your no longer one of them, your a hinode

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It's been 2 months since kakashi said that, he would drop his rank to be my teacher. Me and my new friends have been playing alot, shika taught me to play shogi and if Im telling the truth, in really good at it! Kibs(kiba) taught me how to take care of a pet the correct way and how to identify things with smell. Sasuke stays with me alot and often comes visit me for a spar or to eat my strawberries!! *Pout*Anyways it's been about a week, I've noticed kiba comes to school with more cloths then other days, I would have thought that it's ok, but hes self-conscious and doesn't let us get to close when he does, it's like he's scared. But Why? I'm going to find out next time he is in that position, I need to know to be able to help. Today while waiting for kibs I told the others my plan, I'm going in solo, and I'll find out so we can work together to help. Kibs finally arrived and when walking to the class he said he had to go bathroom, I said I did to and we both went. As kibs was about to enter the bathroom stall I block his way, "huh? Naru what's wrong?" "I want answers" "huh for what? I don't think we have a test do we? " "No kiba,I mean I want to know why in bloody hell your coming to school cloth so heavily and so cautious about every move you make and others make. Whats going on? I want to help you....please tell me.."

Kiba POV

I want to cry, they noticed... If  Tsumi finds out... I won't see the sun again, or them.....  I start having a flash back of when she and my sister beated me and how I would beg them to not hurt me or at least not akamaru. When I was zoned back in I was in naru's arms and he looks panicked. "Naruto....I'm scared .." I feel him move slightly and I feel something agents my lips and open my eyes to look, "here drink some water when you feel better we can talk." I gulp down some water then we lay there with naru cuddling me in a form of comfort, akamaru finally coming out from my sweater to check our surroundings , surprise to see me upset and comforts me too. After a while naru picks me up and we walk out the bathroom. Where are we going naru?..." "You need to rest, I'm taking you home I'll call yama-nii and ask him to pick up the rest of us." Nod my head and lean on him. How is he so strong? I don't know when but on the way home I fell asleep in the comfort of naru's arms. We're supposed to graduate in a few months,(prodigy) then start missions, I hope I'm on a team with my family.... when I woke up I was in one of the guest rooms they had been fixing up to be our own rooms. "Naru?" My throat hurted I reach for the cup on the small night stand and drink. I turn to see akamaru crawling over to me, "here buddy  have some water" letting akamaru drink from my cup was normal, he lets me brush his mouth regularly so his mouth is always clean. I slowly get up and decide its best not to grab my jacket, they already saw so no turning back. "Key kibs, how you feeling?" I hear shika say when I enter the kitchen.. "truthfully" "I'm sorry for not telling you guys sooner.... I'm feeling better it doesn't hurt to much when I move and akamaru is able to walk ok.." I said avoiding all eye contact. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and flinch. "Kibs, can you tell me what happens?.." I nod knowing there's no escape. "My mother and sister are beating me because of how much I look like my father who died in a mission to protect my mother when I was in her..." I pause and take a deep breath, "they don't like having to see me because I remind them of that my father and they say that because I was born... He wasn't there.." I feel akamaru crawl over to me and lay his head on my lap.  "Akamaru is the out cast of the pack, he got sick alot as a pup and was weaker then all the other puppy's in the pen, they tried to put him out.. but I didn't let them and I took akamaru into my care, since then we've been together, suffering together and making memories together .." I finished and keep my head down not wanting to see anyone's face. I hear movement and then I feel a blanket wrap around me and akamaru. Someone sits down next to me then another one my other side. I recognize the scent of shika,naru,yams, Jiji, and choji-.... They were comforting me.. I started crying.

Jiji pov

After hearing the boys story, I knew I couldn't let him stay in that compound. So I order a meeting to take place. "I'm not going to beat around the bush, Tsumi inuzuka, I want the adoption papers of kiba." I say and everyone goes quiet. "Lord third? Why would you want that brats adoption papers?" "Because no one on my watch will be abused, mentally or physically. Minato,  council, would you rather see, or hear what Mrs.Inuzuka had done?" There is a little chatter then minato silance everyone. "Lord third what has Tsumi done?" I call a anbu(kakashi) to go get kiba and naru. When they arrive everyone gasp or eyes go big. Naru whispers to kiba then stands taller. "Kiba, could you remove your sweater?" I ask in a soft voice he doesn't reply but start unzipping his sweater. And the everyone sees the bruises,burns and cuts. "I demand that you give  me the adoption papers. If not then we vote." " He's my son I can do anything I want as long as he is under my roof!" Then all of the sudden Tsumi is pushed agents the wall, by none other then naruto. "He is not a object, he is a human that needs to be respected like everyone else. If you can not cope with your issues because of who he looks like, I suggest hand over the adoption papers, because kiba is my brother and family. If I hear that you have hurt him.... You won't see the sun again:)" naruto smiles sweetly before removing his hands from her throat. "Now, will you hand the papers over or do we still need to vote?" "He's my son!" "Ok, all in favor of Mrs.Tsumi loosing guardianship of kiba please raise your hand..... Thank you. All In favor of Mrs.Tsumi keeping guardianship of kiba. Then it's decided, Tsumi by the end of today I want the adoption papers, and a copy to send to the fire Daimyo." With my words being said the meeting was called to a end.

Minato pov(douchebags)

Before naruto was able to leave I asked him to stay... Ok well not asked demanded that he stay. "Naruto you must come back to the family at once!" "I'm sorry hokage, but I am not family, so that being said I will not be moving in with you" the look on that brats face annoyed me to no end. " If you are not my son then who's son are you?!" I yelled ready to summon the Anbu to take out his supposed father. "Lord fourth, I am a orphan, and do not have parents." "How did you change your sure name" I ask getting really annoyed. " easy, I lied to you said it was for school, you signed it with out even reading it, for all you could have known, it could have been your Retirement papers from hokage. Anyways I've got a brother to put under my name so I'ma go now! Bye;p" and with that that brat runs over to the window and jumps! I rush over only to see him running across the roofs with a smirk on his face. I'm glad we let him starve when he lives with us, watching him suffer was so entertaining. Too bad he won't come back.

(Boi I'm glad he ain't coming back, he doesn't need a nother hater=^=)

Naru pov

Kura-nii! Can you believe it?!? He tried to force me back into that horrid family! I know kit I heard him. But at least you got kibs to join your family. True, now we're brothers legally, so we're brothers by all but blood:3

Time skip to home
I arrive home and quickly gather choji, kiba,akamaru,and shika in my room. I put up silencing seals so no one can hear us. "Does anyone else have problem's? Cause now's probably a good time to share, or you could just say you got problems but aren't ready." "...father is thinking of having another child... Giving them clan head because I don't want to show off how smart I am ..." Shikas voice fills the room.... " the younger child clan head is basically disowning the oldest.... Shika, later on start packing your things in scrolls, slowly we will move your things in so that when time is right you can move in with us. Anyone else?" ".... I've got..." Chojis voice is next. We all look at him, then shika speaks "hey choji ,it's ok we can help if we know what's happening..." Chojis starts again "I've got a eating disorder.... And actually don't eat much.." that left us all stunned, him choji, one of the person's that eat alot, comes from a family that eats a lot, having a eating disorder. "So I was right ... Chojis could you.. could you release your henge?.." choji looks down then back up, nodding he does the signs and then smoke forms around him. I use a wind jutsu', that wouldn't hurt him but clear the air, and sure enough choji is as skinny as a twig, "choji... We will help you, little by little like everyone else right guy?" We all nod our heads and then hug. "Alright now that that's been cleared, and where all ready for bed....  Who want to watch a movie! I'll make snacks and food!" After hearing I was making food everyone's eyes sparkles. "Naru's...... FOOD! Yes!!! Best day ever! Can you make those biscuits that akamaru likes so much too!?" Laughing an giving a nod I walk out and start making snacks and food, Jiji and yama-nii are still busy and might not come stay with me tonight.

Heyo guys, its me emochild, or emo, just wanted to say yes I'm alive, and sadly school testing is coming T-T( hello darkness my old friend T-T) and I'm in the middle of a bet so I can't drinking any coffee to power threw this sooo T-T I'll be a lot slower in updates, but believe me! I will update another chapter as soon as possible, but for now, could yall go and check out my newest story, The dream to our future, it's not easy writing when you don't have a single view on a chapter T-T Soo I thought I'd let y'all know so I feel more motivated, also thanks for reading ! Welp I'm out of time gtg

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