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Martin's P.O.V.

Rays of sun peeked through the thick curtains, indicating me that it was time to get up. I yawned before turning to Mel, only to find an empty spot.

I quickly sat up in the bed, running my fingers through my messy hair.

Where could she be?

I got out of the covers, as the cool air of our room hit me and I suddenly missed the warmth of my bed. I walked to the bathroom and the door was opened, the lights were off.

Mel was not in this room.


I grabbed my phone to text her, but noticed that hers was lying on the night stand.

"Shit," I muttered.

Why didn't she have her cellphone? Why would she leave without saying anything? Where did she go? Will she come back?

Questions left unanswered filled my mind along with endless possibilities of bad things that could happen to her.

I had a vivid imagination, and right now it was scaring me more than anything.

I was about to walk out the door before I heard the sound of the room key sliding across the door knob and saw it being twisted until the door opened.

I backed away, confused and looked up at the stranger who had just entered the room.

It wasn't a stranger. I could tell by her long blonde hair and sweet smile, it was Mel. She held up a bag of food with a huge smile across her face before closing the door behind her.


"Where were you?" I asked, ignoring her kind gesture. Right now I was too pissed off to thank her.

"I was downstairs getting food, and I didn't want to wake you,"

"You should've woken me up," I replied, cold.

She flinched, staring at me with a confused expression, "Is something wrong?" she asked, putting the food on the table behind me.

"I don't want you walking around all by yourself, it's not always safe you know?"

"What?" She replied, slightly amused.

"You could've at least told me where you were going,"

"Martin, are you serious? I was literally downstairs for no more than 20 minutes if not less. I'm not a child, Martin, I don't need your approval as to where I go, and when I go,"

"Actually, yeah. I don't want what happened last night to ever happen again,"

"Martin, I understand why you could be worried, but last night is over. I'm not going to get drugged by getting breakfast in a hotel,"

"I don't care, I wouldn't have let you go by yourself,"

She scoffed, indicating me that she wasn't taking me seriously, "I'm sorry, since when are you so concerned?"

"I-I'm not,"


She nodded, pressing her lips together, "Okay," she mumbled, and I slowly realized how weird I was acting.

Maybe it was because I felt guilty. I was angry at myself for not being able to protect her. If I had ignored the call instead of taking it and going outside, I could've stopped it from happening. But I didn't.

"Nevermind, want some food?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence and avoiding eye contact, "I'm starving,"

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