9tails attacked

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Third person pov

Minato! We cant seal the nine tails in our son! Kushina yelled at minato as he started the hand signs to seal the ninetails in their son, the oldest of the three. Im sorry kushina but this is the only way.

They sealed the beast into their their child, after they cried for there dead comrades

After a few years (3 to be exact ) they had completely forgotten about there oldest son, and the holder of the kyubi, naruto

Naruto had learned to walk and was strolling down the streets when all of a sudden a villager yelled "look its the demon brat! Catch him!" At that he knew he had to run

Narutos pov

I was walking down the alleyway to get to the Hokage Tower and avoid the villagers. Ever since I could walk and speak they threw words and glares at me. On my third birthday I was walking to meet with jiji he said he had a surprise for me! 'Hey look its the demon brat!' 'Catch him!' The first time I heard that I didnt know what was going on. They grabbed me and threw me into a wall I started to cry and plead for them to stop as more and more came and tortured me. Soon i had passed out and woke up in a sewer. 'They threw me into a sewer....' I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell at the villagers that I was human and I had feelings for kami's sake! When I started crying I roamed around trying to find a way out until I came to a stop in a room with a cage in it. 'H-hello?...is anyone there?....?' I asked 'about time kit I was begining to think you wouldn't come see me' a voice said and then red eyes where seen I was scared 'p-please dont hurt me!' I cried out scared.

Kuramu pov(aka, the kyubi or 9tails)
I watched as my jailer stood there shaking like a leaf. Thats when I noticed the cuts and blood on the kid. I scared the boy... 'im sorry kit I didnt mean to scare you.' I said in a softer soothing voice to try to calm the poor boy. 'W-who are you??...' kit asked me in a softer but scared voice almost as if he was scared that I would hit him... 'I am the great kyubi, the nine tails!' I said in a deep smooth voice. 'Kyubi-sama whats your name? Surely it isn't kyubi right?....' he asked with out stuttering this time. 'Sama? Dont refer me as a sama we are equals.' I responded with out answering his question. Personally I was surprised no one has asked me my name in centuries. 'But I am nothing?... and you are a legend, a powerful spirit...' U looked down at my kit with sad eyes, I pushed one of my big fluffy tail out the cage and in front of him. 'Climb onto my tail kit. My name is kurama.' He looked up at me as if waiting to get slapped in the face, that made me frown. Just what has my kit been threw? Kit and I talked for hours getting to know each other he told me about his parents and siblings and how they neglected and abused him and how the villagers always glared or called him mean words. 'Kit, I think you should get some rest now lay on my tail and sleep ill heal you.' He let out a yawn and replied with a small 'ok' then fell into a light slumber. I tried to heal his bigger injuries first then the smaller ones, but because my chakra signature was evil I couldn't do too much I didn't want to hurt the kit. After a bit I too fell asleep.

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