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I slowly opened my eyelids, and looked around, confused. It was dark, and I could feel Martin's arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled to myself, but couldn't help hearing a buzzing sound.
I sighed in annoyance as I realized it was my phone. Someone was calling me. I grabbed my phone that lied on the night stand and sat up, gently removing Martin's arm from my waist, so that I could stand up. I walked out of the room and slid my finger across the screen to answer the call.

"Hello?" I whispered, rubbing one of my eyes with my free hand.

"Mel! Honey, hi!"

I rolled my eyes at my mother's piercing voice, she forgot about the time zones.

"Mom, it's the middle of the night, what's up?" I replied, digging my free hand in the front pocket of my hoodie, turning my gaze to the green digits on the microwave indicating 1:42 a.m.

"Oh sorry dear, I completely forgot! Tomorrow's Kylie's birthday, you haven't forgotten, haven't you?"


"Oh, no! Of course not mom," I lied.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath, leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Well, we would really appreciate if you came for dinner with Martin, we haven't even met him yet!"

"Mom, I'm in Miami right now, Ultra's in 5 days, I-

"Yes, Mel, I know that, but Kylie's your sister! Family should come first in any situation, you don't even have to miss that festival of yours, you could leave before. I'm sure Martin can find you a nice private jet by tomorrow night. Miami isn't that far from here,"

I sighed in annoyance and rolled my eyes, "Okay, I'll try to be there,"

I knew there was no way out of this situation, so I accepted her invitation, as uninteresting as it sounded.
The thing I hate with my mom is that she doesn't care one bit about anything I do, but when it comes to Kylie, everything she does or everything she's involved with is suddenly the most interesting thing in the solar system. I know it's her birthday, but she expects me to fly to Toronto by tomorrow night when right now I'm in Miami, getting ready for the biggest opportunity I'll ever come across.

I sighed and opened the door to Martin and I's room, sliding under the covers as silently as I could so that I wouldn't wake Martin up. He turned around and put his arm around my body, bringing me closer.
The same feeling his touch gives me came back in a rush and I enjoyed every single second of it. I couldn't help but feel safe in his arms, no matter where we were, as long as I was with him, it weirdly felt like home.
I felt the warmth of the bed come back to me, and for a moment there, I wanted to lay down and close my eyes, escaping everything that was bothering me. I couldn't do it, Kylie's face kept popping up in my mind and I annoyed myself for even considering going to her birthday party tomorrow.
Would she do the same? Obviously not.
I'm lucky if she calls, most of the time she just sends me a birthday card in which is written the same exact thing every year.
"Happy birthday sis'! Love, Kylie"

I shook my head and opened my eyes, perceiving the moon light through our window, hearing the soft wind blow against it. It was way too peaceful to be talking about Kylie, but I calmly sat up, rolling my eyes at myself for giving in so easily and shook Martin's arm slightly to wake him up.
"Martin," I whispered, coming closer to him.
"Hm?" He whispered back, his eyes still shut. He looked like a little child when he slept, it was actually really adorable to the point of making me giggle a bit.
"Listen, um, you know Kylie, right?"
"Well, we have to be in Toronto by tomorrow night to celebrate her birthday," I said in a sarcastic tone, faking a smile even though he could barely see it.
"You're just going to say yes that easily? We have to find a plane and everything,"
"I don't care, as long as we're back for Ultra I'm fine with it. I'll call Karen tomorrow to get us a private jet,"
I laughed because that sounded so irrealistic. Yeah sure, I'll call tomorrow to get us a private jet. This life style is something I don't think is possible getting used to. A few months ago the only things I used to call to come and get me were ubers and my mom.
"What?" he replied, and through the dark I could see his eyebrow raise in an amused expression.
"Oh nothing, I just didn't know it would be that simple,"
"I think I'd pretty much do anything for you, saddly," he chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist. His head was leaning on my right leg, and my hand travelled in his hair that was so soft, despite how messy it was. He slightly looked up and opened his eyes, giving a tired smile.
"That was cute," I giggled, feeling the urge to smile. He did that a lot, giving me urges to smile. It was like I couldn't control it. I felt like a school girl who fangirled over her favorite celebrity.
Which is really what I am.
"What was?"
"Says the cutest person alive," he replied with his raspy voice, tighening his grip on my waist.
My heart skipped a beat at his words and touch, and with that I smiled to myself a couple more seconds and laid back down, drifting off in a peaceful and deep sleep.

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