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"@MartinGarrix: Had a really fun time with this girl named Melody! Hope to see you again Xx"

and to it was attached one of our selfies. 

I checked the trends and the number one worldwide trend was #WhoIsMelody
and the second one was #Martelody.

"Well?" my mother spoke, pulling me away from my moment of absolute confusion.
"You suck at lying," my sister added, faking a frown.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up, Kylie,"

"Why did you even lie, I mean, you met Martin Garrix, I'd brag about it if I were you,"
"You have a boyfriend, so that would be pretty weird," I replied, pointing to Ryan.

"So?" she shrugged, "Who cares, he's famous," 
"I know, I just didn't want to have to deal with this right here,"

"Is your sister always so childish?" Ryan chuckled, turning to my sister, making her giggle.

I glared at him and crossed my arms, "Shut up, Ryan,"

I know I previously said that I didn't have anything against him, but he annoys me. We pretend like we're just joking and we pretend like we're teasing each other when in reality we're being 100% serious and no one doubts a thing.
I just can't tell my sister I don't really like him because he's her first real boyfriend, the others only wanted her for her physique, and I don't want to ruin it for her. But I think there's something off about him.

Maybe it's in the way he only talks to me to tease me, or the way he's way too nice with my parents for some reason, maybe it's the way none of us knows what he does for living, but he still is extremely rich. Even my sister isn't so sure. She says he's an engineer, but she doesn't seem to know much about it.

Or maybe it's simply because I'm paranoid, which is the most logical explanation.

Once our dinner was over, we slowly got back to our rooms to get ready for the night. I haven't said a word ever since we left the restaurant, mainly because I had nothing to say, but I still thought about Martin, and I still didn't realize everything that had happened. I had to check the worldwide trends more than 10 times to believe it, and I had to check our selfie numerous times as well.
It just seemed cliché.

We wished each other a Merry Christmas, and by 11 I was completely alone in my room. My parents were out with some friends they had met when we first got here and Kylie and Ryan were in their room.

I received a few texts from my friends asking why I was on Martin Garrix's twitter, but decided to ignore them and watch T.V. instead. I kept looking at my purse, wondering if I should text Martin or not. What if he gave me a fake number? What if he's busy? What if he doesn't want me to text him? What if he hates me? 
I bit my lip and got out of the bed I had just gotten into a few minutes ago and tiptoed to where my purse was.

I carefully opened it and slid my hand in it to grab the piece of paper on which was written his number. I started freaking out when I couldn't find it, kind of earlier with my phone, except this time I had no idea where I could have forgotten it, if that's what happened. I spilled its content on my bed to make sure I had checked everything but it wasn't there.
I sighed, checking in the bathroom, on the floor, in the bed, but I couldn't find the darn piece of paper. 

That's totally unexpected of me to lose his number! 
I mentally slapped myself and sat on my bed. Why did I have to lose it? I had Martin Garrix's number and I freaking lost it. Now there was no way I could ever see him again, no way I could ever meet his manager. Because honestly, now that I think about it, I wouldn't refuse to meet his manager and make him listen to my tracks if I had the chance. I mean, Martin complimented one of them, maybe he was just being nice, but who knows? He might be serious. It's a possibility.
But what makes me even angrier at myself is that I lost the possibility of ever seeing him again. He's my idol and it's been in my wildest dreams ever since I first saw him on the internet to ever meet him. I did, and I had the chance of doing it again, and I lost it.

Literally lost it, I lost his number! 

I screwed up big times. 


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"Good morning, dear, and Merry Christmas," my mother softly smiled, opening the curtains.
Bright light soon filled our room as I tried opening my eyelids, groaning.

"Morning," I mumbled, hiding under the covers, "What time is it?"

"8:30, we have to go downstairs to get breakfast, get ready please," 

"5 more minutes," 

"No," my mother said, pulling the covers away from me as well as the comfort and warmth of my bed, "Right now,"

I groaned and stood up, lazily making my way to the bathroom to get ready. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and almost scared myself. My hair was extremely messy and I had forgotten to remove my makeup last night so I had mascara stains on my cheeks and under my eyes. This is why I don't wear makeup. I got dressed and headed outside.

It was the same as usual. We waited for my sister to come out, we got breakfast and then we went our separate ways. I was alone, and I wandered around the resort, not sure what to do. I wasn't going to swim by myself, that would just be awkward and I would come out after 5 minutes. I could tan, but then again I'd get tired after 10 seconds, so I was walking around once again, pretending like I was waiting for friends, sitting down at the lobby, sitting by the pool and pretty much looking for Martin here and there. 

I was sitting by the pool when someone tapped on my shoulder. I was highly hoping it was Martin, I had hope for a second that maybe I didn't need his number to see him again.
I turned around and I think he saw how disappointed I was.

"Hey, remember me?" 
It was the guy I bumped into yesterday, except I didn't remember what him name was.

"Great, I saw you by yourself and I thought you looked lonely. Why are you by yourself?" he asked.
"She was waiting for me,"

I turned around to see who had just said that and my smile grew wide.

"Martin, just in time," I said, pretending to know what was going on.

"Oh ok, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, but I see you're busy, see you around!" he said, walking away from Martin and I.

Martin sat down on the chair next to mine and smiled. He was probably the cutest human being I had ever seen. Not only was he hot, he was adorable. His smile made me smile, literally. It sounds extremely cheesy, but every time he smiles or laughs I just feel like joining him. He's just so cute, and seeing him next to me made my day. I could stare at him for hours.

"Who was that?"

"I don't know, I bumped into him the other day, I think his name is Felix or something?" I said, running my fingers through my hair, untying the knots that have been caused by the wind.

Oh that's it! Felix!

"Oh ok, and I was expecting a text from you, and you didn't even text me," he said, pouting, changing the subject.

'No!!! I'm totally in love with you and I hated myself for losing your number! I would've texted you, don't worry! I stalked you all night on twitter to make up for it!' 
That's what I was thinking, but for obvious reasons I couldn't say that.

"Yeah, I didn't have the time, sorry! You know, Christmas and all..." I trailed off, nervously laughing. Why didn't I just tell the truth? Now I still don't have his number.

"I'm going to text you so that you don't forget!" he grinned, taking his phone out of his pocket.


I gave him my number and as soon as he texted me something, I saved his number and suddenly felt like I had no worries.

"By the way, my manager wants to meet you tomorrow," Martin grinned.
"Wait, what?" I asked, confused.

"My manager-
"Yeah, I know I heard, but oh my gosh, I mean, what?" I asked, not believing what he just told me.

"I talked to him about you, and he wants to meet you," he chuckled.

I wanted to scream right now. I wanted to jump in his arms and cry tears of pure joy, but decided it was better if I just thanked him rather than making a scene. I felt like I was on top of the world.

"Thank you so much, I can't even believe this is happening, I mean, I can never thank you enough," I said excitingly. 

"Well, I'm glad you're happy with that, because you're meeting him tomorrow morning at 9 at the main restaurant,"

"What? What if I don't know what to say to him? What if he doesn't like me?"

"Don't worry, I'll be there," he smiled.

I smiled, reassured and placed a strand of hair behind my ear.

It felt unreal.
It was way too cliché. These sorts of things happen in movies, it's so unreal.

That can't be it, right? There had to be a catch somewhere.

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