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We finally arrived to the building where Rick, Karen and a bunch of other people were waiting for us to apparently talk to us about something important.
After a few moments ago's incident, an awkward atmosphere appeared between Martin and I. I didn't really feel like upsetting him with something I'd say or do.
I felt my phone buzzing and grabbed it from my pocket, answering a text from Em, asking me if I was okay.

She was 3 days late.

I could feel Martin looking over my shoulder at my phone. I moved it away from his gaze, not because I was hiding something, but because I really didn't like when people did that.
He tried seeing what was going on my phone once again, and I dodged his gaze once more.

"What's your problem?" he asked, grabbing my phone from my hands.

My eyes widened at his weird behaviour.

"What's my problem? Martin, I'm answering Em's text, calm down, will you?"

He gave me back my phone and he looked away, nervous. Something was on his mind and the fact that he wouldn't talk to me about it made me angry. He was distracted, and although he was silently parking his car in the building's parking lot, I knew something was bugging him. He was almost distant.
I ignored it and got out of Martin's car. Actually, it was a car that he had rented when he got here since he didn't live here, but it's way more simple to say that it's his car. I shoved my phone in my pocket and walked beside Martin silently, hearing our footsept echoeing in the underground parking lot. We reached the elevators, still in complete silence and Martin pushed the button indicating that we were going up.
After a few moments, we entered the empty elevator with neon lights in it that made me look absolutely disgusting in the slightly dirty mirror of the elevator. I cringed at my reflection and sighed, noticing that Martin was not even paying attention to me.
Before I could ask him anything about his mood, the doors opened, revealing, to my surprise, really fancy and clean conference rooms with white tables and clear doors. Rick, Karen, and a few other managers were already seated around a table, filling all but two empty chairs.

"You know what month we're in, right?" Karen spoke as soon as we opened the door.

"We're in February," I replied, but it sounded more like another question.

"And you know what there is at the end of March?" she asked again, slightly amused.

Her questions didn't make sense. I didn't see how Febuary and March could be connected, but as I noticed her smile getting wider, realization hit me.
My eyes widened, as I sat down. Could it be? Martin talked to me about it about a month ago, but I didn't know it would actually happen.

"Ultra," Martin spoke, running his fingers through his messy hair.

"You're both playing mainstage, we need to get you both prepared for that, even though it's in a while," Rick said, looking through some files.

I looked at Martin, excited and he responded with a small smile. I could tell it was fake. He looked tired, as if he hadn't slept in a while and his hair was way messier than usual and he looked pale, as if he had seen something scary. Ever since this morning, he's been acting weird. Ever since the party.

"Thank you," I smiled at Rick and Karen who immedietaly smiled back.

"Oh, and Martin, we heard about what happened a few moments ago with that paparazzi. It's already all over the news. You know you can't do things like that, you can't let what they say get to you, you know that,"

Martin didn't look up. He clenched his fists on both sides of his body, but Rick ignored it.

"Why did you do that? You know what that costs you. What about your reputation, you'll lose fans and-
Martin stood up from his chair, slamming his fists on the table, making me slightly jump on my chair.
"I don't give a damn about my fucking reputation. He said something I really did not appreciate and he was way out of line. It was not his job to remind me of something I think of every single fucking second of every day, even less to spread my answer across the globe,"
No one replied, Martin simply kept breathing heavier than before.

"Come on, Mel, we're out of here,"

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

I entered Martin's hotel room only to find it empty. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. Where could Martin be this late at night? Realization hit me as I remembered the first night I spent here, when I couldn't sleep after the party.
I closed the door behind me and headed towards the staircase, to get to the very last floor.

Martin's P.O.V

"I figured I'd find you here,"

I couldn't help but smile at the small voice coming from behind me. Mel, no matter how dull I felt, could always make me feel better.
I turned around and gave her a slight smile and she immediately smiled back, a little unsure. She came closer and sat down next to me, freezing.
"Here," I said, giving her my jacket.

"That's a little cliché, but I'll take it, considering I'm freezing," she giggled, putting on my sweatshirt that was like a dress on her tiny body.

I chuckled, turning my gaze away from her to look up at the thousands of stars in the night sky.

"What's happening to you, Martin?" she asked, her voice shaking.
I looked down and wondered to myself. What exactly is happening to me?
I'm going insane. It seems I'm destroying myself with questions and confusion. Questions that don't have any answers and torturing myself with things that cannot be changed. Every night when I go to bed since that night, I can't sleep. I see Mel's unconcious body lying on the cold and hard floor in that dress of hers that made her look so hot, yet so not her. I see her blue lips indicating that her body temperature had lowered drastically and her shiny hair spread across her face. I see every single thing that could've happened to her, and every thing that could've been stopped if I had been there. Every time I close my eyes, I see the What ifs happening to her.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I froze. Not again. I ignored it and turned to Mel, who was looking at me with a worried expression.

"I- I don't know actually," I mumbled, answering her question.

"Don't torture yourself over something that's already been done, I'm okay now anyway," she replied, as if she had read my mind, "I mean, I didn't even get raped in the first place so I don't see what you're hating yourself for,"

"That's not the point, it's just that I've been careless,"

"What do you mean?"

"Have you ever heard of foreshadowing?"

"Yeah, so what?" she replied, tilting her head to the right showing slight confusing.

"Well, foreshadowing is an advance sign or warning of what is to come in the future. It's actually a literary device, and it's really popular especially among drama authors. The night before the party, a pile of blue cup had been shoved in my bag with all my equipment in it; my computer, my headphones, my chargers, etc. I always keep it with me. That's where it gets freaky; I played in a club the night before and my bag was right beside me the entire time and when I got to my hotel room, the blue cups weren't in it. The next day, I stayed inside the entire day to work on some new tracks, and my bag didn't leave my room. How on Earth could've someone put them in my bag, which was in the same room I was in the entire day. It's as if someone tried to warn me about what would happen, it's as if someone knew what was going to happen. It's as if someone tried to give me a subtle way to stop it, but too subtle so that I couldn't actually stop it and then torture myself afterwards as realization slowly made its way in my brain,"

She looked at me with fright in her eyes and she began shaking. She looked at me blankly, as she slowly swallowed.

"Martin, I-I had blue cups in my locker too," she finally said, making my heart skip a beat.

If only I could tell her.


tell me one thing you dislike about this story, I'm really trying to make it the most enjoyable possible 💖 please?

So I actually had this story planned out for a while now. I know how it ends and what happens next, but I didn't exactly know how to get there so sorry if my recent chapters suck, I had to put fillers in between my ideas.

Thanks to all of you💞

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