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*there have been some reports that not all new chapters have synced on certain Wattpad accounts

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*there have been some reports that not all new chapters have synced on certain Wattpad accounts. All changes are up to date on my end, but if you're experiencing odd chapter placement or old content, please trying signing in and out of your acct. thank you!

These Violent Delights is a noncommercial and transformative piece of fan work using characters from the Star Wars franchise trademarked by Lucasfilm Ltd. All Star Wars characters, Star Wars places, and Star Wars themes that appear in this book are created and owned by Lucasfilm Ltd. The author does not claim any ownership over them or Star Wars.

Non-Star Wars characterizations, events, relationships, and plots in These Violent Delights are the creation of the author and are copyrighted by the author. Content owned by the author is not purported or believed to be a part of Lucasfilm Ltd canon. This book is for personal entertainment only and is not part of the official storyline created by Lucasfilm Ltd. Downloading or copying any content in These Violent Delights is a violation to both Lucasfilm Ltd. and the author's rights.

Hi! Some of you might have read the original version of TVD from 2019

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Hi! Some of you might have read the original version of TVD from 2019. This is still the same Star War's version, just better and longer (160k+ new words, thoroughly edited and reworked). Whether you are a returning reader or have never heard of this book before, please keep the following in mind:

-If you have certain triggers, please read the warnings at the beginning of each chapter (if applicable). Graphic depictions of blood/violence, sexually explicit content, severe angst, and strong language are main themes in this novel and are not always tagged, so please don't begin These Violent Delights if that's an issue for you. This is your warning now, this is not a light-hearted love story.

-While there are Star War's characters in this book, they are (intentionally) not written canonically. This means they are very different from what you will see in the movies (besides static things such as their attire, weapons, position of power, etc). Similarly, this book lives within its own universe, not within the SW universe. It features certain plot lines from the movies, but it doesn't follow any canonical order of events. If you prefer your fan-fiction to be 100% true to the source content, this book is not for you.

-If you're new to the world of reader inserts, you might be confused to see they are written in second person ("you sat down"). This is in order to create an immersive experience for the reader. While all Kylo chapters are written in third person ("he sat down"), all the female main character (you) chapters are written in second person. To accommodate everyone that reads this book, the main female character isn't assigned 1) a name or 2) distinct physical features.

Instead, we have nicknames (Kitten, Prisoner M421, Miss Ren, etc)However, the reader is described as shorter and younger than Kylo, female-presenting with hair long enough to be tied back, and able-bodied. Please do not read this book if you don't wish to identify with these characteristics.

You wouldn't be reading this book right now if it weren't for those that helped me along the way

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You wouldn't be reading this book right now if it weren't for those that helped me along the way. To my man that has never seen a Star Wars movie in his life but is still my biggest fan, thank you. I love you. To my best friends that still like me even though it takes me 26 business days to respond to a text, thank you. I love you. To my readers that stick around even though I'm a perfectionist and it takes me 382 years to complete a project, thank you. I love you.

Another huge thank you to the TVD project manager and Spreadsheet Queen, Natasha Catino. I'm quite positive I'd still be trying to figure out how to wrangle the team of editors if it weren't for you. I will forever be grateful, impressed, and envious of your organizational skills.

To the occasional (but always willing) editorial team, Alexandria Clay, Rebecca Gawronski, Charlotte Hobbs, Sian Kimsey, Shaddia Qasem, Brenda Quesada and Emily Slater—thank you. Your flexibility and eagerness to help me with this behemoth will always be appreciated.

Most notably, thank you to my primary editor, Liz Coe. You played a critical role in finalizing each and every chapter. That is 360,000 words, bb girl. You're amazing. Without you, this book wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable. Without you, I'd never pick between "door" and "doors" and Kylo's pulse would quicken every other sentence. Thank you, thank you. I wasn't joking all those times I said I'd simply die without you. [hire her to edit your book, fan fiction or not! she's on IG as @ lizcoe_]

To every single person that donated to make the reader/author platform ficsin possible, this is for you. While we encountered more setbacks with the site (which is why we are all here rn), I am still eternally grateful for your support. One day, ficsin will be available for all. Until then, I hope you can enjoy These Violent Delights on wattpad (not ao3), and that the changes/improvements live up to your expectations. I have tried very hard to make it perfect, but it's still a massive manuscript that was finalized with very little resources.

So, in other words, if you see a, you don't. ;)

Enjoy. Thanks for your patience. Happy to be back. Go to my wattpad profile to find links for my social media and other projects, including donating for a hardcopy of this book. I do not grant anybody permission to print my book on their own.

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