Chapter 34: His Giddy Little Comet

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Fourteen. Fucking. Hours.

It hadn't even been an entire day into his assignment when Kylo had to return to the Finalizer, sabotaging his attempt to connect with his grandfather and deeming the treacherous journey to Exegol a colossal waste of his time. It had been a month since the Resistance got their grubby hands on the crystal, and their inaction could only mean they were preparing to use it. Their procurement of the one thing that could destroy him made it paramount for the Supreme Leader to gain counsel from Vader, but he didn't even have the chance to channel him before one tiny little message from Vicrul made his heart stop.

There's been an attempted attack on M421's life, sir.

Kylo pulled himself out of his TIE silencer's cockpit, rage clawing up his throat as his boots landed on the shiny black floors of the Finalizer's hangar with a heavy thunk. Surrounding officers saluted as he ripped through the premises, the sight of him disrupting the already-uptight buzz of the surrounding staff. He could feel their unease, his presence creating a ripple of panic that started in the hangar and bled through the walls, reaching the surrounding corridors to carry a grave warning to those unlucky enough to be nearby.

The Supreme Leader was back earlier than expected. And he was fucking livid.

This adrenaline in the air, this stress, it fueled him, driving him to walk faster as he took a taut turn into the military sector, his mind zeroing in on finding the unluckiest man of them all—Armitage Hux. Although the red-headed snake wasn't the direct perpetrator, it was his officer who had made the attempted assassination. And even though Officer Bryx's head was on the floor of Kitten's corridor, Hux was the first person he assumed was behind it when he read Vicrul's message.

While seeing those words lit a match of panic inside of him, the Supreme Leader couldn't say he was surprised; the moment he had landed on Exegol, he felt a stabbing pain of unrest in his gut, an unforgiving hand curling around his intestines whose grip only got tighter as he approached the Citadel. It had been so crippling, Kylo didn't even make it through the First Order encampments guarding the fortress before he was forced to pull out his datapad, giving Vicrul the order to stay with her while he was gone—something he knew that she would not be happy about.

His knight, on the other hand, seemed optimistic about the duty. As though it would be a chance to get to know the girl he already so-idiotically expressed interest in, perhaps. Ha. That poor, poor bastard. Kylo's lip twitched up under his mask just a fraction. Out of all the fuckery that had happened in the last day, knowing that Vicrul bit off more than he could chew had been the one thing that brought him a morsel of joy.

At first, their communication had been periodic check-ins about her—her response to his arrival, their talk on the sofa, when she went to bed. Then came the message about the failed break-in, and Kylo had left immediately, but crawling out of the bowels of the Citadel and crossing the barren hellhole to get to his ship ate up a lot of time, even in his haste. Thencame the lengthy excursion just to get out of the bleak system that Exegol resided in, a sector better known as a graveyard of stars and planets, full of debris and noxious gasses that billowed into dense, red clouds and obstructed his already impeded navigation.

It was miserable. Everything about his return trip was fucking miserable. But judging by the gradual desperation of Vicrul's messages he sent while waiting with Kitten inside the confines of her room, Kylo assumed his knight would have traded places with him in a heartbeat.

 But judging by the gradual desperation of Vicrul's messages he sent while waiting with Kitten inside the confines of her room, Kylo assumed his knight would have traded places with him in a heartbeat

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