Chapter 10: Needs

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WARNINGS: Sexually violating situation. Kylo masturbates to you while you're asleep (does not touch you). Tread lightly.

The Supreme Leader sat in the chair on the other side of the room, watching M421 sleep in his bed. 

So delicate, so lovely. She hadn't moved a muscle in the last two hours and probably wouldn't for the entire night. She was exhausted. But just then, as though she wanted to prove him wrong, she repositioned on her back. Kylo leaned forward in response, watching her throw off his robes in her sleep. He didn't blame her; those things were fucking hot.

A few soft sighs later, she settled once again and her breathing returned to a deep, steady pace. Her energy was calm and quiet as her body focused on recovering from an interrogation that should have killed her. As Kylo locked his sights on her frame, admiring how peaceful she looked, a riptide of emotion crashed over him.

Confusion. Anger. Regret. Frustration. Shame—shame most of all.

The Supreme Leader had never kept a prisoner alive before. Not once. Those who laid on that table died on that table. Young, old, male, female; it didn't matter. They didn't matter. He had seen it all, he had heard it all, and no matter the sob story, their story ended with his lightsaber buried in their gut.

He leaned back in his chair, sprawling his feet out in front of him and dropping his hands in his lap. Even though he was still dressed in his battle attire, an outsider observing him would assume he was perfectly calm at this moment. But inside his head, he was at war with himself.

Why do I still feel like this? Why can't I just fucking kill her?

While dismantling the Force-beacon cured the untamed frenzy he had felt near her, Kylo still found himself in the same position as before: unwilling to leave her side and unable to pull himself out of the hole he had already plummeted into. With everything he had to tend to—especially with Skywalker's return—Kylo shouldn't be here. Yet, here he was, watching her sleep as his compassion and overwhelming lust for her continued to overstay its welcome. He had been positive that Luke's manipulation had something to do with it, but now he saw that his mother was right.

Whatever this was, it was authentic. His infatuation was authentic.

Kylo's fingers twitched in his lap. He didn't know what enraged him more—the realization that he had feelings for the girl, or that his mother was misguided enough to think she could change him and bring him back to the light. She had been surprised that Kylo didn't immediately recognize M421, but why would he? He was eleven years old when they met as kids, and even if they were inseparable that summer, it didn't mean anything. She didn't mean anything. He may have begged his parents to take her back to Chandrila, but they said no, and that was that. Once they returned home, Kylo moved on without a second thought about the sad little girl from Jakku, and yet, his mother expected him to be a changed man in her presence?

Agitation flowed through him. She was truly delusional if she thought the girl would be the key to anything other than his mind-splitting headache. He so badly wanted to kill her and put an end to this nonsense, but when her breath caught in her throat and she started twitching in her sleep like she was having a bad dream, Kylo sprung to his feet to tend to her. He walked across the room to approach the bed. Then, crouching beside her, he used the back of his hand to stroke her cheek like the pathetic fool he was.


The Supreme Leader's stone-cold heart softened as her breathing returned to normal. He had soothed her. Him. The monster that had intended to kill her right from the start. But now, as he dropped his hand from her, he still couldn't force himself to leave her side, this infuriating fucking angel that had her sharp, tiny claws in him. Not unlike a kitten.

Kylo's lip twitched up. He had called her that just to antagonize her, but now he thought it was a rather fitting name. Even the most unruly cat looked docile in their sleep, and as she gently dug her face into the pillow to snuggle it closer, he decided that the name Kitten would stay.

Even though she was a fierce fighter, she looked so sweet like this, so content. She wouldn't remember anything she had just experienced; Kylo had already made sure of that. The torture...her many versions of home...the Force-encounter with his mother...his face behind the mask...her memories of them as children...all of it would be gone by the time she woke up.

He didn't wipe her recollection of it to save her from the pain, or to spare the bond between her and General Organa, but because M421 simply wouldn't believe Kylo. She would think that he manipulated her memories while inside her mind. The vision would feel too vague to her, as though recalling a dream, and she'd only see it as the Supreme Leader's efforts to sabotage her relationship with the Resistance.

But he did leave that speck of distrust, that seed of resentment that the General herself planted within his prisoner. Even as Kitten had slipped in and out of sleep on the way to his quarters, Kylo sensed the betrayal thrumming through her veins. She might not be able to recall what had happened, but the feeling in her gut told her there was something off about her precious leader. And that could come in handy, one day. It could help her let go of the Resistance, help her accept that she was staying here with him and the First Order.

And honestly, Kylo would have to accept that, too. He had planned on ending her life after finding the beacon, but what he had told his mother was a lie—there was no fucking way he could kill her. Not now. He realized it after M421 had finally submitted and said, do you promise me? That was when Kylo knew he was fucked. Those words injured him like a knife to his gut, twisting and turning with every tear that rolled down her face. He didn't want to keep hurting her. He wanted to scoop her up, carry her right past his knights, take her to his quarters, and keep her safe.

Like a fucking fool.

Kylo took a deep, shaky breath. No matter how hard he tried to shake this feeling, he couldn't. Her grip on him was all-consuming, and even if there was a deeper meaning to all of this, it didn't change the fact that he wanted—no, needed to have her. She had gotten under his skin, and she was right here next to him, sleeping so soundly in his bed...

The Supreme Leader's ragged breaths came faster. He had that itch again. That incurable, unscratchable fucking itch. Being so close to her, touching her face, breathing her was all too much. The things he wanted to do to her zipped through his mind, finalizing his assumption that destroying the beacon did nothing to destroy his insatiable need to have her. No. This diseased lust came from within him, and there was no stopping the filthy and violating thoughts it triggered.

Kylo repositioned on the balls of his feet, the fabric around his groin tightening as he imagined climbing into bed to grab her breasts, palming and rubbing them and pinching her nipples between his fingertips. He wanted to watch her eyelids flutter open as he pressed his chest to her back, sinking into her from behind as he softly kissed her neck. He'd love the way her body would shiver against his—a calloused beast, being gentle for her—as she'd grasp his sheets, twisting and clutching them as he pounded her, making her come all over his cock, begging him to give it to her harder. Rougher. Deeper.

And being the kind, generous man he was, Kylo would oblige.

The Supreme Leader dreamt of giving this little brat the lesson she so desperately needed. After easing her into consciousness, he'd grab her by the hair and drag her out of bed, her knees slamming on the floor as he pulled her across the room. He'd have her kneel before him, entirely naked, while he tied her hands behind her back—just to ensure she felt helpless. She'd be shaking with anticipation as he slowly, so slowly, grabbed his cock, stroking himself before tilting it to her lips. Then, he'd order her to open her mouth, to which she'd eagerly swirl her tongue around him and suck him off like the good girl she was.

And as he would mercilessly thrust into her throat, Kylo liked to think that his ability to fuck her face without hesitation or reserve would scare Kitten just as much as it excited her. That's all he needed from her—a small dose of respect, of fear, so he could feast on that sweet, sweet fear for dinner and then eat her pussy for dessert. Maybe then he wouldn't need to sit here, imagining all the ways he could make her beg for more...

Kylo's datapad dinged, offering an opportunity to abandon the vat of filth that was his mind. He stood up and strode away from the bed. With Vicrul stalking the grounds of Batuu for Skywalker and his sympathizers while the remainder of the knights hunted down the crystal across the galaxy, ignoring his datapad was not an option. So, with one last glance at his prisoner, Kylo looked down at his device to open his commcenter. He navigated to their uploaded reports and began aimlessly pacing back and forth, frowning when he saw they had nothing to report.

He didn't know what he had expected; it hadn't even been a week since he and Vicrul uncovered Skywalker's return, and they still had nothing to go off of other than the painfully obscure detail that the last Jedi had been on Exegol, but no longer was. And since Hux and his troops failed to gain access to the Sith Citadel as instructed, the General's latest sweep of the planet revealed nothing other than some problematic Stormtroopers in his ranks.

Though, if Kylo were to be fair—which he simply wasn't in the mood to be—he would grant Hux leeway for his troubles on Exegol. The Book of Sith had confirmed that the Citadel's metaphysical abilities were so strong and sinister, even non-Force-users could feel a pull to the dark side of emotion. Greed...jealousy...aggression...the obsession to exercise power...even with the precautions he had implemented, the dead Sith Lords roaming the grounds had the potential to influence every single being that stepped foot there. Which was why it was so important to find Skywalker. Kylo had no way of knowing if his time there had affected him negatively, as well.

Unfortunately, his knights had no new developments. That was frustrating not only because finding his adversaries was of the utmost importance, but because now there was nothing to distract him from the enemy that laid so prettily in his bed...

When Kylo realized his eyes had found their way back to her, enjoying her soft sighs as she slept, he was thankful when his datapad buzzed in his hand to alert him of what actually needed his attention. Rubbing the back of his tight neck, the Supreme Leader let out a rough exhale and typed with one hand to respond to his knights.

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