Chapter 37: Your Monster

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WARNINGS: Agressive sexual content. Daddy kink.

"I thought you already punished me!"

Kylo ignored you, making a noise of amusement as he stopped at the bottom of the bed. After giving your ass one more squeeze, he quite literally threw you over his shoulder. You scrambled to sit up on the shaking mattress, giving him a what the fuck look. "What did I do?"

Without a response, Kylo took off his belt, looking to the ground as he let it drop. Then he moved onto his tunic, tugging it off in one graceful motion before flinging that on the floor, too. Next, his undershirt, leaving him exposed from the waist up, and you swallowed as you took in the entirety of him. Seeing his impressive form, so well-built and powerful as he looked at you like he wanted to fucking murder you, made your heart pound even faster.

"Hello?" you breathed, cursing internally for the way your voice wavered.

He showed no expression. "You didn't ask permission."

"I—" You cut yourself off with a strangled, frustrated noise. "That's because you didn't let me!"

"That's no excuse." Kylo's eye twitched. "On all fours, now."

You glared at him. "I hate you."

"Watch it," he warned, fists flexing by his side. "Or I'll bring your precious Vicrul in here to help tame you."

"Is that supposed to scare me?" You raised a brow, a wicked smirk splitting across your face. "Vicrul is a little bitch."

Now it was Kylo who smiled. Slow at first, but then manifesting into a terrifying manic grin. "You think so?"

"I know so," you spat, cheeks burning and heart hammering as you lied straight through your teeth.

"Let's see what Vicrul has to say about that." Kylo rolled his neck, cracking it each time he twisted it to the side, before settling his arrogant gaze on you. Then he raised his calm, in-control voice only a fraction. "Vicrul, come in."

You shot up in bed, trying to peek through the bedroom door to see if he was bluffing. You had thought all of his knights were still out on assignment, but with an ear-splittingly loud burst of howling wind, the shuttle doors opened. At the sound of heavy footsteps coming toward you, your eyes widened as you gaped at Kylo. "You crazy bastard."

Smug as fuck, Kylo soaked up your reaction as Vicrul appeared in the doorframe. He had his mask on, but he kept it fixed forward, seemingly on his Master, as he gave a slight dip of his head. "Master Ren."

"Vicrul," Kylo greeted, keeping his eyes on your face. "Enter."

You tensed as Vicrul casually stalked into the bedroom, his boots trailing wet spots of snow behind him as he removed Lucy from his shoulder. Your confidence wavered as he swiveled the handle in his hands, remembering the way the blade had gleamed with blood last week after he sliced off somebody's head. You gulped. Why did I do this to myself? Why am I like this?

Vicrul still wouldn't look at you. "How can I assist, Master?"

His lip curling up, Kylo gestured toward you on the bed. "This one needs a lesson."

"Ah," Vicrul mused, finally fixing his mask on you. "Hello there, Miss Ren."

"Hello there, Miss Ren," you mocked, altering your voice to match his pompous, fancy accent.

"Oh, Kitten. You're asking for it, aren't you?" Kylo muttered, moving closer to the end of the bed. There was a wicked gleam in his eyes as he peered down at you. "Come on, undress for us. Show Vicrul what's mine."

Too late to back out of the brat act now. You crossed your arms over your chest. "No."

Kylo chuckled. It gave you chills. "Vicrul, have a seat," he murmured, gesturing to the chair in the corner of the room.

You followed the knight's every move as he passed by, his stride relaxed and confident as he approached the chair. After propping Lucy up against the wall, he took a seat and pulled off his mask and gloves. He sat them down beside him and looked at you, stretching his legs out in front of him and clasping his hands in his lap.

"Your photo didn't do your outfit justice, Miss Ren," he said, his amused gaze only lingering on your body for a second before looking at his Master, his lip pulling up into a smirk. "It's a lovely color on you. The Supreme Leader has excellent taste."

You glanced between them, hoping his Master would be angry at the compliment. But no, Kylo had a deviant shine in his eyes as he approached. You turned to look at Vicrul, narrowing your eyes at him. You smug piece of—

Without warning, Kylo placed his hand on your sternum and pushed you back onto the bed. You yelped as his hands darted for your lingerie, gripping it at the top before tugging and ripping it straight down the middle.

"Wait!" you yelled, panicked, "no!" You weren't sure Kylo even heard you. He was too busy tearing the fabric off, turning your body left and right to get it from underneath you. You wailed louder than you ever had—it was such a beautiful piece and the big oaf just ruined it. "KYLO! THAT WAS MY FAVORI—"

Securing a hand against your lips, Kylo stuffed as much of the ripped fabric as he could into your mouth. You thrashed against him, clawing at him as he climbed on top of you, the bed creaking as he straddled your hips between his thighs. Slipping one hand underneath you, Kylo somehow flipped you over on your stomach to smash your face into the bed. You felt him lean in, pushing his body against you, his bare chest hot to the touch. Massive, solid, immovable, he pressed the swelling in his pants against your ass, firmly rubbing against you.

"Don't you worry," he said, his hot breath tickling at your ear. "I'll buy you a prettier one."

Your mouth still stuffed with your destroyed lingerie, a low groan built in your chest as saliva collected in your mouth. You raised off the bed and moaned, grinding against him and desperate for him to fill you.

"My cock-starved whore," he purred, tilting to the side to slip a hand between your thighs. "So eager to be fucked."

Momentarily forgetting that you had an audience, you opened your legs for him, moaning as he slipped a finger in from behind knuckles deep. As he worked you, you spat the torn fabric out of your mouth just to beg. "Please, Ky—Daddy."

"Fuck," he hissed, twisting his fingers in even deeper as he worked in a second. "You're so tight."

You squeezed around him, trying to lift off the bed to meet his pace. When Kylo curled his fingers and started stroking that needy part inside you, your mouth popped open as you moaned into the bed.

"You are going to come again," he stated calmly, as though he wasn't currently sliding in and out of you with quick, wet thrusts. "What's my rule, Kitten?"

You twisted your head to the side, panting as you pressed your cheek against the sheets. "May I come?"

His breath caught in his throat. "Beg me."

"Please let me come, please, please," you babbled, body twitching and cunt throbbing, "I will do anything, ahhh, please—"

Kylo slipped out of you. "No." Flipping your face down, you screamed into the blanket, bringing your fists up to slam them into the mattress as you kicked your legs. But he was totally unperturbed by your little outburst. "On all fours, now. And stop the tantrum."

You stopped to just lay there, breathing heavily with your limbs sprawled out. Facedown. Butt ass naked. And feeling very, very sorry for yourself.

He said your name as though it were a warning. "Doing what I say is the only way you'll come."

A muffled groan spilled out of your lips, but quite pathetically, you scrambled to get onto all fours. You scooted to the edge of the bed and arched your back, your knees slightly apart as you pressed your palms into the comforter. There was movement in your peripherals, and you glanced to the left to see Vicrul still sitting on the chair in the corner of the room. He cocked a brow when you made eye contact with him, his large hands resting on his thighs while he tapped his fingers in a lazy rhythm, watching you intently.

The corner of your lip pulled up, enjoying the way his jaw flexed as you batted your lashes at him and let out a pretty sigh. As Kylo's hands roamed all over your backside, you bit your lip and wiggled your hips back into him, but kept your gaze pinned on Vicrul, absolutely fucking loving how easy it was to change the pace of his breathing.

"Perfect," Kylo praised, pulling your attention away from his knight. "Face down. Ass up."

You rolled your eyes but did as you were told, collapsing your upper body into the bed and inching back as you lifted your hips up for him.

"Master Ren," Vicrul interjected, "she rolled her eyes at you."

You stilled. Wait, no, this isn't how it's supposed to go. What the—

Kylo's fingers dug into your hips. "She did, did she?" He sounded excited. "Hm."

"Rude," you grumbled, tipping your face up as it squished against the bed to peek at Vicrul. "I thought we were friends."

He gave you a half-smile. "Not since you tried to get me killed with that selfie."

You snorted. "That was—" Smack. Kylo's palm connected with your ass, a blinding flash of pain stinging your skin and making you jolt. "What? Seriously? No warning? Not fucking fair!"

"Language, babygirl," Kylo quipped, rubbing where he had just hit you. He gripped the underside of your ass before smacking you again, and you bit back a yell, closing your eyes as you waited for the next slap. And the next one, and the next one, as you did your best to keep your whining and moaning to a minimum. "This will bruise," he hummed, pleased with himself as he slapped your ass again. "So will this."

"Mmmmuuuggghh," you groaned, tensing as you felt your ass ripple from impact. The sheets twisted in your fingers as he smacked you over and over again. Every time you thought it might be over, Kylo hit you harder, murmuring sweet praises at you in a voice thick with arousal. His bare hand continued to violate your backside, burning your flesh from his marks. All the while Vicrul just sat there, watching you take it, his face expressionless but the bulge in his pants telling you all that you needed to know.


That last slap nearly broke you. "Fucking sadists!" you exploded, your ass raw and tingling as Kylo's hands rubbed each cheek. "You're sick. Twisted. Monsters!"

Kylo hushed you. "But you're taking it so well," he uttered, gripping your sore backside one last time before dipping a hand between your legs. He released a rough exhale of approval as he ran a finger the length of your wet slit. "And enjoying it, I see."

You gasped and melted against him, pushing your hips back into his hand. With your eyes shut closed and bottom lip between your teeth, Kylo's fingers momentarily distracted you from the bruised and abused state of your ass.

"This pretty pussy is dripping," he rasped, shoving your knees apart as far as possible, causing your upper body to press deeper into the mattress. "So wet, just for me. Isn't that right?"

"Yes," you whined, not giving a fuck that you sounded desperate. "Yes."

"This is why you antagonize me, isn't it?" he continued to ramble as you heard him sink to his knees. You trembled when you felt his hot breath on your parted flesh, a single digit teasing your opening as he rubbed and prodded you. "You just want me to punish this pussy of yours."

"Yes," you moaned shamelessly as Kylo licked the length of your cunt from the back. His expert tongue toyed with you in the most delicious way, making you babble muffled nonsense at him, your face still smooshed into the mattress. With your hips high in the air, you leaned back onto his mouth as far as possible, your pussy slick and needy from his punishment. He grunted against you and forced two fingers inside, pumping them in and out as his tongue speared at your clit. His breath was hot and heavy, making you whimper and whine, and your eyes slammed shut as your leg began to shake."Right there."

You were about to come any moment now. Kylo knew. His guest knew. The rest of his knights probably knew, even if they were somewhere outside caught in the blizzard. Your moans could have woken the dead. So close, so close, so close.

Vicrul's strained demand broke your concentration. "Ask him."

"Please, please," you panted, parting your knees wider to spread yourself as much as possible. "Please, may I come?"

Kylo didn't respond, but he didn't stop licking your cunt, flicking you with soft, tantalizing strokes, so you assumed that meant yes. Your hands curled around the comforter, tensing as you let out a high-pitched squeak. Your orgasm was building inside of you, so powerful and strong, you could feel your eyes rolling to the back of your head. But then, but fucking then, just as you were about to come, Kylo pulled away again.

Collapsing on the bed, you gasped, trying to snake a hand between your legs. But Kylo Force-pinned them above your head. "No!"

The sounds you made were unrecognizable. Your body wracked and writhed in betrayal as your peaking orgasm was denied, devastating your aching pussy, still pulsing as you squirmed and thrashed against the bed. You tried to alleviate the searing discomfort by pressing your legs together, but it did little to soothe your pain.

"Why?" you sobbed, real tears streaming down your face. "Why, why, why?"

"That was for the little bitch comment," Kylo stated, entirely unbothered. "Are you ready to behave now, Kitten?"

"Fuck! I take it back! Vicrul isn't a little bitch!" you cried, pounding your fists onto the sheets. "Please, please, I'll do anything. I will behave!"

Kylo's cruel chuckle assaulted your ears as he leaned in to flip you over on your back. When he released your hands from his Force-hold, you tried to slip them between your legs, but he shoved a finger in your face.

"Don't you dare." Chest heaving, bottom lip trembling, you placed your hands on your stomach, looking at him with an authentically crushed pout. "Excellent." His eyes lit up at your obedience. "Don't move until I say so."

Where the fuck would I go? But you knew you couldn't sass him right now, so you just stared at him, waiting for him to leave. But he wasn't going anywhere—he was staring at you expectantly. Oh. This fucker.

Your mouth twisted reluctantly around the response he was looking for. "Yes, Daddy."

With a nod of approval, Kylo walked away from you and entered the common area of the shuttle. Vicrul got up from his chair and followed him, not looking at you as he passed by you sulking on the bed. Hushed voices came from the other room, but you closed your eyes, tuning them out and silently raging at the fuckery Kylo just pulled.

"Kitten," the Supreme Leader called out, interrupting your pity party. "Come here."

But I'm comfortable. And lazy. And mad at you. Alas, you swallowed the frustrated sigh eager to escape your lips and pushed yourself off the bed. You walked into the main room to find Kylo holding a black bag, while Vicrul leaned against the wall beside the sofa you had spent most of your morning on. He was still fully clothed but Kylo was shirtless, leaving you exposed in front of them.

You pinned your arms across your chest, nodding toward the bag. "Did you get me another cat?"

"No." Kylo set it down, his eye twitching. "On your knees."

Again? You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. But Vicrul was watching, and apparently, he was a little snitch, so you did what Kylo said and sank to the floor. Sitting back on your heels, you eyed the bag as he slid it over to you.

Kylo shuffled with impatient movements. "Open it."

You glanced up at him, holding his anticipatory stare before tentatively reaching for the zipper. You tugged it open and saw three things on top, but you couldn't tell what they were right away. Frowning, you reached inside and pulled them out. One thing unraveled in your hand while the other items fell to the ground. It took you a few moments to realize you were holding a leash, while a blindfold and what appeared to be a collar sat on the floor.

Your eyes found his face. "Um."

He gestured to the items. "Pick one."

Raising a brow, you looked down. "What happens if I pick the blindfold?"

"Then I'll blindfold you."

You blinked. "Right. And these?" you asked, holding up the leash and collar. "Will you take me for a walk if I pick them?"

Kylo almost looked amused. "Not publicly." He gave a beat of silence. "Unless you're really bad."

"Ha," came your less-than-enthused response as you directed your attention to the things in your hands. After putting the leash down, you held the collar up close to your face, assessing the two satiny black ribbons connected to a tiny ring in the center. It was cute and dainty, with the strands tying into a bow in the back. Then it hit you. "This looks like the choker I was wearing the night I was taken."

"That's because it is," Kylo said, taking a single step closer. "Only, I've modified it to my liking."

You peered up at him, tilting your head to the side. "Why?"

"Because when you wear this..." he muttered, crouching down in front of you to take it from your hands, "it means you are willingly giving yourself to me. Every deep, dark, and dirty part of yourself." You gulped as his hot and heavy gaze bored into your face, his lips barely moving as he spoke so seductively to you. "Do you agree to wear this, Kitten? Do you agree to be mine, to submit the filthiest parts of yourself to me?"

Swallowing thickly, your voice was just a whisper. "Yes."

"Very good," he murmured. Without taking his eyes off you, he spoke to his knight. "Vicrul, come hold her hair up for me."

Your heart skipped a beat as Vicrul drew near, situating himself behind you. You closed your eyes as his rough palms smoothed over your hair, collecting it and pulling it up atop your head to allow his Master access to your neck. A cool shiver trickled down your spine as you sat quietly between them, trying not to show the Supreme Leader how much you enjoyed it when both of their hands were on you at the same time.

After Kylo was done clasping the collar around your neck, he leaned back, eyes gleaming with virile hunger as he leered at the ribbon and small metal ring pressed tightly around your throat. "There," he said, voice hoarse as he lithely got on his feet. As Vicrul finally dropped your hair and stepped back, Kylo trained his sight on him, even though he was speaking to you. "Now everyone knows you belong to me, Kitten."

You bit your bottom lip—even you could feel the tension between them—and looked down to paw at the leash and blindfold on the ground. You were about to put them both away when Kylo tsked at you.

"You still have to pick one."

Your brows scrunched together, bringing a finger up to your neck to trail it over the choker. "I thought I did."

"The collar can be worn at all times, even when I'm not with you." He nodded toward the items in your hands. "Pick one."

Looking back down, you blew out a big puff of air. "Okay then," you said under your breath as you put the leash back in the bag. You help up the black, silky blindfold and glanced up at Kylo, simply waiting. He strode toward you, dipped down, and grabbed it from you, wasting no time wrapping it around your eyes. Everything went black, and you cleared your throat and clasped your hands in your lap. You heard movement around you, then a low, controlled warning came from your right.

"Put a finger on her, and I will not hesitate to end your life."

Obedient as ever, Vicrul spoke without hesitation. "Yes, Master."

Your hands fidgeted in your lap. The prospect of Vicrul seeing you like this didn't make you nervous—he had already witnessed it all anyway, and Kylo was right; you did enjoy his eyes on you a little too much. The Supreme Leader didn't make you nervous, either. That man had really seen it all. But both of them towering somewhere above, as you sat on the ground, blindfolded? That lump in your throat did not go down as easily.

Over the wild beating of your heart, you heard footsteps circle you. One of them crouched next to you. Vicrul, possibly, because it sounded like boots creased and Kylo was barefoot. Then a hand found your hair, playing with a piece of it—twirling, tugging, as something cold was placed between your legs. You shivered at the sensation. "What's that?"

They didn't answer your question, but Kylo spoke to you with a serious tone from above. "If at any point this becomes too much, you're to say the word yellow," he instructed, his headpets halting as you sensed him crouching before you. "And if you can't speak, you're to make this symbol," he explained, taking your hand in his to isolate your pointer and middle finger, making a V. "Do you understand, Kitten?"

You nodded, but Kylo wasn't satisfied. "No. I need to hear you say that you understand."

His intensity made your heart leap to your throat, your eyes darting behind the blindfold. "Yes," you said, voice breaking. "Yes, I understand."

"Good," he quipped, letting go of your hand. He stood swiftly, creating a rush of air that tickled your cheeks, and you took a deep breath, waiting for whatever they had in store for you. Moments later, the device between your legs was pressed tighter against your cunt, effectively spreading your lips and smashing into your clit. That's when the vibrations started.

"Oh fuck," you cried, lurching forward, the curved head of the toy buzzing and humming against your pussy. Almost immediately, the pulses brought you close to the brink and your mind spun how Kylo had effectively hid a vibrator from you this entire time. An amazing one at that, equipped with way more power than the one you had back on the Finalizer. You could barely contain yourself. "Oh my fucking god."

You felt someone kneel near you. "Does that feel good, babygirl?"

It was Kylo, which meant that Vicrul was the one beside you holding the toy between your legs. The thought sent you spiraling, only allowing you to give him a helpless nod in response. Your mouth popped open, and your fingers dug into your palm as you straddled the toy, tendrils of pleasure shooting through you.

"I knew you'd like this," Kylo cooed, playing with your hair again. "You're practically purring."

"Kylo," you whined, legs trembling as the vibrator roared beneath you, "may I come, please?"

He tsked. "Kylo?"

Fuck. "I mean, Daddy. Please, Daddy, can I come?"

Kylo let out a breath of amusement and gripped the back of your head. Pulling you to his lips, he kissed your forehead, then murmured the sweetest word you'd heard all night against your skin. "Yes."

You squeaked, then went silent. The only sound in the room was the humming of the vibrator between your legs, thrumming viciously and relentlessly against your clit. Legs twitching, back arching, your head snapped back as your mouth hung open, deafening mewls pouring out of you as your climax struck.

Yes, yes, yes.

Kylo kept a hold on you, muttering praises into your hair as the convulsions began. Nipples hard and legs shaking, goosebumps erupted over your sweaty, sensitive skin. You dug your fingernails into your legs, leaving behind tiny crescent-shaped indentations. Tears soaked the blindfold as you sat farther down on the vibrator, feeling a warm gush release from between your thighs with the strongest orgasm you ever had in your entire fucking life.

"Fuck," you hissed, sitting up on your knees to break contact with the toy. You lost your balance, blindly shooting your hands out, and Kylo gripped you back. He hushed you, holding you as you clung to him. Though soft, his touch sent chills down your spine and made you shiver, your body heaving from over-stimulation.

"You're so pretty when you come," came his low, throaty voice, adding your name. "Who's my little slut?"

"I am, I am," you whimpered, your naked body pressed against his bare chest. Your legs felt frail and shaky, so you wrapped your arms around his neck, expecting him to help you up and take the blindfold off.

"My good girl," he whispered, running his hands along your back. He nuzzled his face into your hair, speaking lowly in your ear. "Sit on it again."

You tensed. "What?"

"Sit on it," he said with sharp enunciation, "again."

You didn't understand. You just came so hard, you were seeing stars. You couldn't imagine doing that again. "But—"

Detangling your arms from his neck, Kylo leaned forward and let you go. You heard shuffling as he moved to kneel behind you on the floor, his hands exploring your body as he pressed his chest to your back. Then, with a firm grip on your breasts, he pushed you down, gently guiding you back onto the still-buzzing vibrator.

"Wait," you blubbered, legs convulsing as one of them secured the dome against your swollen, aching clit. "Ahhh, too much."

"That's too bad," Kylo murmured, his hands sliding down the curve of your body to land on your hips. Digging his fingers into you, he held you steady against the toy. "Hm, what do you think, Vicrul? Should we watch her come again?"

"Yes, Master."

You could hear the amusement in Kylo's tone. "Ah, perhaps you're the one with excellent taste."

Your mouth dropped at their camaraderie—you thought he was on your side. He was supposed to be making it clear that Vicrul couldn't touch you, not joking with him as they took pleasure in tormenting you. Squirming in his hold, you wanted to yell at them and lash out, but all you could do was squeak as the torture device juddered at a higher vibration against you, chucking you onto the path of another intense orgasm.

"Mmmmmmmfuuhhhh." Shoulders hunched over and spine contorted, your eyelids shuttered behind your blindfold as your hips started to twitch, rotating in sharp, jagged movements on top of the dome. Kylo spoke softly to you, encouraging you to come for them as one hand left your hip to slide between your parted legs from behind. You whined as he dipped into your cunt, coating his fingers with your cum and sliding them back up, prodding at your asshole. He tested your tightness with slight pressure before sliding them down again, sinking into your spasming pussy.

Your head snapped back against him, resting on his shoulder as a throaty groan exploded from your mouth. "Oh, my fucking stars."

"That's it," he muttered, "take it."

"I can't," you sobbed between strangled mewls, trying to lift up and away from the brutal buzz from the vibrator. "It's too—ahhhmmm."

"Kitten," Kylo warned, one hand still holding your hip down while the other fingerfucked you. "Did I say you could get off?"

"No," you gasped. Frustrated tears welled in your eyes, bleeding into the blindfold and slipping down your face. "But—"

"Then I suggest sitting down," he growled, making your pussy smash into the toy even harder, "and coming on this like the slut you are."

The noises coming from you sounded like those of a wounded animal. Your whole body writhed. Convulsed, shook, spasmed. Your head lolled against his shoulder. But Kylo? He stayed perfectly still against you, like an immovable, unbreakable wall. Your body moved so chaotically that eventually, you bucked and thrashed just enough to wiggle away from the incessant buzzing. The toy must have rolled to the side because it eased off your clit, giving you a brief moment of relief.

Key thing: brief.

Kylo made a low, displeased sound in your ear, stuffing a third finger into your hole. You could feel the anger rolling off him as he held you, his other hand still secured on your hip, keeping your back pinned to his chest as you both sat on your knees on the floor. "Grab it."

First there were footsteps, then a rush of air in your face. Next, boots creasing. Then the vibrator was placed against you again, set to a higher speed than before as it was rocked against your clit by his knight.

"There we go," came Kylo's rough words of assent. "Make her come, Vicrul."

Strangled, high-pitched whimpers sprang to your lips. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your forehead crumpled in pleasure, in pain. Stars danced behind your eyelids. It was hard to speak. You could only whine.

"I think we broke her, Master Ren," came Vicrul's unhelpful yet accurate observation, his tone implying his thorough enjoyment at being the catalyst of your unraveling.

Through the lust and your tortuously over-stimulated haze, a lick of your brattiness came out to play. "I fucking hate you,Vicruuul," you moaned, thrashing against Kylo, who was still holding your back against his chest, sticky with sweat. "Fucking hate—"

"Ah, ah, ah," Kylo scolded, just a low hum in your ear. "You were doing so well, sweet thing, don't start that attitude with us now."

You did that weird, laugh-cry type of thing, gasping for air. "Fuck you, fuck both—ahhh."

You tensed as Vicrul smashed the vibrator against you right there. He held it between your legs as his Master made sure you didn't lift off of it, Kylo's fingers sliding in and out of you with slick thrusts. "Oh, oh, oh."

With a rough tug, Kylo ripped the blindfold off your eyes. You blinked rapidly, tears falling from your eyes as you came face to face with Vicrul. His eyes trailed down the length of your convulsing body, watching you with an unmistakable look of hunger as he remained squatting in front of you. He kept the vibrator pinned against your pussy while Kylo worked you from behind, making you scream and come apart at the seams between them.

You tensed. In pain, in pleasure. In agonizing ecstasy, you let out a string of profanities directed at both of them. You couldn't recall what came spouting out of your mouth, but you were pretty sure the name Jabba was in there somewhere. As did little bitch again when you started shuddering against the vibrator, jolting and spasming and yelling as you came all over it.

Once, twice, again, and again. You couldn't say how many times. All you knew was Kylo wouldn't let you get off the vibrating persecutor below as Vicrul devoured every single movement you made. Your orgasm went on and on, cum spilling out of you and coating the toy while you howled at the top of your lungs.

Through the heavy cloud of lust swirling around you, Kylo's angry voice pierced your ears. "Enough."

You felt rough hands on you picking you up off the floor, a thick arm wrapping around your waist. Kylo was carrying you into the bedroom like one might carry a coat, your midsection draped over his forearm, your toes and face pointing toward the floor. You yelped, panicked, as you tried to decipher what was happening. "What—"

"Jabba?" Kylo spat, ferociously tossing you on the bed. He watched you with wild eyes as you scrambled to sit up, only to close in and grab your legs, pulling you to the edge of the bed. With his chest rising and falling with rage, he tugged his pants down lowly on his hips and slipped a hand into his boxers, his cock emerging thick, rigid, angry—demanding, andhe pushed himself inside you with one quick thrust.

You staggered forward, your hands shooting up to press against his chest. His grip moved to the top of your thighs, using them as leverage to push inside of you deeper, plowing into you from off the side of the bed. Lips slack, your forehead crumpled as you tried to say his name. "Ky-ky-ky—"

Kylo didn't relent, the sound of your bodies slapping together to create a brutal symphony of pleasure while the bed shook and creaked from his powerful thrusts. It was too much; it was everything you had wanted. You released raw, unrestrained moans, your hands falling from his chest to grip the bed. "Oh, my gods."

"The gods can't help you here," Kylo rasped through labored breathing, smashing his hips against you. "No one can."

You just moaned in response, head thrashing back and forth as your pussy tightened around his cock. Through the pleasure that threatened to consume you, you vaguely noticed Kylo looking to his left, nodding before snapping his crazed gaze back to you.

"You love this, don't you?" he taunted, his dark hair falling in his face. "Taking my cock. Taking my cum. All your little holes, just meant to be stuffed full of me. Isn't that right, YN?" You helplessly nodded your head, and Kylo tapped you across the face. "Answer me."

"Yes, yes," you yelled, unable to control the writhing of your neck. Your head lolled to the side, your walls clenching around Kylo's length as your eyes locked on Vicrul. He was sitting in the chair in the corner, legs apart with his pants pulled down just enough as he stroked his cock. His huge cock. It was thick and veined, somehow managing to look big even in his massive hands. The way his bright, mischievous eyes were focused on you told you he was savoring every moment of this, loving how effortlessly his Master overpowered you.

And then there was you. You were being fucked mercilessly by Kylo, and yet, you couldn't tear your eyes away from his knight. You were in a trance as you watched the muscles in Vicrul's jaw tense below his skin, flexing with the effort from swallowing as he held onto his shaft. Tugging, pulling, beating it senselessly as you imagined him crossing the room, dipping a knee onto the bed, stroking your hair as he placed his cock at your lips, gagging you and—

"Kitten," Kylo snapped, his hand latching onto your neck.

You jolted your head back, meeting his furious gaze, and immediately knew that you were busted. Your throat rippled below his hand. "I—"

Keeping his eyes on you, the Supreme Leader's lip curled back before growling a demand at Vicrul. "Leave us."

There was a shuffle and a quick, "Yes, Master," as he did as he was told. But you couldn't be sure—Kylo had your neck in a death grip.

"You're mine," he snarled, his hand tightening around your windpipe. "And only mine."

You nodded frantically, trying to tell him, yes, yes, I know, your cheeks burning as he denied your lungs of precious oxygen. You gasped for air, but Kylo gripped you harder, punishing you with his thrusts as he pounded into your sore pussy. He increased his pace, and tears pricked at your eyes, your vision becoming fuzzy and distorted. You needed air.

Yellow! Yellow! you yelled from inside your mind, and Kylo's hand flew off your throat, pressing his hips into yours as his thrusts came to a stop. Panting, his hands found your face, cradling your cheeks as you refilled your lungs, making you look at him as he spoke with a low, urgent voice.

"Kitten, Kitten, are you—"

Throwing your arms around his neck, you pulled his face to yours, cutting him off with a greedy kiss. Kylo groaned against your lips as you wiggled beneath him, trying to get him to fuck you again. He resumed his thrusts with a slow pace as he pulled away, his cautious eyes searching your face. He was being careful with you after you said the safeword, but you didn't want him to be careful. You wanted him to break you.

Keeping your eyes on his face, you loosened your legs around his waist a little to slip a hand between your bodies, finding your clit. With a gaze full of lust and possession, Kylo's eyes trailed over your tits as they sheened with sweat and bounced, then looked down as you played with yourself, watching your pussy eat up his cock. Sliding in and out, he slowed down even more, letting you feel every single inch of him.

"Fuck," he groaned, tilting to the side to paw at your breasts. Once he was satisfied with how your nipples hardened at his manipulation, he slid his fingers down further, snatching your hand away from your sex. He splayed his hand over your lower belly, replacing your strokes with his thumb, gently flicking your clit. "Mmm. I want you to come again."

Your moans were uncontrollable as he rubbed at you faster, your hands finding his back to dig your fingernails into his skin. A part of you wasn't sure you could take anymore, but as your eyes flashed to Kylo to see him watching you carefully, as though he expected you to tap out, you found the surge of boldness you needed to continue. Pushing your cunt into his hand, you spoke to him in a sweet, soft voice. "Make me come, Daddy."

Something flashed in Kylo's eyes. Something primal, beastly, and unrestrained as a growl sprung from his chest, his fingers moving with intent to massage and torture your swollen, over-sensitive sweet spot. All you could do was whine, going rigid against him as his touch became firmer and his thrusts slowed even more. Leaning in, he nuzzled his face in your neck, breathing heavily as he nipped at your flesh. He trailed kisses up and down your throat before crawling up to your ear, his command biting into you like the crack of a whip.


Your mind went blank, your body tensed. The only thing that you could feel, the only thing that existed were Kylo's fingers, bringing you to climax yet again, and his cock buried deep inside of you as you clenched around him. You came hard as he filled you, possessing every inch of you to the point where you didn't know where his body ended, and yours began. You twisted beneath him, the mewls spilling from your lips turning to small, tortured cries as you rode out your orgasm.

The moment you were done, Kylo ripped his fingers from you and picked up his pace. You couldn't keep your eyes open. You couldn't stop whipping your head side to side. Your fingernails dug into his chest, up and down, eliciting a hiss from him. You opened your eyes just long enough to see the abrasions on his chest, bright red and lined with small droplets of blood.

It looks like a kitten scratched him.

The idea threw you into a fit of hysteria. You couldn't stop laughing. You couldn't stop moaning. Blending together, the sounds created a deranged melody of pain and pleasure as you wailed his name, slipping through your lips as you truly let yourself go. Kylo, Kylo, Kylo.

Time passed. You couldn't say how long. Time didn't exist—you weren't even sure you existed. Not without Kylo, that was for certain. Your body belonged to him. It was his, just an extension of him as he fucked you, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt every little thing he was doing to you. Floating, drifting, was a peculiar thing to experience, being inside and outside of yourself at the same time. You felt high, you felt low, you felt far off and close, your mind in a polarizing state of peace and chaos as Kylo had his way with you. You never wanted it to stop.

Kylo, Kylo, Kylo.

Then came your name. He said it so savagely, so intensely, it ripped you from your euphoric bliss, forcing you to open your eyes and look up at the man ravaging you. One by one, your senses came back to you, piercing through the lingering veil of intoxication clinging to your mental state. The first thing you noticed was how you felt with his cock inside you, so warm and wet and full as you felt him stiffen and expand within your tight walls.

He said your name again, but this time, over and over again, in a way you had never heard him speak before, as though he was pleading with you. Or praying to you like you were his goddess. Your pulse quickened as your eyes locked onto his mouth, desperate to watch the way his lips moved around it. He kept saying it as you felt his orgasm approach, sweat dripping from his forehead as his brows pulled together in concentration. Even as he gave his final shove, burying himself into you as he started to come, your name poured from his lips, and something strange washed over you.


It's all you could think now as you watched the face of the man you had grown to love twist into pleasure. First, his jaw grew tight as he swallowed the last of your name, his lips pressing together in a hard line before they blew apart with force, releasing a grunt. You felt warmth spilling into your tired, throbbing cunt as his cock pulsed inside you and pumped you full of cum. Then he said your name again as he looked down at you, and it nearly broke you.

Love, love, love. You felt your body move, but your mind was frozen, terrified as you wrapped your arms around his neck and crossed your ankles around his waist. You wanted him closer. Needed him closer. Love, love, love. The grip you had on him made his shoulders fall forward, but he caught himself on his palms before he crashed into you, eyeing you with an unmistakable warmth in his eyes. You stared right back at him, matching his vulnerable, raw expression. He looked stripped bare, just like you were to him. Exposed, yet safe. Secure. Understood. Connected.

Terrified, so fucking terrified, you wanted to speak, but you couldn't. Your body knew what you needed, but the words wouldn't form. So you smiled instead, and Kylo smiled back. A real smile. Something you'd never seen on his face before. It made your heart skip a beat, soaking up the creases that appeared near his eyes, the lines around his mouth, and the imperfections of his teeth. And his gaze, locked on you, full of affection. A little shy, even, as his cock softened inside of you.

Your arms and legs falling away from Kylo, you collapsed against the bed. Love, love, love. You tried to push it back down, to send it back from where it came from, but you couldn't think straight as he tentatively leaned in to place his sweaty forehead on yours. He closed his eyes for a moment, just breathing against you, before lifting his head to kiss the tip of your nose. Your lashes tickled your skin as they closed at the touch, inhaling sharply to suck down his scent.

As he pulled away, your body screamed at the loss of contact. You opened your eyes to look up at him as he hovered over you, his lips moving slowly, saying something about taking a shower and eating food, but you couldn't absorb his words. Your brain was going into fucking overdrive. Just like he told you during that first interrogation, you had been searching for this feeling for a long time. To belong, to be taken care of. To be able to let go and just exist, not run and fight. And now, you got that from him. You hadn't let yourself realize it—no. How could you? He had hurt you, had taken you against your will. He had hurt you.

Love, love, love. Your eyes darted across his face. No, no, no. This wasn't right. It wasn't allowed to be right. He was the Supreme Leader. Your captor. A monster. Yet, you felt this way. It was undeniable now. But why did you let yourself feel this way? You let him in, your enemy. You fucked up. You loved this man.

Your head spun as you moved toward him, seeking his closeness. You started to cry as you clutched onto him. The Supreme Leader. A captor. Your monster.

"Kitten," Kylo rasped, jolting his head back as he watched you closely. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Love, love, love. You trembled below him, a coarse whisper crawling through your lips. "I don't know."

His brows knit, eyes flitting from side to side, anxious. "What—"

You grabbed his face and kissed him.

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