Chapter 31: Coming Makes You Such a Brat

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WARNING: More smut. I need Jesus (and by the end of the chapter, so will you). 

Already stripped down to his boxers, Kylo was growing impatient.

It felt like light years since they had returned to the resort, and even longer since she left him here on this stupid, frilly couch. When they first arrived, he made sure to feed her before they showered off the stench of sex, then he sent her to her room with the understanding she was to come right back. All she had to do was open the gift box from Countess's Caress, put on the lingerie he bought her, and then come back to him. But she had been making him wait for almost twenty minutes now, and in Supreme Leader time, that was basically eons.

Pressing his tongue against his cheek, Kylo looked to his right, eyeing the door between their rooms as though his heated gaze would encourage it to open sooner. How long could it possibly take to put on something that wouldn't even cover her nipples? He had been sitting on this fucking sofa for far too long now, his at-ease position contradictory to the irritation festering under his skin. The golden glow of the dimmed lights and the soft music playing in the room should have calmed him, but all it did was inspire him to break down that damn door and carry her back into his room to fuck her until the suns came up.

But having the chance to even touch her again was much too fragile an opportunity to express his frenzied impatience, so for now, Kylo looked ahead, eyes dark and full of murder. With his feet planted far apart, he bowed his knees, resting his forearms against his thighs as he glared at the floor-ceiling window across from him. The privacy shade covered most of the visibility into the corridor, but he could still see the vague shapes of Ushar and Vicrul pacing outside. They, too, were testy; while the others got to stay and get their fill at Pryka's, it was their duty to follow their Master back here. All because they had to keep an eye on Kitten, the pain in his ass that still wouldn't hurry the fu—

Whoosh. The door slid open, and finally, in came his little brat. "Hello, dear Supreme Leader. Did you miss me?" she taunted with a honeyed voice, the lazy click, click, click of her heels accentuating her late arrival. Stopping in front of him, she clasped her hands behind her back and gently swayed side to side, giving him an infuriatingly sweet smile. "I hope I didn't make you wait too long."

Kylo didn't respond, only gave her a pointed glower before dragging his gaze down the length of her body. She looked fucking amazing, his cock stirring in his boxers at how the lingerie accentuated her form. He had seen her eyeing the set when they went into the store, but truth be told, he bought it because it was the sluttiest piece there. Made only of black straps, it wrapped around her body and clung to her curves, with three cords cupping each breast in a triangular cage, the fabric meeting around her neck to form a pretty little collar around her throat. Criss-crossed bands made an X on her stomach, winding around her back and front to latch onto the garter belt that linked her stockings to her upper thigh.

"Come here," he croaked, putting a hand on the cushion beside him. "Now."

Her smile deepened. "Hm, I don't—"

Like a predator pouncing on its prey, Kylo lurched forward and snatched her by the waist. She let out a breathless oomph as he tugged her to him, spinning her around and crashing her back against the sofa. He moved fast, not giving her even a second to open that smart mouth of hers to complain as he sank to his knees on the floor. Gripping the top of her thighs, he yanked her down to the very edge and placed her pretty pussy in his face. Then, dipping his head down, he slowly, soslowly kissed her clit.

"Oh my god," she gasped, raising her hips to meet his lips. He pulled away, letting his nose skim against her before sucking on the flesh that connected her thigh and most sensitive area. She went wild, her hands tugging at his hair, trying to get him to taste her. "Please, Kylo, please."

The Supreme Leader positioned his face at her entrance again, his tongue tiptoeing out of his mouth for just a second. He had every intention of making her wait just as she did to him, to tease her until he was satisfied with her frustration. But then she raised her hips at the same time she pushed his head down, suffocating him with her wet, swollen center, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. She smelled so good, tasted even better, and he couldn't help the muffled groan she pulled from his throat.

With his mouth vibrating against her, Kitten acted ravenously. Her fingers tensed in his hair, gripping him harder as she began grinding against his lips. With the hold she had on him, Kylo thought he might just drown between her thighs, but as long as she came on his face first, the prospect of death didn't faze him one bit. Tilting his head to the side—as much as she'd let him—he brought a finger to her opening. With his palm facing upwards, he gently rubbed and teased her as he poked and prodded, refusing to dive in.

Kitten didn't like that. "Kylo, for star's sake—"

Kylo plunged in, and she gasped and moaned at the invasion. He grunted into her wetness, loving this side of her, so free and unrestrained as she shamelessly took pleasure from him. He kept his tongue flat and wide as he tasted her, his cock throbbing and begging for release at the way her legs shook with each flick of pressure. But as he felt her pussy clench around his fingers, her climax already approaching, her raw moans became quieter, more strained. Agitation coursed through him when he lifted his eyes to see her covering her mouth with her hand.

Kylo pulled his tongue away, replacing it with his thumb. "Take your hand off. I want to hear you scream." He ground his teeth when she uncovered her mouth, but continued to stifle her moans. "I won't be denied, Kitten," he cautioned, taking his thumb off her clit and slowing his thrusts. "You will moan for me."

"No, I won't," she panted, wiggling down to try and fuck herself, desperate to come again. "I don't want your knights to hear me."

"I don't care if the neighboring solar system hears you," he snapped, his fingers twitching inside of her. "Now, let go."

"No," she shot back, "fuck off."

Without warning, Kylo slipped his fingers out and slapped her soaking wet, completely spread open, entirely vulnerable cunt. She yelped and jolted, but he wasn't satisfied. "Louder."

Glaring at him with a heaving chest, her legs spread deliciously in front of his face, she spat venom at him. "No, fuck—"


Arching her back against the sofa, Kitten muffled a groan and tried to wiggle away. "Aghhhh mmm aakkkkkk."

His firm hands held her down. "Kitten," he said, his voice dreadfully calm as his thumb began massaging her clit again. Just lazy, tender circles that got her to relax again and drop that snarl from her face. Expelling a terse exhale, Kylo looked down, adoring how his fingers disappeared inside of her, one digit at a time. She writhed beneath him, making sweet, gentle whimpering sounds, and he almost forgot what they were arguing about. But then he dipped in another finger, and she moaned loudly before covering her mouth to smother the noise.

Ah. That's right.

"I'm going to ask you one more time," he said with her name, slipping out of her and touching her everywhere but her sweet spot. "To speak up."

"Or else..." she started, her eyes darting between his face and the hand teasing her pussy, "you'll do what?"

Kylo didn't hesitate. "I'll bring my knights in to watch you," he said, his fingers resuming to rub her clit. So soft, so slow. "To hear you."

Eyes locked on his, Kitten released a small moan, leg twitching as he gently teased her. "You wouldn't dare."

He rubbed his lips together, looking down between her legs. "I would," came his distracted mutter, loving the contrast between his calloused fingers stroking her soft, fragile flesh. He let out an appreciative sigh. "Trust me, I would."

"Bullshit," she shot back, seemingly in protest, but Kylo didn't miss the rush of excitement thrumming through her veins. "You would never share."

"I know this might come as a disappointment to you—seeing as how you've dreamt about fucking all of my knights at the same time—but you're right," he said, deadpan, as he lifted his gaze to watch the mortified expression unfold on her face. "I would never share you. But they can watch me have you." He only gave her half a second to process that before adding, "Vicrul, Ushar—enter."

Kylo heard the door slide open behind him, followed by the heavy footsteps of his two knights approaching the sofa. With a strangled yelp, Kitten scrambled to sit up, pulling away from him and grabbing a throw pillow to hide her body.

"Kylo," she hissed, throwing him an angry glare as her cheeks darkened. "Send them out."

"Why?" he asked, nonchalant as he got on his feet. "You like being watched..." he began, slowly walking around the couch and stopping once he was right behind her, "and they like to watch." Leaning over, he collected her arms and gently pushed her, encouraging her to rest her spine against the cushion. "Let them see, Kitten."

Kitten did no such thing. She resisted his efforts, clutching the pillow as she kept her glare fixed on Ushar and Vicrul. "Go. Away."

As he let go of her and stood up straight, hesitation shot through the Supreme Leader. Had he misunderstood? Did he fuck up? He was confused; inside her mind at Pryka's, he saw her desire to have an audience just like Poppie, and now she had that opportunity with two men that had already starred in her fantasies. They were hungry and ready to give her the attention she craved as they kept their masks pinned on her face, standing in menacing stances as they clutched their colossal fucking weapons...

Ah. Of course. "Put those down," Kylo demanded, throwing a hard jut of his chin to the left, directing them to the java bar. "Masks, too."

They spoke in unison. "Yes, Master."

As he hovered behind her, Kylo stepped to the side, tilting his face down to study her reaction, confirming that he was right in his assumption—she did want an audience, just not a threatening one. She was still rigid, but curiosity poured from her as she burned a hole into their backs, watching them carefully set down their blades. She didn't know what they looked like; she had never even heard their real voices before. But then they pulled off their helmets, set them down with a booming thunk, and turned to face her, looking at their Master for the next order. He gave a distracted nod toward the chairs situated across from the sofa, his attention still Kitten. As her eyes tracked their every move, all she did was swallow.

She was trying to minimize her reaction to them, that much was clear. But even from his obscured side-view of her, the Supreme Leader could see the dilation of her pupils, the shaky rise and fall of her chest as she rapidly glanced between them. He didn't have to be in her mind to know that she found them attractive, but this didn't surprise him. If he had learned anything about Kitten since taking her, it was that she had an appetite for dangerous men, and dangerous men certainly had an appetite for her.

He did, however, sense a hint of intimidation at the sight of Ushar's giant beard and burly stature, but once she caught the spirited playfulness shining in his black eyes, her distrust waned. There was even relief as he assumed an innocuous position in the chair, his long legs extending in front of him in an open, loose stance as he threaded his hands together in his lap, watching her with amusement as she dragged her gaze down the length of his body. After she was done taking in the size of him, his lips curled into a provocative smile that said, go on, I'm waiting.

Kitten was quick to break eye contact, directing her attention to Vicrul. At first glance, she would assume his restrained posture and polite, impassive expression conveyed a disinterest in her, but Kylo knew there was unflinching appetency behind that suppressed glare of his. With his elbow perched on the arm of the chair, gliding the back of his fingers beneath his chin, Vicrul's quiet dominance almost implied his presence was a challenge, as though she had to prove that she was worthy of his time. When Kitten caught onto this, she offered a fearlessly charged stare in return, and the resulting surge of friction was immense.

Kylo watched them watch each other, his jaw flexing when he realized something else had surfaced between them—tension. Sexual tension. It was so strong, so palpable, he was positive he could slice through the air with a blade. He let it linger as he digested this unforeseen development. He knew his knights found her enticing, but it had never felt personal before. Especially Ushar; that man could find an inanimate object alluring as long as it had a dick-sized hole. But Vicrul? He was the hardest to please, and it was near impossible to even catch his attention in the first place. But now, he was looking at her as though he'd do anything to get her alone.

Interesting, Kylo mused to himself, approaching Kitten from behind the sofa. This unexpected chemistry between his knight and prisoner didn't threaten him. If anything, it reaffirmed his decision to bring them in here. Seeing her melt at his touch would serve as a reminder that she was his, and his alone—something Vicrul would benefit from witnessing.

"Is that better?" he asked, shooting an icy stare at Vicrul as he extended a hand to glide his knuckles against her cheek. Kylo looked down when she craned her neck to meet his gaze behind the couch. "Or do you want them to leave?"

Guarded eyes searched his face for a moment. Then she looked back at Ushar and Vicrul, sinking down on the sofa as she relaxed her hold on the pillow covering her body. She gave him a nod.

Kylo tsked. "That wasn't a clear answer, Kitten," he said, adjusting to lean over, running his hands down her arms as she shivered, goosebumps lining her skin. "Do you want them to stay or go?"

First, she hesitated, then she tentatively took the pillow off her lap, exposing herself to them. "They can stay, but I'm nottouching them."

"I'd be beside myself if you did," he muttered, hands migrating to her chest. He took his time massaging her nipples, twisting and rubbing them as she squirmed in pleasure, but she still wasn't relaxed enough. She was too stiff, her moans too subdued. Keeping one hand on her breast, he slid the other down her stomach to toy with the straps criss-crossed above her sex. "Relax and open wide for them, Kitten. Let's give them a show."

She writhed, speaking breathlessly, but still didn't part her legs. "Didn't they just have a show at Pryka's?"

He let out a dark chuckle. "Do they seem like the type of men that are easily satisfied?" he asked, dipping a digit between her folds to gently rotate a finger against her. Her legs twitched open as her breath caught in her throat, but not all the way. Kylo stopped rubbing her. "Well, do they?"

"No," she cried, trying to push her hips into his hand. "Kylo, please..."

Kylo ignored her desperate request. "Right again. They are insatiable. And even worse, they had to leave before the others, all because of their duty to watch you," he breathed, emphasizing the word by clamping two fingers over her clit. Kitten reacted with greed, arching her back and finally parting her knees. He let out a deep sigh of approval as he traced the length of her slit, spreading her wetness all around. "Ah, there she is. My good little slut."

"Oh fuck," she cried as he slid two fingers inside her, crunching her spine into the cushion and lifting her hips to get a better view. Bringing her feet off the ground, she wrapped her hands around the backs of her thighs, lifting and opening her legs to spread her pussy even more. "Right there, right there."

Kylo's body vibrated with satisfaction at how quickly she came undone for him, her labored breaths encasing him in a cloud of intoxicating lust. This was what he wanted from her—raw, unrestrained sounds of pleasure as she splayed herself open for him and his knights, shamelessly taking his fingers as he brought her closer to her peak.

"Should we show them how pretty you are when you come?" he asked, bringing his other hand between her legs, feathering light circles over her clit as two fingers continued to plunge in and out of her. He let out a ragged breath as her sweetness squelched against him. "Fuck, you're so wet. You're loving this, aren't you?"

"Yes, yes," she groaned. "Yes."

"Mmm," Kylo hummed, eating up her every moan and twitch. Despite the back of the couch separating them, he was as close as ever. His arms draped heavily on either side of her, his chin resting near her forehead as he peered over the top of her, admiring the way she fell into pieces around him. She was trembling already, eliciting an influx of arousal from his knights. "You should hear what they want to do to you right now, Kitten."

At that, an outpour of excitement radiated from her, amplifying the already-heavy energy in the room into a hot haze that feverishly clung to their tense bodies. Her breath hitched as her cunt clenched around Kylo's fingers, her anticipation of coming mixing with Vicrul's and Ushar's anticipation of seeing her come. "Don't stop, don't stop."

"If you weren't such a cock tease, always playing with your pussy with my knights right outside your quarters..." he muttered, lifting his fingers off her the moment he felt her pleasure heighten, "I'd consider it."

"NO!" Kitten screamed, moving to touch herself, but he used the Force to pull her arms over her head, driving her to curl her hands around his biceps. "KYLO!"

Kylo spoke in a tone thick with sinister amusement. "Yes, Kitten?"

Tossing her head back, she snapped her maddened gaze to his, making a high-pitched, frustrated noise before she could speak properly. "I was so close, why did you stop?"

"Because only good girls get to come," he said before throwing a nod across the room. "Now ask them permission."

"I fucking hate you," she panted, still trying—and failing—to squirm against his hand. "Hate."

"But you love what I do to you, don't you?" he challenged, sliding down and hooking two fingers inside, her drenched slit suctioning against his palm with each plunge. She moaned and writhed, directing her hungry eyes between her legs as he played with her, and Kylo tsked at how she proved his point. "You're so close, Kitten. Ask."

"Can I come?" she asked sweetly, her fingernails digging into his arm as she rocked her pussy against his hand. She glanced up at him, eyes clouded with lust. "Please, Kylo?"

"Don't look at me," he ordered, cupping her jaw to pull her focus down, "look at them."

Even from above, he could feel the burn of her heated stare. "Can I come, please?"

"Absolutely not," came Vicrul's quick, pleasant response, overlapping with Ushar's blunt, "Fuck no."

"UGH!" she groaned, jerking her lower body in pettish protest. "KYLO!"

He ignored her, only kept his thrusts knuckle-deep as his other hand explored her everywhere else but her sweet spot. Eventually, her pleas went unaddressed for long enough that she gave up and looked back at his knights. "Let me come, fuckers," she demanded through gritted teeth. When Ushar whistled, and Vicrul raised his brows in an expression that said damn, girl, Kitten spat out a reluctant, "Please."

Ushar gave a deep, throaty laugh, wickedly enjoying the show, but Vicrul was quiet, thoughtful. "You can be nicer than that, Miss Ren."

She was so aggrieved, he could almost feel every fiber in her being protesting what came out of her mouth next. "Please let me come," she begged rigidly, gasping as Kylo picked up his pace. She began rolling against him, her cries more genuine as his thumb entertained her clit. "Please, please, please, I beg of you."

With one hand toying with her nipple, and the other stuffed between her legs, Kylo placed his chin on the top of her head, peering at his knights across from them. Both Ushar and Vicrul were keeping their faces neutral, but there was a certain hardness in their eyes that Kitten wouldn't pick up on. They were holding back in front of their Master, but they were getting off on exercising control over her—her, a girl that went to extreme lengths to continuously irritate the ever-living shit out of them, and until now, always had the opportunity to do so.

But now that she was at their mercy, they didn't want this to end. They loved seeing her in such a vulnerable position, her arms still coerced above her head with her legs split wide open for them. They especially enjoyed the way her forehead crumpled as she sucked on her bottom lip, her lower belly tensing and body quivering as Kylo continued to edge her over and over again. But as he studied them, he sensed something else at the forefront of their mind: filthy, Kitten-centric fantasies that went beyond what they were witnessing now.

Kylo returned his attention back to his hand between her legs, communicating something loud and clear through the Force-bond with his knights. She is mine and only mine.

Yes, Master, came their synchronized understanding.

"HELLO?" Kitten wailed, coming apart at the seams as Kylo kept her floating at the edge of release. "Ushar, Vicrul? Did you big, stupid fucks even hear me?"

"It would be impossible not to," came Vicrul's quick-witted response, "but I'm going to make you ask again, just for insulting my intelligence."

"Oh, oh, oh, oh," she whined, tossing her head back and forth as Kylo nearly brought her liberation but removed pressure at the last second. "Oh my kriffing stars," she groaned before peeling her head off the couch to yell at Vicrul and Ushar."CAN I COME, PLEASE?"

They shot a subtle glance at Kylo. While Kitten was subservient to them right now, they were subservient to him, just as they always would be under his command. And while they were perfectly content listening to her beg all night, the Supreme Leader had other plans to tend to, such as tasting her and pounding her and listening to all the tormented, fucked-up sounds he could pull from her pretty little mouth. So with just the slightest nod of his head, Kylo gave them their answer, and they both lowered their eyes back to Kitten.

"Ask us one more time," Ushar offered, smirking as he stroked his beard. "And we will think about it."

"May I come now, please?" Kitten asked, doing that strangled half-cry, half-laugh thing as Kylo made her leg shake. "Like, for the love of Naboo and all things holy, will you just let me fucking come?"

"Ah, ah," Vicrul interjected, giving her a slow, half smile as he tilted his head to the side. "What Ushar meant to say was—beg us one more time."

"Oh my gods, fuuuuck, Viiiiicruuuul," she moaned, the wavering inflection of her voice synchronized with Kylo's thrusts as he pounded her pussy harder, "I fucking haaaaate youuuuu."

There was a spike in carnality from Vicrul at the way she moaned his name, and Kylo glowered at him, possessiveness peaking in his blood. But his knight didn't take his eyes off her, nor did he even try to hide the surge of virile energy pouring from him as he devoured the sight of her. This shift from unwavering obedience to uncharacteristic defiance was so abrupt, even Ushar caught on, shooting a side eye to his counterpart in a warning. Alas, Vicrul kept his unflinching gaze on Kitten, too fixated on her to take heed.

"And I said..." Vicrul started, voice cold and punishing as he leaned forward, his fingers tensing around the arm of the chair, "fucking beg."

"Vicrul," Kylo blazed, and as though his knight had been in a trance, he broke his gaze away from her and took a deep breath, sagging back into his chair. Tension mounted between them as the Supreme Leader kept his eyes pinned to his face, but Kitten didn't notice the change in dynamics. Based on how focused she was on chasing her own pleasure, he doubted she would even notice a comet blowing through the ceiling.

"Please let me come, please, please, I will do anything," came her near-incoherent rambling, her hands clutching Kylo's arms with a death grip as her hips met his increasing pressure. "I will be so good, I won't piss you off or make fun of you for your stupid accent ever again! And Ushar, I won't call you the big beefy boy anymore, I'll, I'll call you by your name if you just LET ME COME!"

Knowing that his Master had now resumed control, all Ushar did was speak under his breath with a tinge of flattery, his lips curling up into a self-satisfied smile. "You call me the big beefy boy?"

Vicrul, on the other hand, didn't even give her a response. All he did was hold his Master's eye as Kylo finally relented, granting her permission to come undone.

"Now," he commanded, holding his glare on Vicrul for another beat before directing his focus to Kitten. He released the Force-hold keeping her arms above her head, instead aiming his powers to take the place of his fingers filling her cunt. He wanted the freedom to roam his hands all over the lingerie hugging her body, to feel her orgasm tear through her from the stimulation she got from him.

"Wait, no, no, don't stop," she panicked, as both of his hands left her center to massage her breasts with assertive tugs and squeezes. "Please—oh, fuck," she cried when he steered the Force to her pussy, fucking her with thicker, more powerful strokes than his fingers could give her. She clawed at the cushion beneath her, her hips slamming up to meet the unseeable thrusts. "Right there, right there, oh my fucking god, don't stop."

Never. Kylo gave it to her harder, sending soft swirls of air over her clit as the penetrative energy expanded inside of her, swelling and pulsing within the tight confines of her wet cunt, reducing her to an unintelligible, shaking mess. He grunted at her reaction, burying his face into the warm crook of her neck to kiss and suck on her delicate skin, her throat vibrating from her cries of ecstasy. All of his stressors melted away as he breathed her in; the softness of her skin, her gentle scent, the uncontrollable spasming of her body as he had his way with could anything possibly bother him when he had her? A woman he had been infatuated with since the moment he touched her, who once hated him but now sought out the warmth of his body?

Nothing else matters, Kylo thought to himself as he held her close. The Resistance, the diseased crystal, Vicrul's momentary lapse of respect...who fucking cared? All he cared about was Kitten, and right now, at this moment, all he cared about was making her come.

Still fucking her with the Force, Kylo slid his hand down her stomach to play with her pussy. He pulled his lips off her neck as she jolted and whined, but kept his face beside hers, their cheeks touching. As he felt the ascent of her orgasm, his other hand traveled to her throat, gripping it as he uttered a low demand. "Look at them when I make you come."

His cock throbbed against the back of the couch when she could only sputter, "I, I, I—"

He groaned, squeezing her harder. "That's it, look at them. Look at how badly they want you, want this," he growled, widening his index and middle finger to spread her apart, giving his knights a clear view of her cunt spasming and clenching around the invisible invasion. "Your little pussy is taking it so well. We could watch this all night, Kitten."

She gasped, latching onto his wrist as he firmly held her throat. But she didn't want to remove his hand, she wanted him to keep it there. She was thriving as the center of attention, as his knights watched her with carefully controlled expressions and postures, cautious not to cross the line with their Master again. But that didn't stop them from looking at her like men dying of thirst would look at a glass of water, their delectation simmering below their skin as Kylo choked her and gaped her slutty little hole.

He was using the Force to fuck her so hard, so relentlessly, Kitten could no longer keep her head up, her neck going limp in his hand as she tipped her chin to the ceiling. When her eyes rolled to the back of her head, he thought maybe she was losing consciousness, but a quick peek into her mind showed him that she was more than fine. Her body was working overtime to unravel all the tightly-wound pleasure the edging had amounted inside of her, eliciting a powerful, slow-burn orgasm that Kylo and his knights were just aching to see ignite.

First came her stifled moans, her mouth hanging open in a silent scream as she tensed and contorted in unnatural ways. Then came the explosion of shrieks as the first wave of convulsions hit her, her head snapping in all directions as she clenched around the invisible strokes penetrating her with thick shoves. Her high-pitched wails quickly transformed into deep groans of relief as her pussy gushed out a stream of juices, her shaking only intensifying as she reached yet another peak.

"You're so beautiful like this," Kylo murmured into her ear, keeping a hold on her neck as his fingers found her pulsing clit again. "Don't hold back from us, Kitten."

She didn't—he assumed she couldn't even if she tried, pulling a flood of intense, throbbing need from him and his knights. He hadn't been lying; she was so beautiful like this. All three of them were enthralled by her every twitch and cry, their filthy thoughts running rampant at how greedy she was when she came. None of them wanted it to end, but her twists and squirms finally relented as the last of her orgasm wrung her out.

"Too much," she gasped, trying to close her wobbly legs as she reached the point of overstimulation.

With a deep, content sigh, Kylo let go of her throat and released the Force from between her legs. She immediately crumpled against the sofa, her chest heaving with heavy swells as she caught her breath. Still hovering beside her, he turned toward her, collected her sweaty face in his hands, and pulled her cheek to his lips. He lingered next to her face and shifted his eyes to Vicrul before standing straight, throwing a curt nod toward the door.

"Get out."

Their voices sounded restrained as they got to their feet. "Yes, Master Ren."

As they turned to collect their things, Kylo strode around the couch to get to Kitten. He bent down, grabbed her, hoisted her over his shoulder, then pivoted toward the bedroom. She yelped as her upper body dangled down his back, complaining to be put down, but he didn't respond. He couldn't. All he could focus on was getting her to the bed, where he could watch her eyes roll back into her skull as he sank into her wet, tight heat. Gripping her waist, he flung her off him.

"Kylo!" she yelled, bouncing up and down on the mattress. "What the—"

"Quiet," he demanded, curling his hands over the tops of her thighs to yank her body to his. Standing between her legs, he gripped his length, releasing it from his boxers with a few tugs before tipping it down and gliding it against her parted flesh. When she whimpered and wrapped her legs around his waist, Kylo looked down and sunk in with a slow push of his hips.

"Oh, fuck," she cried, her head snapping back, exposing the smooth skin of her throat. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

He swallowed as he cinched his hands around the small of her waist, pushing her pussy to take all of him with each thrust. He wanted to fuck her all night, but playing with her had already coaxed him to the edge, and now watching her stretch around him threatened to push him off. She just looked so delicious with her back arched and legs wrapped around him, tensing as something so big, so thick, forced its way in her cunt. He plowed into her harder, his brows pulling together as her arousal coated his cock, oozing over his length as his grunts drowned out the broken sounds of her soft whimpers.

"Fuck, you feel so good," he rasped, pulling his concentration to her face, only to find her head still thrown back in bliss. He leaned forward between her legs, keeping a hand on her hip while the other one found her throat, giving her a light squeeze before trailing up to her mouth. He played with her bottom lip as he gave her a rough command. "Eyes on me, Kitten."

She didn't listen—only whined and twisted her head to the side as he felt her tighten around him, her poor pussy throbbing as he brought her closer to climax again. "Ah, ah," came Kylo's breathless taunt as he stuffed three fingers in her mouth, clamping his thumb below her chin to yank down, forcing eye contact. "You look at me when I fuck you."

He expected her to bite him, to spit them out and say fuck you, but he nearly pumped her full of his cum right then and there when she wrapped her lips around him, her eyelids heavy with desire as she sucked on his fingers like a fucking lollipop.

"Gods," he groaned, his balls slapping against her as she hummed and slurped on his knuckles. His other hand traveling up to her chest to squeeze her nipple, he began sliding in and out of her mouth, fucking her pussy and face at the same time. "You insatiable slut."

Kitten responded with enthusiasm, nodding her head while tightening her lips around his fingers, throwing her arms above her as she clutched the comforter. Kylo's breath caught in his throat at the view, his cock throbbing at her splayed body beneath him, her tits bouncing up and down with each powerful thrust. They looked so perfect, so grabbable, so slappable, and so ripe for the picking...

Lifting his hand off her breast, he raised it above her and brought it back down, hard.

"OW!" came her muffled yell, her mouth still full of his fingers. Digging them in the back of her throat, he gave her tits another smack. The sound that emanated from her was raw, eager, and delectable, driving him to do it over and over again, only serving her small reprieves that consisted of him pinching and rolling her nipples, making her writhe in pain and pleasure. "Fuuuhhhhhmmmm."

Kylo's heart pumped violently against his rib cage, something coming over him as she constricted around him. He acted quick, desperate as he grabbed the tops of her thighs again, tugging her closer before leaning in and resting his palms on either side of her head. Within seconds his mouth was on hers, his back muscles growing taut as he dipped his weight above her, tasting the salt from his own fingers as he clashed his tongue with hers. Hot and wet and fast, they swallowed each other's moans as he delved in deeper, her pussy squelching around his girth with each plunge. Hands threading through his hair, Kitten curved her spine toward him in slow motion as her climax washed over her. Shaking uncontrollably, she dug her teeth into his bottom lip.

Kylo snarled against her mouth. In pain, in blinding hot passion as her sweet, spasming cunt triggered his own orgasm. It came on fast and hard, bursts of pleasure rippling throughout his body as he kept his groin flushed with hers, cock jerking and pulsing as he spilled his seed deep inside of her. He was still riding out his waves of pleasure as hers ended, a few more rough groans sputtering from his chest as he inched out, just a bit, before sinking in again, shuddering at how eagerly her pussy sucked him back in.

With a wet plop, Kitten finally released his lip, letting out a whimpered moan as she dropped her head against the bed and let go of his hair. She watched him through half-closed eyes as he licked his tender bottom lip, wincing as he tasted the metallic tang of blood.

"Ooops," she said with a breathless giggle. "Let me...just..." she trailed off, tipping her face to his and gingerly collecting the bleeding flesh between her lips.

Kylo braced himself for her to fuck with him, to attempt to break even more skin, but all she did was suck on him with gentle pulls. His eyes closed at the sensation, a low, throaty sound vibrating his vocal cords as the tip of her tongue darted from her mouth, soothing the tear she had made with her teeth. He leaned into the feeling, moving his face against hers to give her a tentative kiss, soft and slow and warm, unhurried as he savored the taste of her. But then he made the mistake of pivoting on his side to cradle her face, and it became too gentle, too romantic, and Kitten stiffened below him, the rush of ambivalence between them suffocating his senses.

Frowning, Kylo pulled back and rolled to his side, using the momentum to peel off the bed and get on his feet. He could feel her eyes on him as he crossed the room to the refresher. It only took him seconds to start the bath, but he hung back for a few moments to give her some space—he figured she needed some time to digest whatever complicated emotions had arisen from being fucked by her captor.

"Kylo?" she called out from the bed.

He stilled, hating how his heart palpitated every time she said his name. "Yes?"

She hesitated. "Never mind."

Leaving the water running, Kylo entered the room again and approached her. She had since taken off her lingerie—and thank fuck for that, he had planned on just cutting her out of the damn thing—and was sitting at the edge of the bed. One look at her and he knew what she was going to say: she needed help standing up, but didn't know how to ask.

Wordlessly, he stooped over and scooped her up in his arms. Sticky with sweat, she melted into him, pressing her face into his chest as he crossed the room and breezed into the refresher. He carefully set her down on the closed toilet seat before pivoting to check the bath, but when she swayed unexpectedly, his hands shot out to steady her. "Kitten? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." She nodded at him, her eyes barely open as she batted his hands away. "I'm fine."

He frowned. "You don't look alright."

"I'm fine." She yawned. "Bath, please."

Kylo hesitated but ultimately let go of her, watching her closely as he did—just in case. Once he was confident she wouldn't fall off and eat shit, he made his way to the giant marble tub. They sat in silence as it filled up, his hand occasionally testing the temperature as he shot glances at Kitten. She was sitting up straight, slightly swaying, with her eyes closed with a blissed-out and peaceful expression. He had to fight the smile that found his lips. I could get used to that face.

After it filled, he turned the water off and went to collect her, gripping her arms to help her stand up. She didn't fuss as he led her to the bath, only inhaled sharply as she sunk into the water. Without a word, Kylo stepped around to the other end and planted a leg inside.

Her eyes snapped up to his. "What are you doing?"

"I'm bathing." He pointed at the water as he sank in another leg. "Move over."

Her lips turned down into a pout. "Can't you wait?"

"What? Afraid I'll see your private parts?" Kylo snorted. "Move over."

She gave him a long moment of silence before sighing. "Fine, you can sit with me now, but I won't always—"

Kylo waved a hand at her as he sat down in the bath, stretching his legs out in front of him. "Be nice to me. Yeah, got it."

The water rippled and whooshed around him as the tub accommodated his size, and Kylo closed his eyes, enjoying the hot water biting at his skin. It was rather relaxing, besides his huffing Kitten, who was desperately trying to find a spot where he wasn't in her way. But it just wasn't possible; his massive body took up the entire length of it, something he was more than okay with.

"Can you please move your giant foot?"

Kylo opened one eye. "No."


"Oh, well in that case...." Kylo closed both his eyes. "No."

There was a moment of peace and stillness. But then she splashed hot water in his face. He jolted, eyes opening to land on her smug, bratty face, one eyebrow raised and a smirk on her lips. He shot her a disgruntled look. "That was unnecessary."

She plastered on a sugary sweet smile. "I actually found it quite necessary, Supreme Leader."

He narrowed his eyes. "Stop it."

"You stop it."


She lowered her voice to mock him. "Kylo."

With his nostrils flared and a tense jaw, he gave her the glare, and she finally put her hands up in surrender, leaning into her corner of the bath. He closed his eyes, settling back as the heat of the water soothed his sore body, his tired—


"Pet, enough."

"Fine. If you move your foot."




"Yes. Or else I'll cut it off with your lightsaber."

Kylo snorted. "Coming makes you such a brat."

"And you're surprised?"

He stilled, thinking. Fuck. "Not at all."

"Hmm," she hummed at him, not unlike he does to her.

He eyed her, greatly displeased. Great. I've created a monster. They held each other's glare for a moment until Kitten finally gave up and looked down, making noises of protest as she tried to get comfortable and work around his legs. Nudging her with that big foot of his, Kylo called out to her with a voice laced with amusement. "Kitten."


"Come here."


"So I can wash you."

She pursed her lips. "No. I can do it."

"Oh?" He cocked a brow. "Try bringing your hands above water."

She frowned and looked down at her hands. Lifting them, she could only hold them up for a few seconds before they started to shake. She sank them back down, her lips setting into a hard line. She wouldn't admit it aloud, but their session left her entire body frail. Eventually, she accepted that, and the water erupted in small waves as she crawled to him.

"Sit between my legs."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Yes, Master Ren."

Kylo's heart beat a little faster when she turned around, situating herself between his legs. His wet hands reached out to gather her hair, collecting it to bring it all to the back.

"I prefer Daddy," he finally responded, idly playing with her locks.

She snorted. "I prefer Jabba." When he responded by tugging her hair, Kitten let out an unbothered sigh. "You forget that I like that."

"No, I didn't," he shot back. "Now behave."

She crossed her arms. "I have been."

"Only when I'm inside of you."

Kitten didn't have anything to say to that. The silence that followed was comfortable. Well, comfortable for him, at least. After her multiple orgasms, Kitten seemed dead set on returning to her bratty self, only letting him wash her hair because she was unable to do it herself. So he got through it quickly, not even attempting to wash her body for her. She did that herself, wincing when she grazed over the soreness between her legs.

After that, Kylo left her alone, focusing on washing himself as he enjoyed her warm body next to him. She remained between his legs, her back to him as she ignored him, despite the fact that he was just balls deep inside of her. It didn't discourage him—the fact that she was even this close to him right now was more than enough to satiate him. There would come a day when she wouldn't feel the need to put on this show of hating him, and the Supreme Leader would gladly wait for that day.

With a sigh, Kylo leaned back and placed his head on the edge of the tub, closing his eyes. As the minutes passed, Kitten eventually dipped back, too, the water splashing as she pressed all of her weight into him. At first, he thought it was an accident, but then she leaned into his chest, nuzzling her head against his shoulder to get comfortable. He froze instead of acting on his urge to reach out and grab her. He didn't want to scare her off. The only time she had wanted any affection from him was last night, but he had assumed that the emotionally complex nature of their conversation had allowed that to happen. And now, he felt stuck, rigid, as his hands gripped the edge of the tub in uncertainty.

Do I put my arms around her? Does she want that? Do I—

The feeling of Kitten's body relaxing against him stopped him in his thoughts. She was asleep. Not only that, she had sought out his chest to fall asleep. Like a warm, sleepy kitten safe in his arms, and that realization gave him all the clarity he needed. Swallowing as he dipped his hands back into the water, he wrapped them around her and let go of the tension he was holding in his shoulders. He inched his chin forward, letting it rest atop her head, and pinned her close to him. With each passing breath they took, something expanded in his chest, something warm and comforting as his eyelids drooped and his heart rate slowed to a crawl. Before he knew it, something miraculous happened.

For the first time in his life, Kylo Ren fell asleep without his demons tucking him in. 

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