Chapter 43: Diamonds & Divine Ball Gowns

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The Supreme Leader of the galaxy was a strong man.

Enigmatic, steadfast and confident—entire systems bowed to him, revering him as a man to be feared and respected. His undeniable power and strength brought even the most courageous enemy to their knees. He was a true ruler without any weaknesses...something that went right out the blast doors the moment he sank deep inside your cunt.

"Please," came his throaty plea, his fingers digging into the flesh on your hips with a bruising grip. "Please let me on top."

"No," you responded, unbothered by his intense physical reaction of not getting what he wanted. "I don't feel like it."

He grunted as you continued to grind on top of him, his cock filling you up as you so slowly lifted up and down, up and down. You watched with satisfaction as he tore his hands off you to grip at the bed sheets, his fingers making a fist around the fabric as he spat out a warning through gritted teeth. "Kitten."

You placed a finger over his mouth. "Shhhh."

Kylo didn't like that. His hands shot to the small of your waist to hold you still, bucking his hips up to plunge deeper inside you. You cried out with each powerful thrust, eyes closing and mouth hanging open as he used the Force to toy with your clit. Flicking and teasing and rubbing, you felt your pussy clench around him as your pleasure began to peak. Again.

"Come on this cock, Kitten," he demanded with a grunt. "Come for me, now."

You bit your lip, your head snapping back as Kylo manipulated the Force to work your clit even faster, simultaneously fucking you to bring you over the edge. You tensed as you gripped onto him and hunched over, your hair falling in your face as he drilled you so hard, you couldn't even moan. You could only mewl in broken, fragmented cries as you came all over him, just like he commanded.

As you rode out your orgasm, breathing heavily and convulsing on top of him, he eventually slowed down. But his cock stayed lodged inside of you as he trailed his fingertips up and down your back, eliciting the sharp inhale that blew between your lips. With a gentle tug, he pulled you closer, and you melted against him.

"You came so hard for me," Kylo praised, massaging your back as he slid in and out of your pussy. "My greedy slut."

You whimpered, closing your eyes shut as he began to increase his speed again. But you were too sensitive; you had to lift up and let him slip out of you, which Kylo saw as an opportunity to flip you over. He grabbed your hips to lift you off, but you raised a hand at him.

"No," you whispered. Strategically, you continued to straddle him, inching your way down so that his knees were between your legs. Crumpling your upper body against him, you gripped the base of his length and looked up at him. The shock on his face made you laugh. "Surprised, Supreme Leader?" you teased, cupping his balls.

Your smile widened when he groaned; you lived for these moments of control. Tugging on him with slow strokes, you kept your eyes on his face to enjoy the way he watched you so intently, then folded forward so you could stuff him inside your mouth. Kylo's breath hitched, hips rising off the bed as his hands found your scalp. He threaded his fingers through your hair, tenderly clutching onto you as you sucked his dick and worked him with your hand at the same time.

Another groan, and you felt him twitch between your wet lips, stiffening as the warmth and wetness of your mouth devoured him. You moaned around his cock—a deep, reverberating sound that turned to strangled gasps as he slammed his hips up to fuck your throat. Slick, wet noises filled the room as you let him set the pace, bobbing your head up and down with fervor, as your free hand snuck between your legs to rub your clit.

"Flip around," Kylo panted, his hands still holding your head. You didn't listen, only rubbed yourself faster, humming and moaning and slobbering on his thick, pulsing cock. You wanted to come again, and you wanted to do that while you tasted his cum. Through labored breathing, he gave you another warning. "Kitten."

You tensed, that familiar feeling building in your lower belly. Just a few more strokes and you'd be done, but of course, Kylo was being dramatic and refused to wait even another second. Hooking his giant-ass hands underneath your arms, he pulled you up, somehow flipping you around. He must have used the Force to help maneuver you, because you had no idea how you ended up on all fours, hovering above him while also facing the opposite direction. You were straddling him with his back flat on the bed, and your knees were on either side of his head in the 69 position.

The more modest part of you started to panic as the Supreme Leader gripped your waist with firm hands, pulling you down closer to him. You jolted when you felt his lips against your center. "Uhhh—"

"Come on, Kitten," he taunted, his hot breath tickling your sex. "Be a good girl and sit on my face."

You couldn't even get a word out before his wet, hot mouth found your pussy, giving you kisses before spearing your clit with his tongue. You moaned and sat back, your eyes rolling into your head when you felt his nose press into your slit. "Oh, my fuck."

Kylo grunted into your wetness, his tongue tasting your sweet spot with firm, precise strokes. With your legs still on either side of his head, your upper body collapsed forward, your forearms connecting with his hip bones as you greedily grabbed his dick. Between whimpers, you held him firmly and licked the head of his cock, closing your eyes as you tasted pre-cum on the tip.

With a rough breath, the Supreme Leader lifted up and slipped his length between your lips. You moaned wildly as he touched the back of your throat, your legs already twitching as he continued to relentlessly lap at you. There was a shuffle beneath you, and within moments, he gripped either side of your pussy and pried you open, giving him even better access to attack your most sensitive spot while stuffing you full of his fingers at the same time.

Saliva dripped from your mouth as you cried out, oozing down his length and coating his balls. It was too much. He was teasing you with slow, sensual strokes, his tongue never leaving you as he fucked your throat with swift thrusts of his hips. More drool slipped out of your mouth, and snot ran down your nose as he triggered your gag reflex, this position allowing his cock to slide down your throat deeper than ever before.

"Fuuughhhhh," came your muffled, pathetic moan. You were a fucking mess. A twitching, throbbing, drooling mess, desperate to come on his face. And judging from how hard Kylo was and how rigid his whole body was beneath you, you knew he was close, too. You slipped him out of your mouth to give your throat a break and grabbed him, using your spit to jerk him with slippery tugs. He moaned against you, and you clenched around his fingers as your orgasm started to hit. "Kylo," you panted, "I'm, I'm—"

Strange, high-pitched noises tore from your throat. You convulsed on top of him, your hips bucking wildly, but Kylo planted his free hand on your lower back to keep his tongue connected with your cunt. Through your euphoria, you realized that you were still gripping his dick, which was red and veined and stiff with arousal, pulsing angrily in your hand and greedy for release.

You snapped your head down and took him in your mouth, letting the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. You were too focused on your own orgasm to really pay attention to what you were doing to him, but whatever it was, it was enough. Kylo growled against your pussy, his fingers still buried deep inside of you, as you felt the first spurt of his load coat the back of your throat. You gagged and shuddered, but kept your lips wrapped around him as he pulsed more cum into you. You remained unmoving until he relaxed beneath you, his grip loosening on your lower back.

Breathing heavily, you raised your head and slid him out of your mouth. You swallowed what didn't already go down your throat and shakily rolled off him. "Holy fuck." You closed your eyes and clutched at the sheets below you. You hadn't done anything today except travel to the hotel, take a shower, and fuck the Supreme Leader, but somehow—you were exhausted.

"Mmm," Kylo mused, getting up so he could lay next to you. Without saying a word, he slid an arm under your body, wrapped the other over your waist, and tugged you against his chest. Both of you were hot and sticky, and definitely needed to take another shower, but you didn't complain. In fact, you felt so happy and safe, you could fall asleep just like this in his arms. He let out a deep breath. "Kitten."

You mumbled incoherently at him.

"We have to get ready. You can't nap." You mumbled incoherently again, but this time, angrily. Kylo chuckled, his arms tightening around you. "Fine. Fifteen minutes. Then we are getting ready."

"Mmmmm," you hummed happily, pressing your face into his chest and dozing off.

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