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I ended up spending the rest of the afternoon with Martin. It's actually really weird spending time with someone famous, he literally had to stop every 5 minutes or so to take pictures with fans, while I was standing awkwardly besides the one taking the picture, receiving death glares from some fans.
It was pleasant!

I sound sarcastic, but it really was. Some fans were really nice, and I still can't believe we hung out all afternoon. He's sort of like a boy version of me, which is fantastic. He's kind of childish in a fun way and he likes messing around and having fun. I'm surrounded by serious people who don't do things without being worried about what other people think. I had such a great time with him, he's goofy and you can't get bored with him.

My parents for example, they don't usually laugh out loud, they don't make a lot of jokes and when I try to make one they tell me to be more serious. They're pretty strict, I just needed to loosen up. They're always wearing fancy clothing, always talking about fancy wine and flowers and how they are going to beat our neighbours (which by the way, are a couple pretty similar to my parents) at the next golf or tennis tournament.

They are uptight. 

Martin is the total opposite. We get along so well, I can't even begin to describe how great he is.

I sound so desperately in love with him, and truth is, I kind of am. Not just because his music is literally beyond perfection, not only because he is one heck of an attractive human being, but he's probably one of the sweetest guys out there. Usually really attractive boys like him are jerks. 

We said goodbye and went our own separate ways, because I was asked by my parents to meet them at 6 in one of the restaurants, which pretty much sucked, because otherwise I would've been able to spend even more time with Martin.


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"I'll have the filet mignon, please," my dad spoke as he looked at the menu with his glasses that made him look even more sophisticated than he already was. 
The waitress left our table and left us in the uncomfortable silence that had been installed by the absence of subjects to talk about.

It almost seemed as if there was nothing left to talk about, sadly. 
Actually, cross that. There was plenty of things we could talk about, but it wasn't interesting to anyone here. It was as if I was sitting with total strangers. It's sad really, but with them I'm always afraid of making jokes or saying what I want to say, or coming home with a bad grade or talking about what actually passionates me in ways they don't understand, or simply being myself actually.
I love my family, don't get me wrong, but I'd like it if I could talk to them more. I'd like it if they cared more.

"You were with Martin again today, right?" Kylie asked, pulling me away from my thoughts.
"Yeah, how did you know?..." I trailed off, furrowing my eyebrows, suspicious.

"Well, not only have I seen you, but there are also plenty of pictures on twitter. You guys do look cute together!" she exclaimed, almost sarcastic.

"He's just my friend,"
That's sort of lie, at least for me it is, but for some reason I feel like she's making fun of me.

"Oh, give it a rest, Mel. I know all about your little obsession over him. I hope you at least used protection," she insolently remarked, making sure to get on my nerves.
She received a few laughters from Ryan and my parents, and that is why I do not understand the sense of humour of our family. I would've said something like that and my sister would've laughed at how "immature" I am.

"Kylie, that was really immature of you," I said, a little bit uncomfortable.

"Ts, don't be hypocrite, Mel," she retorted, confidence visible in every word she spoke and every action she made.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. 

"Mom?" I added, quickly changing the subject.

"Yes, honey?" she replied, deposing her glass of wine on the table.

"I'm not going to eat breakfast with you guys tomorrow," I smiled, thinking about Martin.

"What, you're having meals with him now?" Ryan teased, as he likes to call it, as my sister giggled next to him.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring him and my sister and turned to my mother, waiting for her response. She didn't really seem to care, which was what I thought would happen, so I let the details out of the conversation. By details I mean pretty much the whole story.

"Ok, honey, have a great time!"

"Thanks mom," I smiled, as the waitress arrived with our plates.

I couldn't wait to hang out with Martin again tomorrow.
And to meet his manager too, obviously.

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