted me to tell me they miss me or things like that. My parents are "happy" for me, but they rarely talk about it. Last week I was at home, yet I spent most of my time at Martin's hotel instead of in my actual house.

"Okayyyyy," he whined like a kid and I giggled at how cute he was, "But it's already 4 in the afternoon and I'm starving, I don't understand how you can do this shit for 4 straight hours,"

"It's not shit, Martin, it's shopping. And trust me, I could do this for a lot more than 4 hours with money and cute clothes for sale," I grinned, taking a dress and adding it to the pile of clothes Martin was carrying for me. He rolled his eyes playfully, following me around the gigantic store.

I finally got inside a cabin to try on the pile of clothes and closed the door, turning around to meet my reflection in the cabin mirror. I took off my clothes and grabbed a few outfits to try on.

"How about this one?" I asked, opening the door as Martin looked up from his cellphone. He tilted his head slightly to the right and smirked, "You do realize that's too big for you, right?" he asked, making me turn around to take a closer look at my outfit. It was a pair of ripped black jeans with a simple v-neck white tee and a flannel. I like simple things. I scanned my outfit and it seemed to fit me pretty well.

"Well, no," I replied, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I love it, you look cute as hell, but you look like you suddenly lost like 10 pounds," he replied and I chuckled, nodding my head, "Yeah, I guess you're right,"

I came back a few minutes later with a dress he had begged me to try on. It was a white lace dress that had a lot of details. It was pretty short, but it still looked classy and it was really cute, I just wasn't used to wearing such girly things.
"Here's your dress,"

He looked up once again from his phone and stared at me up and down licking his lips. I stood there awkwardly and bit my lip, "So?"

"You look flawless, literally flawless. Take it," he replied, running his fingers through his messy hair, "No, seriously, it looks amazing on you," he smirked, making me slightly blush.

"Okay then,"

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"I'd like a White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino, please," I asked, smiling at the cashier at Starbucks.

"Sure, for Melody?" he asked, already writing my name on the cup.

"Uh, yeah..." I trailed off, "How did you know?"

"I haven't been living under a rock," he smirked, putting the cup aside,"That will be 4,95$ please," he sweetly smiled, opening the cash register.
Martin gave him a 5 dollar bill before I could look through my purse and he gave the cashier a sarcastic smile, before looking down at me.

"You don't have to pay for me," I said, smiling, secretly hoping that he would pay for me anyway. I'm horrible.

I grabbed my frappuccino and took a sip, waiting for Martin to come and join me.

"Oh My God! Martin Garrix!"

I rolled my eyes hearing some squealing and took a sip once again, slowly turning around to see Martin hugging a teenage girl and her crying friend squealing and fangirling next to them. I used to be like that, sad.

You still are, dumbass.

"Oh..." one of them trailed off, letting go of Martin, "Melody," she said, looking at me up and down. She faked a smile and flicked her hair over her shoulder.

"Hi there!" I replied, waving, giving her a smile that was as fake as hers.

"Martin, can we have a picture, please?" She giggled, leaning on Martin as her hands travelled down his chest. That bitch.
I narrowed my eyes and groaned, "Sure, let's take that picture, shall we?"

The girl took out her phone and raised it in the air, smiling for the picture, but before she could take it, she put it down and sighed, "Actually, Melody, I think you must've misheard what I said..." she trailed off, sarcastically laughing, "I want a picture with Martin, sorry,"

I rolled my eyes and got out of the picture, standing behind the camera, arms crossed.

"She can stay, come on Mel," Martin smiled, gesturing me to come closer.

"It's okay, Martin, it's just a picture. Let's not dramatise this situation,"

"She's right, I would've cropped her out anyway," she smirked, coming closer to where I was, "Here, would you mind taking the picture, please?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her out of disgust and grabbed the phone out of her hand, "Sure," Either that girl was jealous of me spending time with Martin and was relieving it all on me, either she hated my music and loved to be an asshole. Either way I didn't understand her behavior. I understand that she doesn't want me on the picture and that would've been fine by me if she had said so in a nicer way.

"You know what?" Martin asked, getting away from the two girls, "I don't appreciate people, especially fans of mine, being rude as hell to the people I care about. Now if you have a problem against Mel for any reason, which I doubt you do, just say so instead of acting like fucking bitches," Martin smirked, shutting both of them up.
I mentally laughed, but had to keep a serious face otherwise that would make what Martin was saying less credible.

"Why would you even spend your time with her? She's just a kid, and makes you look stupid. Her music is shit compared to yours and you shouldn't waste your time with girls like her," One of them wittered from beside me and I clenched my fists by my sides, pressing my lips together.
"Since you seem to know me so well, what kind of girls should I spend my time with? Girls like you?" Martin scoffed, with a disgusted expression.

"At least I wouldn't slow you down with my shitty music..." she trailed off, earning a fit of laughter from her friend.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but you and your friend should shut the hell up, and walk away along with all the fucks I do not give about your opinion, byebye," I smiled, waving them goodbye. They went too far this time.

"First off, I'm actually disappointed that my fans would be so disrespectful to my girlfriend. Now if you'll excuse me, you can shove your picture far up your asses, thank you,"


"Girlfriend?" The two of them snapped, as their eyes widened.

"Girlfriend?" I repeated after them, turning to Martin with a confused expression.

Well, I like the sound of that.


{a/n}: guys, I am aware that lately my chapters have sucked and no I am not fishing for compliments, I just have to put a lot of fillers to get where I'm going next. What would you guys want to happen? My views and votes have lowered drastically and I'm sorry, but it will get better so please don't give up on this story yet? I'll try to update faster and longer chapters. I want your opinions, whether it's bad or good, please.

I hope you're all having a wonderful day/night💓

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