Chapter 17: Forks & Vibrators

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Thump, thump, thump.

Your pulse pounded as you curled your fingers around the fork, sitting stiffly as the Supreme Leader acted like he didn't just arm his fucking prisoner.

"Now, let's revisit why we are actually here," Kylo said, placing his hands on the table. "I am ready to discuss her worth, General. In what ways did you want her to aid the First Order?"

Hux set his eyes on you and started talking about different avenues for employment, but you couldn't concentrate. Not when a sharp, shiny fork sat in your lap, and as he continued to rattle on, your breath became rapid, your face felt hot. You had to blink to focus.

"...and if that doesn't work, perhaps with a little help from the Force, we could reprogram her to be an assassin for the First Order," he mused, looking up at the ceiling and stroking his smooth, pale chin. "Ah, yes. That does sound rather enticing, don't you think?" he asked, setting his sights on you and then back on Kylo. "If her file has taught us anything, it's that she excels at doing the dirty work for others."

"Indeed, General," Kylo said before speaking privately to you within your mind. "Do it."

You didn't hesitate; you didn't question why your captor was helping you, or why he was encouraging you. You just acted. One second you were sitting seemingly docile in your seat, and the next, you were lunging across the table with the fork in hand, aiming to stab General Hux's jugular.

Upon contact, the sound he made was enough to send you into orbit.

With the fork securely lodged into the flesh at the base of his neck, you grunted and dug it in deeper. Beverages and food flew across the table, tumbling to the ground as your sprawled-out legs swept across the table. You gave it another twist as Hux hissed and tried to clutch at the sharp object stuck in his flesh, his wide eyes full of shock and malice.

When it wouldn't go in any further, you pulled it out with a strangled exhale. Hux gasped and brought one hand to his wound while the other grappled for the blaster on his belt. But the blood gushing through his fingers was spewing too quickly, and he was forced to place both hands on the gash, seething at you.

A wicked grin touched your lips. "You should see the look on your face right now, General."

His lower lip trembled, eyes wild. "Ren," he hissed, looking over your head. "Help."

Kylo sounded calm and composed. "Ava, summon a medic."

You knew Kylo was behind you somewhere, but you didn't care to look. You were locked on the General, engrossed in the way he bled out from the wound you gave him. Shivers wrapped around your entire body. Damn, I missed this.

Hurried footsteps, a gasp, and then—hands were on you. You yelped, trying to grab the knife by Hux's plate, but those hands pulled you across the table before you had the chance. Kylo spun you around to face him, and you tried to hop off the table, but he shook his head.

"No," he said, bending down to grab you. You shrieked as he hoisted you up, draping your torso over his shoulder and securing you with a strong arm around the back of your thighs.

"Hey! Put me down!" you yelled, pounding his back with your fists. "I can walk myself!"

Kylo remained silent as he strode away from the commotion at the table. Stormtroopers and medics swarmed around Hux as he shouted demands, while you—the tragic source of trouble for the day—were carried away like a ragdoll on the Supreme Leader's shoulder.

Bringing you to a quieter part of the ship, Kylo let out a deep sigh. "Oh, Kitten, what am I going to do with you?"

Your jaw dropped. "You told me to!" He laughed, and dread seized your soul. "Am I in trouble?"

"With Hux? Yes," he said, briskly turning a corner and striding through blast doors. "With me? No."

You knit your brows—what the fuck does that mean, though? You wanted to ask him what would happen next, but as he turned a corner, a pack of dark-armored men appeared out of fucking nowhere and started following behind him. You could only see their filthy boots—they were leaving a trail of mud behind them—so you put your hands on his back to try and lift your head and get a good look at them. You lowered it just as fast. Once you got a glimpse of their masks and weapons, your suspicions were confirmed. It was the Knights of Ren.

Panic swam in your lower belly, and you stayed quiet as he continued to carry you across the ship. You couldn't tell if it felt like an eternity simply because he was holding you, or if he was taking the scenic route to Sector 45B again. But with his knights trailing behind you, you were afraid to talk. It wasn't until he stepped into a turbolift without them that you worked up the courage to ask.

"Where are you taking me?"

Leaning down, Kylo grunted as he pressed the turbolift controls. "The medbay."

"But I'm fine," you said, exasperated. When he stood up straight again, your head spun from the movement. "Ugh, can you put me down, please? The only thing that will kill me is all this blood rushing to my head."

"Soon," he said matter-of-factly.

You rolled your eyes but didn't argue. A few moments later, the doors made a cheery ding as they opened, and Kylo waltzed into a bright, noisy room. He was immediately greeted by someone, and they engaged in a brief back and forth as your midsection remained draped over his broad shoulders. After he walked through another set of doors that led to a private room, he finally set you down on a bed.

"Whoa," you said, pressing your fingertips against your temple. The room started to spin, and you closed your eyes, leaning back into the bed. "Oh, gods."

"Are you okay?" came his low, concerned voice as he sat beside you. When his fingers brushed your face, you jerked back, opening an eye to see him watching you closely. "You look pale."

"Rude," you said through a yawn. He continued to watch you with unwavering intensity, so you shimmied down against the upright bed and closed your eyes. "I'm fine. Go away, please. All that stabbing made me tired."

You were pleasantly surprised when he got up and left, leaving you to enjoy some peace and quiet, but your hopes for a nap shattered once a doctor came over and started poking and prodding you. It didn't last long, but you still gave her short, one-word answers when she asked you questions, and made it very clear that you didn't feel like undergoing a medical exam. You let out a deep exhale after she finally left your bedside, and tried to settle in for a nap. But hushed voices intercepted your efforts, and you opened one eye to see Kylo studying you from the center of the room.

A doctor stood beside him, explaining her findings. "And that's it, Supreme Leader," she breathed, following him as he walked toward the bed. "I'd say the most pressing concern right now is low blood sugar. That would explain the dizziness, lack of color, and irritability."

At this, you chimed in. "Nah, I'm always this insufferable."

The doctor chuckled, but Kylo looked very, very serious. "I will be back," he said, turning around to leave. "I want all Stormtrooper personnel guarding her room, understood? No visitors are permitted."

"Yes, sir," the doctor said, echoing his seriousness. She scuttled past Kylo and you frowned when he started to follow her out.

"Hey, wait—where are you going?" He stopped and turned, examining you as you anxiously picked at your fingers. "And uh, what's going to happen with Hux?"

"Nothing will happen with Hux." His eyes dropped to your fingers, fidgeting in your lap, and he shifted his stance before looking at you again. "You do not need to worry," he said, adding your name, "you are safe."

You nodded and looked down. It was an odd feeling, trusting someone you did not trust with your well-being, but after almost a month of being constantly on edge, it didn't feel so bad to let your shoulders drop—just a bit.

Kylo cleared his throat, waiting to speak until you looked at him. "I am getting you something to eat." He hesitated. "Do you need anything else?"

You shook your head no. A few awkward moments passed before you added, "Thanks, though."

With a nod, Kylo turned around and tore through the doors. The exit was a straight shot from your room, allowing you to watch him walk through the bustling, all-white medbay. Forever massive in his black attire and robes, it wasn't hard to miss him, and you didn't look away until he disappeared from sight. Shortly after he was gone, an entire platoon of Stormtroopers lined up outside your room. You grimaced.

Ugh, gross.

As time passed, you sat in your small, tidy room, starting to regret not eating more when you had the chance. But stabbing First Order Generals with forks was a tiresome gig, so even though you were lightheaded and your stomach kept growling, you finally decided to try and take that nap.

Yawning and eyes watering, you got under the thin, scratchy blanket and turned on your side. It was cold in here, but you liked it as the gentle hum of the air-cooling system muted the busy chatter of the medbay. For the first time since you'd arrived on the Finalizer, you were able to truly relax, your eyelids growing heavy and drawing down like curtains within moments. And as you drifted off into a sweet, gentle slumber, you counted your lucky stars for this moment of peace, this dreamy comfort, this opportunity for rest...

A while later, the sound of two blaster shots violently tore you from sleep.

Before you were even fully awake, you hopped to your feet, crouching down in a defensive position, placing your hands on the edge of the bed to peek over at the door. It had since been closed, but the windows still showed Stormtroopers lined up outside your room. They appeared alert and were looking to their left, but their weapons were not raised.

You blinked rapidly. Maybe it was something else, not a blaster shot. Or maybe it was just a dream?

But then you heard him.

"Where is she?" Hux yelled from somewhere in the medbay. "BRING ME TO HER ROOM!"

You felt the color drain from your face. Oh, fuck.

Springing to your feet, you scanned the room for a weapon. You ran to a wall of cabinets, but pulling and tugging on the handles only wasted your time—they were all locked. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," you panicked, moving onto the next row of cabinets. No luck.

Your eyes darted to a small table beside the bed, and you hurried over to pull open all the drawers. Helplessness washed over you; besides the platter of food that Kylo must have left for you while you slept, it was completely bare.

Footsteps and armor clinking caught your attention. Squatting down, you peeked over the top of the bed, watching an irate Hux scream at the Stormtroopers standing outside your room, his raised weapon spanning the length of them.

"You will move out of the way, or I will execute all of you myself!"

Ragged breaths tumbling out of your mouth, you frantically ran your gaze along the line of 'troopers. They did not immediately obey him, instead shifting their feet and looking at each other, clearly unsure what to do. One of them with a red shoulder pad stepped forward to speak, but you couldn't make out what he was saying. It didn't matter, though—whatever it was, it was ineffective at quelling the General's rage. Raising his blaster, Hux fired an entire round into the ceiling. With the last pull of his trigger, a blaster shot punctured a steam pipe.

Even in the safety of your room, you ducked and covered your ears from the high-pitched hiss that followed. Steam exploded through the ceiling, completely enveloping Hux and the Stormtroopers in a plume of thick, white haze. After listening to their disoriented shouts for a few panicked moments, you sprang to your feet and sprinted toward the door. The General's lack of visibility was your only chance to try and set up a barricade.

Almost there, almost there, al—

Just as you were about to throw yourself against the door, it flew open, and through the outpouring of steam, you saw the outline of General Hux. He stepped forward with a raised arm, piercing the film of fog with just his blaster, and you screamed, plunging to the floor as he pulled the trigger.

You slid forward on your knees, and fast, but you weren't out of control. The groaning of the burst pipe, the foul slurs spewing from Hux's mouth, the whine of the blaster shot soaring just above your head—these distractions faded as you focused on how your body moved in relation to Hux.

Sliding with your spine bent back and almost touching the floor—attempting to make yourself as small as possible—your knees collided with his shins, sending him stumbling backward and engulfing both of you into the muggy cloud of fumes dumping from the ceiling. You blindly scrambled to your feet, ducking low as you tried to navigate the choking fog, and bumped directly into Hux.

Vicious hands groped for your neck. "You stupid, little fucking—"

With his hands around your throat, he started to choke. You couldn't see a damn thing through this film of white mist, but you heard him. Gasping and choking before he pulled his hands away from you, leaving you panting for air. You reached your hand out, searching for the wall or anything to guide you through the haze, and when you grazed over someone's arm, you greedily clutched your fingers around them. "Help."

While directing you back with a firm shove, a modified voice spoke through the steam. "You will find shelter."

I will find shelter, you heard yourself think as your body pivoted and turned around. You moved on autopilot as you covered your mouth and coughed, trudging back through the heavy swirls of hot air and miraculously making it back into your room. As soon as you had visibility—and air to breathe—you ran toward the bed and sat down, placing your head between your knees to stop the room from spinning.

The Knights of Ren were silent in their arrival. Hux, collapsing onto the floor, was not.

You shot upright, twisting your head at the door. All six of Kylo's knights stood in your room, circling around a wheezing General Hux. You stumbled to your feet and gravitated over to the wall, but even then, it didn't feel like there would everbe enough space for all of them in one place. When Kylo emerged through the dense billows of steam, you felt as though you were back in the suffocating cloud of vapor all over again. Your jaw dropped at the sight of him, and for the first time since you'd been taken, Kylo Ren scared the absolute shit out of you.

Hauntingly tall, with his mask and cowl on, the Supreme Leader stood in the doorframe of your room. Directly before him on the ground was Hux, while his knights fanned out, three on each side. Arms inflated by his side and feet set wide apart, you gulped as Kylo took one step forward. Although you couldn't see his face, you could imagine the rage in his eyes. The thought of it made you shudder, as did his low, rigidly calm voice.

"What a disappointment you are, General Hux."

Hux attempted to get off the floor, but one of the knights kicked him back down. They all took a step back as Kylo entered the room to lazily circle the General.

Voice high-pitched and panicked, Hux dared to get on his knees again, lurching his neck back to look up at the Supreme Leader. "You cannot let her get away with this, you cannot—"

With a violent thrash of his arm, sending his robes in a flurry with the movement, Kylo Force-pushed Hux backward, pinning his spine to the floor. Three heavy steps brought him right above the shrieking General, but those screeches turned into sputtering attempts to breathe when Kylo's boot pressed down on his throat.

His voice was perfectly even through his mask. "You cannot, and will not, tell me what I can and cannot do."

You watched, wide-eyed, as all of his knights repositioned at the same time, their weapons twitching in their hands as though they were itching to use them. Their masks stayed locked on Hux's flailing and kicking legs, his hands desperately trying to lift Kylo's boot off his windpipe. You swallowed and pressed your back against the wall.

"M421 belongs to me, and any attempt to harm what is mine will result in consequences you cannot even fathom," Kylo seethed, digging his boot in even harder. His erratic breathing clashed with Hux's strangled choking noises as he let the silence drone on. "Am I understood?"

Through the cracks of the knight's legs, you saw Hux furiously shake his head yes.

"Good," he said, removing his boot from the General's throat at last. Over Hux's panicked attempt to breathe, Kylo gave a controlled demand to his knights. "Remove him."

"Yes, Master Ren," they said in sync as two of them swooped down to hook their arms under Hux's armpits. They dragged him out of the room before the rest disappeared one by one into the steady outpour of mist. Even over the hiss of the busted pipe, you could hear Hux cough and gasp the whole way to the exit.

Kylo cleared his throat, commanding your attention. When he approached, you were paranoid that you were next, so you kept your back on the wall to slide away from him.

He stopped. "What are you doing?"

"I'm good. How are you?" you blurted before rapidly shaking your head. "I, not much. Just another day in paradise, you know."

Kylo was quiet for a moment. "You think I will hurt you." Even through his mask, he sounded surprised. "Why?"

"Um..." you started, your tongue feeling too big for your mouth. "I...I can think of a few reasons."

You were too weak and too terrified to say what you really wanted to say: Gee, I don't know, maybe because I'm a Resistance fighter and you're the Supreme Leader, and you should hate my guts, and I definitely hate your guts and just a few hours ago I tried to stab you with a piece of glass from your own mirror???

There was a beat of silence. "That was before."

"Oh, okay." You gave him an enthusiastic nod. "Yeah, sure. Ha, before."

Kylo took another step in your direction. "How do you feel?"

You remained flat against the wall. "Um...fine."

"Good." He gestured toward the dish of food beside the bed. "Did you get a chance to eat?" You glanced at the plate, then looked at him, shaking your head no. He nodded once. "You will eat in your quarters, then. Follow me."

Kylo extended his hand for you to take, and when you said you jumped to obey this man—this man that just handed General Hux's ass on a fucking platter— you jumped. In fact, you were so overzealous that Kylo even stopped to direct his mask down at you, and you gave him a big, agreeable smile in return.

See, I can behave. Look, look at how nicely I am holding your hand, aren't I so good? Speaking of hands, haha, I would love to keep both of mine on my wrists. Thanks so much.

After a few moments of taking in your giant, deranged grin, Kylo led you through the door and into the steam. Clutching his hand became more than just a way to appease him, it became a lifeline; you could not see a single thing ahead of you. You coughed and ducked your head as he navigated you through the medbay, and it wasn't until you both were in the turbolift, free of steam, that he let go of your hand.

As you stood side by side with your captor, listening to the terrible elevator music as it zoomed up and up and up, the absolute fucking insanity of today started to sink in. You didn't let it invade your thoughts, though—you never knew when he was in your mind, but surely in a tight space like this, he was all up in there—you had to be smarter than that this time. Once the turbolift doors opened, Kylo exited without a word, and you rushed to follow after him. He moved quickly through the ship, taking tight turns and barreling through crowds of people, forcing you to do that awkward half-walk, half-jog thing to keep up with him. Along the way, an officer fell into step with him, hopefully distracting him from the contents of your mind as your epiphany unraveled before you could stop it.

You had been approaching being his prisoner all wrong.

Today confirmed something you had already suspected: this man could not kill you for some reason. You, his enemy, were not only being escorted to your new quarters, but you were also just protected after stabbing the General of the First Order army. Whether he just wanted to fuck you, or he had some weird, twisted fantasy about actually owning you like a didn't matter. The results were the same. You, Kylo Ren's enemy, could get away with anything.

If enough of them were still alive, this also meant something huge for the Resistance—you were in the position to get the upper hand. You could no longer focus on trying to escape or kill him—yet—but instead, you could concentrate on weaseling your way into the inner workings of the First Order, infiltrating your most powerful enemies and bringing them down. And the way to do that was through the Supreme Leader. Through Kylo Ren. The man that couldn't seem to kill you, even though he supposedly saw you as an enemy. The man that evoked fear in those who dared mutter his name, yet he uttered yours with compassion and tenderness. The man that not only helped you stab General Hux, but also the man that protected you from him. The man that extended a sign of trust to you, asking you to do the same.

Following after him, you had to try very hard to hide your excitement. This changed things.

The sound of a TIE fighter roaring to life made you jump, thankfully pulling you out of your own mind. Smitten with you or not, you had to be careful—Kylo was still unpredictable at best, and you didn't want him to find out your plan to milk the shit out of his deranged soft spot for you. So you spent the rest of your journey behind him in a haze, thinking about absolutely nothing as he led you through the ship. It wasn't until he slowed down, approaching narrow doors at the end of a quiet corridor, that you bounced back to attention.

"Your private quarters," he said, pressing into the control panel. He stepped aside when they slid open and turned to look at you.

You gave him a nervous smile and took tentative steps past him, entering your new room. Your jaw immediately dropped. It might be small compared to Kylo's quarters, but it was still the nicest place you had ever called yours. A small kitchen to your right was attached to a dining area equipped with a red circular table and two chairs. To your left was a seating area with two sofas positioned across from each other, with an oversized chair tucked into the corner. Seeing as it was nestled against a porthole that offered a staggering view of the galaxy, your ass would most definitely get well-acquainted with that thing over the next few days.

"Oh, my gods." The doors closed behind you, and Kylo brushed against your back, walking around you to the kitchen. You heard him opening drawers, but you didn't pay him any mind. You were too busy looking at all the cute little touches in your quarters—plants, artwork, and candles. It was perfect, even if you had to sleep on a sofa and use a communal refresher like you had been.

Glancing toward the kitchen, you called out over the sound of clanking silverware. "This place is amazing, Supreme Leader."

Kylo emerged a few moments later, a bundle of forks in his grasp. "I will have disposable silverware delivered with your meals."

Just as you were about to complain, you shut your big-ass mouth for once. "Thanks," you said with a smile. Then the unimaginable slipped through your lips. "Do you, you want to stay?"

It took him so long to respond, you thought the silence would never be broken. "You want me to stay." It wasn't a question.

You tore your eyes away from his mask, looking at anything besides him as you nervously played with your fingers. Why did I say that? Am I taking this whole 'behave to get ahead' thing too far, or do I actually want him to stay?

Your mind started to swirl with conflict, but then Kylo shifted in impatience, compelling you to interact with him like a normal human being. You looked at him, feigning anxiety. "It's just...Hux," you said, gnawing on your bottom lip. "What if he comes back?"

Kylo walked toward you. "I won't let him hurt you, Kitten. I won't let anyone hurt you."

He stopped right in front of you, your chests almost touching, but you didn't step back. You hated that you didn't want to step back. Your eyes dropped to his torso, swallowing thickly. "Okay."

Kylo hesitated before sliding his gloved hand against your cheek. He kept it there for a moment as you closed your eyes. "You can rest now," he said, just a low hum from under his mask. "I will see that your other requests are authorized by tomorrow."

You glanced up at him. "Thank you."

The silence that followed was fucking loud. He had since dropped his hand, but you still felt him, still wanted to feel him, as you stood mere inches apart. You had to fight the urge to raise your hands to his helmet to lift it off, just to see his face again and get lost in the fevered feelings he so easily coaxed out of you. You once thought that he was too emotional, but now as you had whiplash from your own emotions, you found him to be steady, an anchor. Someone that understood this pull, this chaos that so often sparked between you two, and just as you felt your heart banging in your head, you took a step closer to him, dying to eliminate the space between your bodies, to feel him against you, to—

"I have duties to tend to," Kylo suddenly said, tearing away from you to head to the exit. "My knights are outside if you need anything."

The doors opened for him, and with the space between your bodies, you could breathe again. But you still felt lightheaded and dizzy as you watched your captor exit through the doorway without giving you another glance. "Kylo?" you blurted, bringing him to a halt.

He looked at you from over his shoulder, waiting for you to continue, but your words died in your throat. You didn't know what to say without being hypocritical. Earlier today, you told him you couldn't handle him being volatile with you. And now, you had just asked him to stay with you, which would have led to who knows what, all after you tried to stab him this morning.

You frowned and settled with, "I...I just wanted to thank you. For taking care of Hux."

Kylo didn't do anything. Not for a long time, until he gave you a single nod and walked away. You kept your eyes on him as he retreated down your hallway, mind racing as you tried to make sense of this man. While he seemed to have a grip on his brand of crazy, you still had experienced him in every capacity today—calm, taunting, smug, tender, livid, protective, and now sullen and quiet. You didn't understand; you didn't understand him, and you especially didn't understand why you cared so much. You felt compelled to keep your eyes on him for as long as possible, but when two of his knights sauntered down the hall toward you, you didn't leave the door open long enough to watch their Master disappear entirely.

That'll be a big ole nope for me.

After crossing the room to close the door, you spun around and took a deep breath, trying to push aside all the fucked up feelings in your head so you could enjoy your new quarters. A yawn hit you in the face and you made your way to the sofa—you were exhausted after Hux had so rudely interrupted your nap—but just as you were about to sit down, you realized there was another door you hadn't seen yet. It slid open as you approached it, revealing a small yet comfortable bedroom.

"I have my own room?" you exclaimed, stepping inside with wide eyes. Your bed was centered to the right, facing a wall with three portholes and a cozy bench perched beneath them. Wanting to peek into space, you headed over to it, but a quick scan of your room revealed a narrow walk space tucked around the corner from the bed. Giddiness bubbled in your stomach when you realized it led to a private refresher; you had assumed that you'd have to keep using the prisoner's ward for showers and bathroom breaks, so this was great news.

You meandered away from the portholes to check it out, passing your new closet on the left as you did. Moving closer, you got excited when you saw there was a vanity area right outside the refresher door. This place was much nicer than you could have imagined. You were eager to snoop around, but came to a sudden stop when you saw the most beautiful thing you had ever seen sitting atop your bedside table.

An entire platter of muja muffins.

Overstimulated with joy, you flung yourself on the bed and grabbed a muffin, stuffing half of it in your mouth. You moaned when you felt they were still warm, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Who needs sex when muffins exist? you thought, as you quickly chewed and swallowed to accommodate another big bite. As you devoured the last crumbs of the first one, you picked up another one, ready to inhale it, but then something hit you.

How did he know I liked these? I haven't told him these are my favorites...have I?

After racking your brain to no avail, you shrugged and brought the muffin to your mouth. But then it hit you. You had screamed for him from inside your mind early today when you were waiting in his quarters. Before you found the piece of glass. Before you so stupidly let him touch you. Before your meeting with Hux. It felt like eons ago now, but just this morning, you had asked him to bring you a plate of muffins and a vibrator. You didn't think he would actually hear you, but seeing how you were scarfing down muja muffins, that meant he must have fulfilled your other request, too...

You drop-kicked the muffin like it was your enemy. Under any other circumstance, you'd be offended by your own behavior. Muja muffins were sacred. They were to be cherished and worshiped and consumed with the utmost amount of respect and love. But at this moment, there was nothing more important than tearing apart your room to find the battery-operated-best-friend your horny ass so desperately needed. So until that happened, muffins be damned.

Springing off the bed, you went straight to the vanity and tore open the drawers—but no, nothing but hair ties and lip balm and face powder and tampons and a bunch of stuff that looked way too fancy for you to know how to use. Next, the refresher. After eyefucking the shit out of the bathtub—you and me are going to get real close tonight, buddy—you redirected your attention to the cabinets and drawers but still, no luck.

With a dramatic huff, you ran to the closet. Upon opening the doors, the rows of clothes hanging up whooshed back and forth, but you ignored them and went straight to the bottom drawer to tug it open. Again, nothing. You worked your way up the dresser, each open drawer that didn't reveal a big dildo causing you harrowingly immense pain. When you got to the last drawer—the top one—you closed your eyes and said a little prayer before opening it. Alas, when you looked down, there was nothing but neatly folded underwear. You let out a war cry and slammed it closed, ready to tear the rest of your chambers apart, but then you heard it.

A big, solid thunk.

As though something had rolled to the back of the drawer after you had tantrum-thrown it closed. Something phallic. Something that went buzz buzz. Something you needed, very, very badly. Embarrassing, high-pitched noises flew from your mouth as you scrambled to open the drawer again, and after tossing every pair of underwear over your shoulder, you found it.

A black, sleek vibrator.

Eyes lighting up like Christmas morning on Hoth, you thumbed the button, turning on your new favorite toy. It was soft, yet firm and sized perfectly. When it buzzed with the most intense vibration you had ever felt, you bit your lip to stop yourself from smiling.

That cheeky fuck.

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