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My expression suddenly turned into a confused one, as I processed what he just told me.

"Wait, what do you mean 'what flowers'?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows, "There were roses at my house the other day and it said they were from you, you even wrote a note.." I trailed off, suddenly feeling awkward for bringing the roses up.

I could tell by his expression that he was extremely confused. Shocked even, it was as if he was trying to remember sending me the flowers, but he couldn't and it was scaring him.

"Are you sure you read the name correctly? I-I don't remember sending you flowers," he suddenly said, looking at me.

"You're right, I-I must've read the name wrong, forget what I said," I shyly smiled, glancing down at my feet before looking up at him again. I lied. I know I read the name correctly, and I don't know of anyone else who could send me flowers, but maybe he really doesn't remember or maybe he's simply joking, but whatever this is, I decided to drop it before it gets even more awkward. I was honestly pretty disappointed, what if it really wasn't him? Silly me, what did I expect? Why would he send me roses, it's not like we were dating or anything, is it?

But if he didn't send the roses, who did?

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I looked around the studio, amazed. I've never been in one of these, I've seen them in pictures and movies before, and they really look like that. It's huge and there are about a thousand controls and only looking at them gave me a headache. It looked way too complicated, more complicated than it already was to create tracks.

Martin got his computer out of his backpack and rested it on the table. We were going to make tracks together for tonight. Yes, tonight. I was the one playing during the countdown, which was actually pretty confusing, because no one even knows me yet. Well, I certainly won't complain. It still felt unreal, and I know I say it a lot, but I don't know what to think of what's happening. It feels like one big dream. I'm in a studio, composing tracks with my idol for tonight's show.

"So, where should we start?" I asked, as Martin's computer screen lit up, showing a bunch of programs.
He clicked on one, waiting for it to charge and turning his gaze to me, "We should start with the bridge, it's the hardest part in my opinion,"

I nodded my head, knowing what he was talking about. In my opinion, it was the hardest part too. The intro is literally the easiest part, so I usually work on it after I'm finished with the rest of the song. We needed something extraordinary for tonight, and I was with the right person to make it happen. I put my headphones on and started messing around with a bunch of different sounds.

We started by combining sounds together, trying to create the catchiest melody possible, and then when it came to drop, it had to be flawless. After a while, it finally started to sound great. We had something, I could tell. We've started all over a few times, but we still managed to make it amazing.

After what seemed like hours, Martin pressed play, and the song slowly started. I smiled in satisfaction at what we had created and listened carefully to every sound that could possibly be heard. Martin smiled at me as the bridge started. We worked so hard on that part, we erased it at least 10 times, not satisfied with the result, but it was worth it. He elbowed me, and I could tell he was happy with the results. So was I, honestly.

The song ended and my gaze left the computer screen to look at Martin.

"That's actually so-
"It's fucking amazing," Martin cut me off, grinning.
"Exactly," I squealed, getting excited.

I was ready, I knew I was. I would perform for so much longer than I did in Florida. I have my own stage for more than an hour, and I finish everything off with the New Year's countdown. That's something. I still didn't know which song I would use for the countdown, it has to be a beat drop worth remembering. It has to be perfect, I can't make the mistake of starting the song too early or too late. The beat has to drop at the exact same time the clock turns 0:00. If it drops too early or too late it's just awkward for everyone and it ruins everything.

Maybe not, but still.

The door opened, causing Martin and I to turn around, startled.

I gasped seeing who it was.

"Martin!" he exclaimed, making his way inside the studio.
Martin stood up to greet him as I awkwardly stood there, starstruck.

"Melody, right?" he turned to me, as my eyes widened. He knows my name.

I nodded and smiled, "Nice to meet you!" I said, before shaking his hand.
"Same for me," he gave me a warm smile, before sitting next to Martin, "Rick told me you'd be here, were you working on something?"
"Actually yes, we both were, and I'd like to show it to you, but I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise," Martin grinned, closing his computer.
"Interesting, how is it called?"

Martin gave me a confused look, "We haven't thought of it yet.." he trailed off, turning his gaze away from me.
"I guess we'll have to think of something then," I replied, leaning on the table.

He simply nodded, "There's a party tonight after the show tonight, you two should come,"
"Yes! We'll be there," I quickly added, excitingly.

I wasn't going to miss this party, heck no.

"You heard Mel," Martin said, chuckling.
"Perfect, I'll leave you two, but see you guys tonight!"

He got out of the studio leaving Martin and I alone. I grinned thinking of how perfect tonight was going to be. After my performance, it was Martin's turn, and then we would go to the party. I usually either spend New-Year's Eve in my living room watching T.V or I spend it at Em's house, but not this year, and I was so excited to spend it here it was unbelievable.

I was borrowing Kylie some of her clothes tonight. She's been shopping a lot since we got here, which was yesterday, so I was guaranteed an outfit on point. I just couldn't wait to spend the most perfect night of my life.


there you gooo ♡ it's sort of a filler but its necessaryyyy

hope you had a great day, love uuuuu all

I can't wait for you guys to read my next chapters omG #dramaaaaaaaa

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