Idk what to call this chapter

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Naruto....naru takes me to a apartment a few blocks down, I check it out and I'm impressed, the house is in good condition and the furniture looks new. The places is a bit bigger then the apartment I have, it even has a balcony!

Naru pov
"you can stay here or maybe come stay with my and my fam? Sasuke isn't always with me so you can stay in his room. It's up to you, I would love to get to know you better and have you stay with us."

Kit, I like this sai kid hes like another Uchiha but with out the pride, he's also so innocent

I'm startled at kura-nii suddenly and laugh when I realized what he said. I personally didn't want Sai to have to pay rent when he could just come live with us.

"I'll think about it...." I smile and head out. I bought land from a old couple a couple of days ago and I plan to build a big home, mansion for my family to stay in together, maybe invite the Uchiha clan to come over as well... That was Sai and Sasuke can be together all the time. I smile at the thought of all my family together in one place a the time.

And that's it! I feel like school work is to much rn, but Ive got all A's and was chosen by me teachers to be student of the month so I get free pizza tomorrow, and I have some family issues rn that have been draining. I might start posting a bit more frequently to release stress but idk I might not in attempts to forget the world in general. Thank you for reading and take care, don't get sick! Bye loves

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