Chapter 23: Needy Enemy

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This place is a fucking cesspool.

Kylo grimaced under his mask, his eyes drifting along the skyline of the densely populated city of Canto Bight. The suns were just setting, casting a brilliant orange glow across the artificial ocean that rippled across the surrounding palaces. Birds gracefully took flight, seemingly soaring straight into the suns, and their reflection flitted across Kylo's visor to offer a momentary flicker of life on his otherwise lifeless, unforgiving mask. 

It almost looked beautiful. His frown deepened even more.

The planet of Cantonica was a desert wasteland filled with tacky, power-hungry, desperate social climbers, and Canto Bight was the hub of it all. Partygoers were just now getting ready for a night of incessant, pointless indulgence, while locals readied themselves to cater to said partygoers—gamblers, war profiteers, and wealthy tourists alike.

While Kitten was beyond excited to see this place, Kylo wanted nothing more than to set the entire thing on fire. Not because he looked down on their interests, their careers, or the way they tragically took up space in the galaxy. No. He couldn't give any fewer fucks about them personally, even if they were staunch followers of him and the First Order. He simply felt like watching it burn to the ground.

"Master Ren," Vicrul's modified voice rang out behind him.

Kylo didn't turn to receive him, even though he had been expecting the Knights of Ren the moment he stepped onto this gaudy, shitty balcony. He had felt their virile, raging energy as they had arrived, their appetite for blood sharp on his tongue as they climbed the spiral staircase that led to his suite. With Skywalker's return and the prospect of finally procuring this elusive fucking crystal, his knights needed a release. They needed relief. The dark, twisted fantasies that played on repeat in their minds told him that.

"After the crystal is in our possession, we will go to Pryka's," Kylo said, his hands twitching behind his back. "Until then, you will not let M421 out of your sights."

They spoke in unison. "Yes, Master Ren."

He turned his head to the side, dismissing them. "Leave. Our assignment starts shortly."

"Yes, Master Ren," they echoed as they departed. Their footsteps resounded all around the room, and then, he was alone once again.

Kylo rolled his neck and shoulders, wincing under his mask with the movement. After being this close to getting his own release last night, he was left tense and agitated with a pressing need that would not go the fuck away. He knew it would stay in the pit of his stomach, gnawing at him from the inside until he could have her, but after waking up in his bed this morning, Kitten was back to pretending she didn't want him. While he respected that she needed time to grapple with her own shame of wanting to fuck her enemy, the Supreme Leader was not a patient man. Which meant he had to get his fill however he could, even if his methods were filthy and deranged.

Robes fluttering behind him on the balcony, Kylo turned around to enter his chambers. He took his mask off along the way to his bedroom, setting it on the table below an outrageously sparkly chandelier. He opened his closet doors, found his bag, and slipped a hand into the concealed compartment, pulling out what he needed to get him through the day: Kitten's worn panties from last night. He scrunched them up into a ball, placed them over his nose, and inhaled. Deeply. Again, and again, and again.

Kylo's eyes rolled to the back of his head, her scent sending a surge of blood to his groin. This was sick. He knew this. At times, it even surprised him just how dark and twisted his mind became when thinking about her. But it didn't stop him from burying his nose in her underwear like his life fucking depended on it. He could do this all day, drinking down her aroma as he imagined she was grinding her cunt against his mouth, shuddering and spasming as she came all over him. And as he took another lengthy sniff, the Supreme Leader gripped his cock through his pants.

Fucking hells.

He stilled, his heart beating with anticipation when he heard a commotion in the hallway, followed by the click click click of Kitten's heels. He didn't discard her panties immediately; he could hear her antagonizing his knights, which would keep her preoccupied for at least a few minutes. But still, he didn't want her to be put off by his giant, throbbing erection, so with one last inhale, Kylo crumpled the precious cargo up in his hand and stuffed it back into his bag. Just as he exited his bedroom, the door slid open, and in came the bane of his existence.

He approached, silent as he took in the sight of her. She had taken time doing her hair and makeup today, with two buns on either side of her head and a soft shimmer on her cheeks. He was not prepared, however, for how delectable she looked in her new First Order bodysuit. The first uniform he had given her already looked good, but this one had been tailored to her every curve and was now skintight, clinging to the outline of her body in the most perfect way. So perfect, it pained him.

He looked her up and down leisurely, making sure she knew he approved, before speaking with a low voice. "The First Order looks good on you."

She pressed her tongue against the inside of her cheek, but otherwise, she didn't acknowledge him. Unfazed, Kylo walked up to her, locking his hands behind his back as he tilted his head to the side. "How are your accommodations, Kitten?"

No response. All she did was take a few steps back.

He continued to follow her. "Satisfactory, I hope?" he mused, keeping his tone light. "To your liking?"

After a dirty glance at the Stormtroopers that had escorted her in, Kitten muttered the unimaginable. "Yes, thank you."

Kylo stopped. No fuck you, or kriff off. No telling him to go fuck himself. No eye roll or scowl. She just stood there in front of him with her hands clasped in front of her, gaze downcast, and her chin pointed to the ground, and that's when he realized something had to be wrong. Why else would she be behaving?

After her breaking point in the medbay, Kitten had made it clear that she couldn't play his 'sick little game' anymore. And while she had been very agreeable last night in his quarters, Kylo had assumed that she was simply too tired to be feisty as she healed from cyanoxis. Well, that, and apparently being cock starved had played a role in her cooperation. But now that the poison was flushed out of her system, and she was back to pretending that she didn't want to fuck him, he had fully expected her to be her exhausting self once again.

And yet, here she was, on the twenty-fifth hour straight of being sweet and docile toward him. She had even sat next to him in the shuttle on the way here, letting him fuss with her hair the whole time. There hadn't been a peep of backtalk or defiance during their ride to the city in the luxury speeder, even though their legs had been pressed together in the backseat. Nor did she complain that their rooms were adjoined, separated by only a thin, frosted glass door that Kylo could break with his bare hands. She even smiled at him when she saw they were staying in the most grossly lavish, luxurious resort the galaxy had to offer.

It set him on edge.

"You are being pleasant," Kylo said, trying to keep the sharpness out of his tone. "Only days after you claimed you couldn't do that anymore. Are you looking to get something out of it?"

"No, sir."

Sir? Kylo could have laughed—something was definitely wrong. Moving closer, he continued to press. "Oh?"

Kitten tried to step back again, but her spine collided with the wall. He stopped in front of her, keeping her wedged between him and the wall. Her eyes darted to his mask before dropping to the floor again. "No, Supreme Leader."

Kylo took a moment to consider the imbalance radiating off of her. Hatred, intrigue, fear, anger, lust—resentment for having that lust. She was a mess. "You're anxious," he muttered, bringing a hand up to brush a loose hair out of her face. "What is it?"

She didn't bat his hand away, and the absence of her usual opposition fueled the Supreme Leader's suspicions. "Your knights are outside my room."


"Well, why?"

"They guard you on the Finalizer," he explained with slow enunciation. "They're guarding you here, too."

"Yeah, but there's usually only two of them. Now, all six of them are right outside my room," she said with a frown, gesturing to the door behind her. "I thought Canto Bight was going to be fun."

"They are your protection tonight, while you have fun."

A slow, humorless smile spread across her face. "" When Kylo gave her a nod, Kitten threw her head back and laughed. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Ah, there she is. "I'm not."

She cackled, pausing abruptly to gaze at him with a face full of incredulity. Then she laughed even more. ""

He repositioned, agitated. "Yes."

"The last time I was in the same room with all of those psychos, I needed protection from them," she shot back, putting her hands on her hips. "Or did you forget how they tore my mind apart?"

"That was before," Kylo said as he turned away from her, approaching the java bar. "They won't hurt you now."

Her heels clicked against the floor as she followed him. "Before...?"

After grabbing the platter full of a special order he made from the Canto Bite Bakery, Kylo turned to offer it to her. "Before you were mine."

He watched as a range of emotions crossed her face. First, distaste at his comment, he assumed, then unfiltered, uncontained, adorable excitement. "Are those muja muffins?" she asked, leaning in and pawing one on the plate.


"Oh my kriffing stars," she muttered, picking up a muffin and smelling it. She inhaled deeply, letting out the sweetest of sighs after. "Did these come with the room?"


"Then..." She frowned slightly, playing with the wrapping around the pastry. "Did you get them for me, again?"

Kylo nodded and she looked down as a surge of conflict rolled off her. She wanted to hate him so badly, and yet she couldn't. And that made her hate herself more than anything. "Thanks," she muttered.

"The tea, too." He motioned to the platter still outstretched in his hand. "Your favorite."

Her eyes widened, and she eagerly reached for it, but stopped suddenly. " this chamomile?"

"I said it was your favorite, didn't I?"

She frowned. "Yeah, but..."

Ah. "It's safe. No starfruit syrup."

Still, Kitten hesitated, watching the steam swirl off the top of the tea, no doubt reliving all the times she retched after her last chamomile experience. She finally picked it up, murmuring against the mug. "Thanks."

Kylo hovered as he studied her, the only source of light in his otherwise bleak life. Albeit an obnoxious source of light. Adorably nibbling on a muffin, taking her time to savor every bite. Sipping her tea in the most submissive, gentle way. Like she wasn't a ruthless, trained killer. She was quite the handful, quite the brat, but Kylo couldn't help but think what she would be like if she wasn't being held captive. He took a step toward her, contemplating a scenario where they hadn't met under such circumstances. Would she still be a sassy pain in his ass? Would she still mouth off to him, even if he hadn't captured and tortured her at first? Would she still fucking hate him?

Kylo smirked. He would bet on it.

"Fuck, this is good," she said between bites. "Better than sex, even."

"Oh?" he said, turning away from her. He walked to the java bar to place the tray down, nonchalantly adding, "What about a vibrator?"

Kitten stiffened. He wasn't watching her, but he could feel the way her heart stopped, only to kick up and beat faster in her chest. He knew she was embarrassed, but Kylo didn't feel bad. All he could think about was buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz—

"I'd rather not discuss that with you," she said rigidly. "Thank you."

Kylo sucked on the inside of his cheek. She was back to being cordial. He wondered how long that would last. "We don't have to discuss anything you don't want to," he said lightly. Pausing, he ran a finger along the syrup bottles, speaking with a distracted, quiet tone. "I'm only worried you won't survive the trip without it, as it's been in quite regular use since I bought it for you."

Silence, then came the anger. "You're spying on me?"

Kylo turned around to see her glaring at him, her hands on her hips and her favorite pastry tragically discarded face down on the floor. He frowned. "You don't like the muffins?"

She spoke through a flexed jaw. "Answer the question."

The Supreme Leader sighed as he approached her. "No, I'm not spying on you. I can feel you."

Her face scrunched up in horrified confusion. "You can feel me? What the fuck does that mean?"

"Exactly what it sounds like," he said, closing the space between them. "Everyone gives off energy, Force-sensitive or not. It's in everything everyone does."

She held her ground, lifting her chin as he towered over her. "You can't just say some serial-killer ass shit like that and not explain it to me, Supreme Leader. Tell me what that means."

"Your sexual energy, Kitten," he drawled, flashing his eyes down her frame before meeting her gaze again. "The knights outside your room pick up on it, and whatever they feel...I feel."

The confusion stayed on her features. Until it didn't, taking the color with it as it drained from her face. She spoke with a small whisper. "They know when I use it?"

His eye twitched. "Yes."

Kitten spun around, elbows in the air as she hid her face and panicked. "Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my godsohmygodsohmygods—"

This continued for several moments. For so long, Kylo was worried she'd never recover. He remained still, letting her embarrassed hysteria overtake her, as he amusedly watched her pace back and forth. It wasn't until she slumped against the wall, eyes downcast with her fingertips on her forehead, that he approached her.

"Let go of this shame, Kitten. It doesn't serve you," he said, standing right in front of her. She didn't look at him. Bringing two fingers to her hip, he traveled upwards, tracing the outline of her body, murmuring softly to her. "But I could. Oh, I could serve you so, so well. Let me show you. Again."

She didn't resist his touch. Instead, Kylo felt her body respond to it. Just as he knew she should. But still, her lips warped around the lies she so desperately wanted to believe. "We shouldn't have done that," she whispered, placing her hands flat against the wall as she peeked up at him. She broke eye contact just as fast, her throat rippling from the effort of swallowing. "I wasn't thinking straight."

"Mmm," he hummed, loving the way she trembled as he slid his hands up her body to cup her face. He trailed his thumb over her bottom lip. "Such a pretty mouth for such filthy lies."

"Stop that," she said, voice wavering. "We can't do this.'re my enemy."

"And what a needy enemy you are," he said, tilting her face from side to side, admiring how the light swept over her cheekbones. So pretty, so angelic. Kylo wanted to ruin her. "Give in, Kitten. It's time you stop running from this, from me."

Her chest crashed against his with each breath, but she shook her head no.

"Pet..." he taunted, pressing down on her lip. Allowing her self-control to slip just a little, she took his thumb between her teeth, sucking it as she had last night. He grunted at the sensation and she made eye contact with him, her cheeks concave as her wet lips drew his finger in and out of her mouth. Kylo let out a shaky breath, dropping his other hand between her thighs. She moaned when he cupped her sex, pushing her hips forward and pressing into his hand. And when he started to slip his thumb in and out of her lips, fucking her pretty little mouth, that's when she stopped pretending to be coy.

Latching her arms around his neck, Kitten pulled her face to his.

The Supreme Leader groaned into her mouth. He didn't have time to process that she had kissed him. All he could think about was how sweet she tasted, so delicious. She jumped off the ground to wrap her legs around his waist, and his heart stopped, then beat a hundred times faster. He clutched onto the underside of her thighs, bringing her body against his as he sucked on her tongue.

"Fuck me," she panted, pulling away from his mouth and looking down between their bodies. She lowered her hands from the back of his neck, sliding them down his torso. "Fuck me now."

Kylo's head spun as she slithered her hand beneath his waistband. Kitten was full of surprises these days. He knew her needs still lingered from last night, but he didn't expect her to give in this quickly. His mind raced faster than lightspeed, but everything went blank as her dainty, soft hand wrapped around his cock.

"Fuck," he growled, tilting back to look down between them. Although at an odd angle, she had a good grip on his length, teasing the head of his cock with each stroke. "Don't stop, Kitten."

Her voice was just a breathy rasp. "Shhhh. Don't speak. You'll ruin it." Kitten smashed her lips to his. The kiss was hot, hasty, and passionate as he began leading them away from the wall, his mind on one thing and one thing only: getting her ass on the bed and absolutely destroying her.

But then, as if he wasn't already high enough on his shit list, General fucking Hux barged through the front door.

"Supreme Leader Ren," he bellowed, his stupid little voice filling the room, "we need to talk."

And just like that, faster than he could even formulate all the ways he wanted to torture the scrawny fuck, Kitten jumped out of Kylo's arms and scurried off. She turned away from both of them, clearing her throat and smoothing out her jumpsuit as the Supreme Leader remained still and stiff, his back to the approaching General.

"Hello? Did you hear me, Ren?" Hux, who either missed how Kylo's prisoner's tongue was in his mouth or, pretending he didn't see it, continued to berate him. "Your knights wouldn't let me by. That barbarian with the scythe insisted on seeing identification before allowing me in your room. Identification! Can you believe it?"

Kylo closed his eyes. While he was relieved that the First Order no longer viewed him as weak or out of control, he would be willing to risk it all just to put this man's head on a spike. Slowly, so slowly pivoting to face the General, the Supreme Leader scraped together whatever patience he had left to not snap his fucking neck. "A misunderstanding, I'm sure."

"A misunderstanding? More like a slight, Supreme Leader. Those mindless brutes know who I am. Everyone knows who I am."

With one last glance at Kitten, who was very strategically avoiding him, Kylo stormed past Hux to get his mask. "And those mindless brutes can hear your every word in here, General," he said, voice low and dangerous as his hand hovered over his helmet. With second thought, he left it, turning around forcefully to head for the exit. "I advise you to watch your mouth, before the barbarian with the scythe cuts your tongue out."

A strangled scoff, then, Hux finally snapped. "This quarrel between us has gone on for far too long, Supreme Leader! I have suffered long enough!" he shouted, trotting after him. "In addition to losing my most loyal servant, dear Ava, I have already recompensed for the mishap on Exegol—something even you said wasn't entirely my fault—and as for the Rebel scum's attack on the dreadnought? Why not ask Pryde where he—"

"Pryde did not try to murder Prisoner M421, General. My prisoner," Kylo said, slamming the control panel to open the door. He spun around, looking past the whining Hux to address Kitten. "Come to me."

"She tried to kill me first, the General of the First Order army!" Hux exploded, after Kitten blew a kiss at him as she walked past him. He foolishly followed after her, trying to get to Kylo. "I know we have had our differences, Ren, but to choose her, a Resistance whore, over me? I will not—"

Extending his arm in one graceful, powerful movement, the Supreme Leader propelled Hux across the room with a thundering crash. Kylo didn't even look at him as a groan tore from the General's mouth, instead extending a hand to Kitten. "Ready?"

Eyes locked on his and with her pretty lips still turned up into a smile, she strolled right past him and his hand. She looked casual as ever, like she wasn't just straddling him and begging to be fucked.

Kylo was so frustrated, he could kill someone.

Instead, he turned to watch her walk through the door, her hips swaying in the most delicious way as her heels made that taut-clicking sound. He couldn't look away, he couldn't move. He was utterly fixated on her. May the gods have mercy on my soul. He readjusted his stance as he felt the tightening of his boxers. And my cock.

Behind him, a disgruntled Hux finally got to his feet. "Well, Supreme Leader," he started, voice pleasant as ever, "are you satisfied with your payback? Are we even now?"

Kylo threw him a quick glance. "Not even close."

Without another word, he walked through the door to join her—but immediately had to come to a halt. She was stopped right outside, anxiety rippling off her as the Knights of Ren made a tight half-circle around the door, blocking her path to leave. He put a hand on her lower back, gently pushing her forward. "You're okay, Kitten. They won't touch you."

She jolted away from him. "Well, then, don't touch me either."

Kylo smirked. That's my girl.

A huff came from behind them. "Excuse me, dear Supreme Leader."

He didn't acknowledge him, but Kylo stepped out of the way to let the General leave his room. Getting out of the corridor...well, that was another story. He watched, endlessly amused, as Hux tried to navigate his way through the sea of masses cloaked in black. The unmoving masses cloaked in black. Next to him, he felt Kitten practically purr at the sight.

General Hux straightened his back and raised his chin. "Excuse. Me."

No movement. He begrudgingly tried to move around Ushar and Vicrul, but they adjusted their stances and blocked the way. So did Trudgen and Cardo, then Kuruk and Ap'lek. This continued for only thirty seconds, but when Kitten threw her head back to cackle, Kylo was certain that the General had aged forty-six years. If he weren't livid at Hux's interruption—and the fact that he was in fucking Canto Bight right now—he would have let it go on just to make her happy, but he was eager to get his night over with.

"Come, Kitten." Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her through his knights, inadvertently carving a pathway for the General, too.

She followed, but twisted at his grip on her wrist to make him let go. He paused at the end of the corridor, gesturing to the stairway. "After you."

She walked right by him, giving him an inauthentic smile as she did. "Wow, such a gentleman."

Kylo went after her as General Hux followed closely, no doubt trying to escape the presence of the Knights of Ren trailing behind him. The elaborately designed spiral staircase was only wide enough for a single file line, so when they got to the bottom, they had to maneuver around his prisoner. She had stopped right in everyone's way, her mouth hanging wide open with awe. She was already impressed with the other entrance she had seen upon arrival, but now, she looked like a kid in a candy store.

She twirled around. "This place is amazing."

The General snorted as he walked past her. "A poor Resistance fighter impressed by the finer things in life. How very unsurprising."

Kitten didn't stop spinning as she responded to him. "The dull, miserable General of the First Order army, unimpressed by everything and anything in the galaxy. How very unsurprising."

Hux let out a wounded scoff while Kylo moved, nudging her down the path that led them through the garden and, more importantly, the exit. "Come on, Kitten."

She listened, but he didn't think she could walk slower if she tried, looking all around with wide, excited eyes. Kylo glanced around at his surroundings. The grounds of the garden sprawled out for miles on either side of them, full of golden fountains, manicured plants, and exotic, colorful flowers with useless bridges arching over green, slimy ponds. The golden glow from the sunset, coupled with the twinkling lights strewn across the grounds, made the entire place shimmer and sparkle in the most nauseating way. He couldn't wait to leave.

"The garden will be here when we get back." He gave her another gentle push. "Come on."

"Mmkay," she hummed, clasping her hands in front of her as she looked up at him, a slight smile on her face. Kylo ignored the way her happiness made him feel. "So, what's the plan?"

Keeping his gaze ahead of him, he frowned. "We are going to downtown Canto Bight."

"For business or pleasure?"


She hesitated. "What's the business part of it?"

"That doesn't concern you."

She stopped beside him, causing his knights to suddenly halt behind her. With a clipped exhale, he stopped and turned around to face her. She had her hands on her hips, glaring at him.

Such a brat. Kylo beamed at her.

"Oh, for heaven's sake, hurry along," Hux called out, waiting by the arched gate that led to the speeders. "We don't have all night."

Kitten ignored him, as did Kylo. He took a step closer to her. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not leaving here until you tell me exactly what we're doing. If we're going to be killing innocent people, I'm not coming with you."

There was an exaggerated sigh as Hux made his way back to them. "We are not doing anything, kitty cat," he said, stopping a good few feet away once he felt Kylo's cold, hard glare. "The Supreme Leader and I are biding our time until your little Resistance friends arrive, and you are simply going to exist in Canto Bight. Very visibly, very loudly. Do you understand?"

"Um, I already exist loudly," she said, confusedly looking between them. "What gives?'

Looking smug, Hux eyed Kylo. "You didn't tell her, Ren?"

"Tell me what?" Kitten pressed, turning toward the Supreme Leader. "Kylo, what's going on?"

"You are actively being hunted by what's left of the Kanjiklub," Kylo patiently explained. "They will try to get to you. They will fail. And once we capture them, they will be thrown in prison for their crimes."

She looked at him like he spoke another language. "Why in the galaxy would you do that?"

With a sniff, Hux spun around to depart. "Oh, for Naboo's sake, why do you think? They're criminals. Might as well take out the trash while we're here," he called out to her from over his shoulder. "Now, come along, let's get this over with. My cat awaits me on the Finalizer."

As Hux left the garden area, Kylo stayed behind to study Kitten's face. He had planned on telling her about this part of the assignment, but he had gotten just a tad distracted when she contorted herself into a fucking pretzel last night to come all over his hand. He didn't expect her to react too dramatically to the plan of their arrest, seeing as how they wanted her dead, but it was still surprising—and encouraging—to see her respond with nothing but detached indifference.

"Kay," she said, shrugging as she sauntered past him. Just as she got to the gate, she looked over her shoulder and winked. "Come on, let's get shitfaced."

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