Chapter 25: Your Special Banana

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WARNING: Secondhand embarrassment 🍌

You needed to get fucked. 

You groaned as you turned over in your giant, luxurious bed. Everything in Canto Bight was this overstated and fancy, down to the marble floors you walked on and up to the spectacular diamond chandeliers dripping from the ceilings. You were thrilled when Kylo begrudgingly told you the stay would be extended—something about the Master Codebreaker refusing to dock, or whatever—and although you were living your best life in the land of abundance, you were still short of one thing.


You frowned as you looked up at the ceiling, twiddling your thumbs on your stomach. It had been a peculiar trip to Cantonica, and that's not even including the Kanjiklub's assassination attempt on your life. It was Kylo. You had finally caved, giving him every signal in the galaxy that you wanted him, and yet, since he saved you from that droid, he was acting like you didn't exist. It not only confused the ever-living shit out of you—seeing as how he had been in steady pursuit of fucking you for a while now—but it also drove you crazy.

Your body was thrumming with need, and although he was being cold, he still wouldn't leave your side. He had taken you throughout the city with absolutely no complaints or pushback—more nightclubs, bars, and the Canto Bite Bakery, just to name a few. Kriff, yesterday, he even took you to a high-end intimates boutique, the Countess's Caress, where you got to sip on champagne and ogle all the stunningly slutty lingerie.

Being a prisoner of war, everything was out of your budget—a single pair of cotton panties was 20,000 credits—but you were satisfied with the way Kylo watched you. You could feel his unyielding gaze as you moved through the store, running your fingers along the silky pieces on display. It made you vibrate with excitement and desire, and as you left the boutique, you had oh-so-obviously brushed against him in hopes he'd put his hands on you again like the first day here.

But no, nothing. He had even recoiled from your touch, which made you feel like a kriffing creep, and upon arriving at the next shop, you found his appetent stare replaced by aloof indifference once more. Since then, all you'd done was spin out, desperate to climb onto his lap and feel his arms around you again, while trying to grapple with the fact that you craved those things from him. It had been jarring at first, this admission that you wanted him, but now, you didn't give a fuck that you wanted your enemy to desecrate you.

And what a needy enemy you are...

As Kylo's words slithered into your mind, you resisted the urge to slither your hand between your legs. Again. You were honestly embarrassed at how out of control your horny ass was. Yeah, you had accepted your ravenous sexual appetite years ago, but this? This was pathetic. Whenever you were with Kylo, you were secretly thinking about fucking him, and whenever you weren't with him, you were lying in bed, touching yourself, thinking about fucking him. You hated this man's guts, and yet, you wanted him in yours.

You sighed. So, so pathetic, you mused to yourself half-heartedly, as you slowly dropped your head to the side, glancing at the yellow, phallic object of your desire. A banana.

Biting your lower lip, you pivoted, reaching for it on your bedside table. The shape wasn't the most ideal, and it only hit the spot in one very specific position, but its size served you just fine. It was thick and smooth, and the mechanics worked well as long as you sucked on it first to get it nice and wet. Your main complaint was that it was cold. It filled you the way you needed it to, but you missed the warmth of another person, the long, hard, veiny warmth that—

Without a knock or even a greeting, you heard your front door open, followed by heavy footsteps heading for the bedroom. You frowned, and dropped the hand reaching for your yellow best friend. Plopping back onto the bed, you grabbed a pillow to press it over your face. You didn't need to remove it to know who had just waltzed into your room.

"Go away," came your muffled complaint. "I want to go back to sleep."

More like, I want to fuck myself with a piece of fruit, but I digress.

Kylo's footsteps stopped at the foot of your bed. "Good morning to you, too."

You remained unmoving. You didn't want to see him. Not when you spent the whole morning pleasuring yourself to the thought of him. And seeing as how there was an edge of amusement to his tone—something you hated to admit you had missed these last few days—he probably knew what you had been up to in this big, beautiful bed. You let out an agitated sigh, holding the pillow even tighter against your face. How hard do I have to press to suffocate myself?

"A waste of time, Kitten." Yep, definitely amused. "The human body works overtime to keep you alive. You'd pass out before you did any real damage."

"Get out of my head," you mumbled, but secretly, butterflies swarmed in your stomach at the way he called you that stupid little pet name. You slid the pillow off your face and sat up in bed, crossing your legs underneath you. You clasped your hands in your lap and finally looked up at him, but immediately had to break eye contact. He looked too good.

Kylo was dressed as he always was sans mask—dripping in black with his lightsaber clipped to his belt. Truthfully, nothing was different about him, but observing him outside of the normal routine on the Finalizer painted him in a different light. The way he prowled through the streets of Cantonica with stifling confidence, demanding respect without even speaking or showing his did something to you. Just like you had noticed that week you spoke to him in your dreamscape, there was no denying that he exuded a type of power and aggression that you were innately drawn to. Something that was only exacerbated now that you wanted to use his face as a chair.

Kylo cleared his throat. "How are you feeling?"

Horny and mad, thanks to you. "Fine." You peeked up at him, twirling a thread from the comforter around your finger. "And you?"

His hands twitched by his side. "Fine."

"Good. That's...good," you said, giving an exaggerated nod of your head. "And the, uh, Codebreaker guy? Did he dock yet?"


"So, no Resistance either, then."


Even though he didn't look happy about this development, to you, this was good news. You gave him a timid smile. "So...does that mean we get to stay a little longer?"

He frowned. "Yes."

Your smile deepened, wanting to ask him what was next on the agenda, but his body language didn't exactly suggest that he was looking to make small talk. So you stayed quiet and took a moment to study him. Judging by the dark circles under his eyes, he hadn't been sleeping, which meant it would be a slower day than usual. You slouched in the bed. You couldn't believe you were thinking this, but you actually missed the time spent getting to know each other in your mind. There, both of your guards had been down, and conversation flowed without pause. Yet, now, he just stood at the edge of the bed, his eyes drifting aimlessly around the room as awkward silence hung in the air.

But then Kylo shifted his feet, setting his eyes on something, and a spark of interest flashed on his otherwise impassive face. You turned your head, following his gaze locked on the bedside table, then back to him, then back to the table...and it hit you. He was staring at your banana. Your special banana.

You tensed. No way he knows why that's there.

Without looking at you, the Supreme Leader walked over to the table, eyes fixed on the fruit that had spent more time inside of you than out. He picked it up without hesitation, twirling it in his hands, and your stomach fell to your ass. Oh my fucking god. This is not happening.

Casually, too casually, Kylo rotated his body to look down at you from the side of the bed, banana still in hand. A moment passed as he drank you in, the silence in the room as ripe as the fruit. You tried to play it cool, but for the life of you, you could not stop glancing at the fucking banana. You were fascinated at how small it looked in his hands, even though it had felt big inside you, almost too big.

Kylo cleared his throat. You whipped your eyes at him, wishing you could melt into the bed and through the floorboards as his lips twitched up into a subtle smirk. Your mouth went dry when he started to peel it, slowly, so fucking slowly, as he kept his dark, wickedly amused eyes on you. It was like watching a speeder crash and burst into eternal flames. You couldn't tear your eyes away as he lifted it to his lips, trying not to implode as you watched the Supreme Leader take the first bite of the banana you had so conveniently been fucking yourself with these past few days.

There's no way he knows. He can read minds but it's not like he can see me when I'm all alone, right? You gnawed on your bottom lip. RIGHT???

"Mmm," he deadpanned, "this hits the spot."

You were pretty sure all the color drained from your face, never to return, just like your dignity. "Good for you," you snapped, pushing yourself off the bed. "Now, if you don't mind, I need to get ready for my day."

You could hear the smug mockery in his voice as you walked away from him. "I thought you wanted to go back to sleep."

You pivoted, raising your eyebrows at him with hope. "Is that an option?"

Kylo took another bite. "No."

"What about removing yourself from my room, dear Supreme Leader? Is that an option?"

Kylo swallowed the last of the banana and tossed the peel onto the bedside table. "I don't appreciate the sarcasm."

You narrowed your eyes at him, putting a hand on your hip. "Well, I don't appreciate you eating my breakfast."

"I'm sorry," he said, smacking his lips. "I didn't know you were actually going to eat that banana."

With your fears confirmed, you froze. It was bad enough that he knew you had been using the vibrator back on the Finalizer, but this? Masturbating with a banana like a desperate, crazy woman? Suddenly you were devastated that the Kanjiklub's IG-11 droid hadn't taken better aim at you earlier this week.

"I..." You couldn't find the right words. Kylo let a slow, sinister smile spread across his face, enjoying, no—reveling in your embarrassment as he stood with a confident poise, hands behind his back and that evil fucking look on his face. You spun around and strode away, mumbling under your breath. "This is terrible. Everything is terrible."

"Aw, come on, Kitten," he called out as you reached the refresher. "Don't worry, I'll put in an order for a big bunch of bananas for you."

You responded by slamming the door, but even then, you could still hear Kylo chuckling to himself as he sat down on your bed. Cheeks hot, you grabbed the nearest towel and stuffed it over your face, wishing that the human body didn't work so hard to keep you alive all the damn time.

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