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Naruto POV

I woke up this morning feeli.g sluggish. I check my clock to find out that I over slept by 3 hours!!

I jump out of bed and get dress then go down stairs, where everyone was already seated at the table eating.

"Ehhh? Who cooked???" "Good morning naru-chan! Kaa-san came over this morning and cooked for us, she just left a while ago." Sasuke said as he gets up and serves me a plate.

Something feels off, everyone is avoiding eye contact."Ok guys, what did you do. If you broke my vase again it's fine, I'll just fix it." I said trying to get them to speak up. "I'm sorry naru, I didn't mean to" 

I just shake my head and say it's ok.

"Hey, naru-chan will you go one a date with me?"

"Of course! When do I have to be ready?"

"4'oclock, and dress casual. It'll be more comfortable for you<3"

It was now 4, I was dressed in a casual pair of anbu pants, and my pale gray t-shirt with comfortable everyday shoes, not my ninja shoes, but similar. I was going to wait outside when the doorbell rang.

"Naruuu! Your boyfriend's here!"

I come rushing down, tell them bye and drag kakashi away with me, my fave still red.

"Hello naru-chan, I think you'll like what I got planned."

I smile, kakashi always has some sort of surprise up his sleeve.
We walk for a while when when come up to a stall I know all to well. Ichiraku's ramen stand. Kakashi pulls me in and we take a seat.

"Naruto! It's so good to see you again, you brought a guest this time too!" Ayame-chan yelled happily. After eating kakashi leads me up the Hokage monument, and we walked the sun set.

"Happy birthday naru, I love you."

I feel my face heat up. "I love you too kakashi"  what I wasn't expecting was kibs to come out and yell,

"haha! I got it on camera! I'll make sure to make you guys a copy too. Happy birthday naruto! We love you and hope your birthday was the best you've had!"

Kakashi leans in and kisses me on he head. I wonder wat he's thinking... Kiba squeals and takes more pictures, "so kiba, when you going to confess to bug boi"

"No we do not talk about that!!!"  The others Arrive as me and kakashi lean into each other and laugh at kiba's now bright red face.

This was definitely the best birthday I've had, Jiji and uncle Yama came, threatened kakashi, laughed and talked with us. They got me many things, picture albums to put my pictures in, Sasuke got me a book on the Uchiha's favourite foods, Choji got me a special book from his clan on cooking foods they specialize in. Uncle Yama got me a plushy and my other brothers gave me jewelry, jij got me scrolls on his clans special jutsu's. All in all, I had alot of fun and felt loved to a whole other extent.<3

Sorry it's so short, hope you like it, forgive me for not posting it on time.take care, love you<3


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