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"So you guys are like what, official?"

"Yep, we are," I giggled, grabbing a cookie as I made my way to the kitchen counter. I haven't spoken to Em since the party incident, and talking to her was what I needed right now.

"About time!" she chuckled through the phone, and I could hear her boyfriend talk in the back. I rolled my eyes and leaned on the counter, devouring my chocolate chip cookie.

"Honestly though," I spoke through various bites, "I used to think it wouldn't work out,"

"So did I! He seems so..." she paused, thinking of a word to use, "cold,"

"It's not that he's cold, it's just that it seemed as if he didn't know what he wanted. One day he was showering me with hugs and kisses and the next he was kissing another girl on New Year's Eve, and..." I trailed off, looking through the window of our hotel room.

"I know, be careful, Mel, I don't want you getting hurt," she stated on a serious tone, but I could still hear her boyfriend talk and chuckle in the background.
"Anyway, where are you right now?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Miami, I'm playing mainstage in two days, you're going to watch me right?"

"Obviously, I'm sorry I can't be here with you, it's just that you know, the plane tickets and everything... I also have a lot of school stuff and yeah, I'm pretty busy at the moment," she replied. I knew she was lying, but I couldn't blame her. I think this was too much for her.

"I know, anyway, I..." I trailed off, noticing that the door knob was being twisted. I heard the sound of keys and suspiciously stared at the door, my phone still in my hand.
Martin appeared in the door frame and I grinned, earning a wink in response.

"Martin's here I'll call you later," I pressed on the decline button with my index and made my way towards Martin, grinning from ear to ear.

I stopped walking as a tall brunette appeared from behind Martin. I scanned her from head to toe and suddenly felt a rush of inferiority. She was dressed like a runaway model and had these long and tanned legs, long flawless straight hair, piercing blue eyes and full pink lips.
I bit my lip and looked down at my sweatpants, my tie-dye XL T-shirt and my pink slippers. I had chocolate chip cookies in my left hand, my phone in the other and my tangled hair hung loosely, yet messily on my back. I felt embarrassed to be even standing in front of her, even though I didn't have a clue on who she was. I swallowed the bite of cookie I was eating and nervously smiled, waving at her.

"Mel, this is Felicia, she's singing on my next track," Martin said, taking off his shoes in the entrance of our suite.
"Hi, you must be Melody, as Martin said, I'm Felicia. You and I are going to be great friends, I can tell," she said with an accent that I couldn't quite figure out.
She pulled me into a hug and I looked at Martin with widened eyes as my arms awkwardly stood there, not moving.

"Hug her back," Martin mouthed, chuckling.

I gave him an awkward smile and placed one hand on her back, wondering what on Earth was going on.
I don't really like hugging people, especially when it's a beautiful girl I feel threatened by who's making a track with my boyfriend.
She pulled back and smiled, and I forced myself to smile back. She then joined Martin on the couch and sat way too close for my liking. She scooched over, closer to Martin to look at his computer and I stood there in the middle of the kitchen feeling withdrawn from their conversation.
She looked up and turned her head to where I was standing, meeting my gaze. She gave me a smile that was way less innocent than the smiles she had previously given me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, heading to Martin and I's room to get changed.

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