Hey, it's going to be ok

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Kiba POV

We graduated today, and started our teams a few hours ago. When our sensei arrived we went to find a good place to do introductions. Every now and then some people would look at me strangely...

I zoned out till my name was called "So Kiba, why don't you introduce yourself now?" "Sensei he doesn't need to be introduced, he's just a dog with fleas" Hinata said as kiba looked down.. that hurts, he doesn't mind insects but saying he has fleas hurts. "Hinata! That's no way to treat your team mate! Apologize now!" Kurenai scolded Hinata. With a soft voice I started not waiting for her to give a fake apology.

"My name is kiba Hinode, I like my family and meat, my dislikes are mean people. My hobbies are spending time with my family training and cuddling up on the couch with akamaru and my family. My dream is to find someone that makes me happy and accepts me, and to help naru in any way possible." I finished and standed up. "And where do you think your going flea bag!?" Hinata yelled at me. I flinched and turn to her. "I'm sorry Hyuga Princes, I didn't know I had to tell you my where abouts" I said in a firm voice. She looked mad and all of the sudden I'm on the ground trying to breath in air, but can't. "Hinata! Stop this right now! Your on this team and your going to treat everyone as equals!"  After some more words I couldn't comprehend because of lack of oxygen, I can finally breath.

Checking my surroundings I notice I'm not where we were awhile ago. I felt arms around my waist and peek up, only to find Shino. Panicking I get up and scramble away. Taking deep breaths I look at him and see he has some kind of bottles with things in it. I check myself and make sure I'm ok, I had a few scratches, how did that happen? "Are you ok?" I hear a voice and my head shoots to the direction the voice came from, shino. I nod then ask "Did you help me?" He nods then proceeds to put away his bottles. "Thank you..."

And with that I got up and limped home, I limped till I was pushed and fell on my side, I look up and there she is... "Get up mutt! Because of you father is mad at me! Your a mistake and should die already!"
(This was super hard to write, i mean, yea I'm not a fan of Hinata, she literally a yandere and a stalker but wat she said really hurt to write about T-T, and I know she isn't that bad) That hit hard... I close my eyes and quickly think... I'm near the red zone district and a 'princes' would never set foot there... I quickly get up and with akamaru who is whimpering in my sweater, make a run for it. I can hear her voice .. I see a familiar store that I pass every time I enter the red district running a little longer till Im sure I'm safe. I finally turn around and check if she's not behind me anymore. I slow to a stop and breath heavily.

Finally I start limping back when I arrive I drop and curled up on myself, I don't want to be seen. After awhile of thinking and crying I slowly start calming. After awhile I was just thinking of happy thoughts trying to feel better, after awhile I hear the door open and curl up even more on myself. Then I hear a voice I'm both happy and sad to hear, naru, I didn't want him to see me like this but I really need him to be here with me. The events from earlier flash threw my mind again and I let out a choke and sob. I couldn't hear much of what he was saying,my heart hurted and I didn't want to go to training tomorrow. They sit down with me on the floor, naru comforts me, but then says something to sasuke and leaves, sasuke replaced naru and I just cuddle into him. After awhile naru come back with my comfort food and drink, chamomile and pho. He gives another plate to sasuke and then eats then asked me, why I was crying, I explained a bit and nau started singing, eventually I zoned out a bit and next thing I know I'm alseep cuddling with naru on one side and Sasuke on the other side of him.

Next day

Naru woke me up and gave me more tea with some toast and scramble eggs. "Try to have a better day today ok kibs? And if you can't come find me, training grounds 7, I'm here for you ok" I nod and finished then head out the door. I made it to the training grounds and wait for everyone since I was early. Shino arrived first, I kept looking at him and I guess he must have notice because he asked if I needed something. "I think your bugs are really cool, and cute" I wasn't lying, the other day I saw one of his bugs on my hand and took in it's features, it was probably a male but it was cute. 

Third person pov

Shino blushed a bit at how kiba said his bugs where cute, to shino his bugs ment the world to him. "Hey kiba, are you ok?," Shino then looked up at kiba. Kiba paused and looked down then back up "yea ,I'm ok. Naru and Sasuke helped me yesterday so I'm doing alot better"  "ok well, we still have time before they arrive wanna train together?" "Sure! Wanna spar?" (Spare, spare? Idk how to spell it T-T) walking over to a clearing they stretched then proceed to get in position. "Don't go easy on me, me and akamaru can pack a punch" Shino haves small chuckle then nodded.

Time skip because I can't write a fight scene even tho I know how to fight myself T-T

by the time kurenai arrive both kiba and shino were drop dead on the floor heaving in deep, much needed breathes . Now they just needed Hinata to arrive to start training offically. "That was a amazing spar boys! Kiba and akamaru! You sure know how to pack a punch, who taught you to do that?" "My brother did, he trains us and in exchange we spar to test what we've learned then he makes us snacks or personalized lunches."  Kurenai-san that sounds nice a personalized lunch huh, wish someone would do that for me. "Shino, that was some amazing skills, your going to be a great heir to your clan" after a bit more talking and tips to improve kurenai finally asked "wheres Hinata at?!? Why is she so late!!!"  "Let's go check her compound?" Shino suggested. Tht began walking and soon arrived to the compound "hello! Where here to ask if Hinata is here?" They continue to talk then the gates opens. "Alright boys let's go check on Hinata."

Kurenai pov

We walked into the hyugas princes home. What we saw though made it hard to not strangle her. Laying there with a face mask and smaller branch hyugas giving her a pedicure, during our only time to train!! "Hinata why weren't you at the training grounds!" Without looking up Hinata answered"my nail polish chipped and my face was dry, and oily" I look at kiba and shino then back at Hinata. "Hinata Hyuga I fail you as a genin" "what! You cant do that! My father will hear about this!" Without much care about himatas words I walk away and tell the boys to follow. "Do we also fail Kurenai Sensei?" "No, I'll train you guys only unless they find another person for me to train with you" "oh... Ok!" Kiba was adorable I won't lie I'm glad hes happy, even if I have to make a scene I won't train Hinata.

Sorry I took so long to update, it's been super hot T-T and I'm sorry this chapter is off by about 200 words T-T hope y'all are safe thanks for reading

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